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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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which tamsin thread? this one, where you posted 8 times, and i posted once, or this one where you posted 76 times and i posted 9?

The difference being that nearly all my posts have been questioning the relevance of these characters, whereas all yours display evidence of posting with a hard-on.

And do you really have all this past thread stuff immediately to hand? You sad bastard.
What the hell is the deal with the way Hertz is dressed? It's like she's just stepped out of the silver screen age!
dunno... she laid out that cunt off the times though. :cool:

tbf to laurie, she's improving - last time i saw her on telly she was shocking.
I dunno Hertz' seriously patronising tone gets in the way of her message too often, she's far more annoying that Penny could ever be. She seems to think she's some type of celebrity...hasn't changed a bit when she was attending May Day actions ten years ago so she could waffle on tv about what the people involved were trying to achieve.
That's it, advisor on introducing the most savage form of neo-liberalism leading to massively high death rates and drop in the total population of about 1 million per year for about a decade. Hey, but she's nice now - one of us.
She did vote lib-dem, was one of their most prominent public backers - here's some more:

Richard Reeves, John Kampfner, Professor Noreena Hertz, Susie Orbach, Shazia Mirza, Camilla Toulmin, Brian Eno, John le Carré, Henry Porter, Alex Layton, Gordon Roddick, Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Philip Pullman, David Aukin, Nick Harkaway, Lisa Appignanesi, Francis Wheen, Alan Ryan, Raymond Tallis, Julian Baggini, Jeanette Winterson, Rodric Braithwaite, Richard Dawkins, George Monbiot, Ken Macdonald, Philippe Sands, Misha Glenny, Anthony Barnett, Richard Sennett, David Marquand, Colin Firth

The last named being wheeled out as one of the faces of the Yes to AV campaign today.
Just found that article butchers. You can smell these fuckers. Didn't know she was prominent at all though.
Have just heard Ms Penny on Any Questions, promoting AV.

She's made a remarkable success of promoting herself. I hope she has less success promoting AV.

One of the things I find a bit irritating about her is the way she seems to consider herself a spokesperson for the young.
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