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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I thought it was a very good documentary and she unearthed some very incendiary stuff about how many rich Int Students were basically buying degrees and the neo-liberal nature of todays academy...
the system seems to be shitting out folk like this - has anyone come across Jessica Richer (lol) before?

Jessica is heavily involved in the student movement and, as Little Miss Wilde, is the ‘Twitter Guru’ of the UCL Occupation. Through this role, she has become an influential source of authority on the use of Twitter and Social Networking in campaigning and is now asked to advise and speak on the subject.

Jessica is available for consulting on and writing and speaking about Twitter and Social Networking and for interviews and comments on the subject

she also describes herself as a:-

politically activistic tweeter


Had a handy template letter urging people to nominate her for NUS president
the system seems to be shitting out folk like this - has anyone come across Jessica Richer (lol) before?

Jessica is heavily involved in the student movement and, as Little Miss Wilde, is the ‘Twitter Guru’ of the UCL Occupation. Through this role, she has become an influential source of authority on the use of Twitter and Social Networking in campaigning and is now asked to advise and speak on the subject.

Jessica is available for consulting on and writing and speaking about Twitter and Social Networking and for interviews and comments on the subject

she also describes herself as a:-

politically activistic tweeter


Had a handy template letter urging people to nominate her for NUS president

'Shitting' being the word.
I was often asked what young people were thinking on any given issue, as if I, with my Oxford degree and nice rounded vowels, somehow represented everyone under 35.

and why are the Guardian paying you now Laurie :rolleyes:
I saw that in the Guardian today (it was on a table in a pub). Didnt she have an intern that she wanted to pay below min wage?

She hired a research assistant for a lump sum for a amount of hours. I think it worked out just below min wage...
She hired a research assistant for a lump sum for a amount of hours. I think it worked out just below min wage...

Indeed, apparently to research her newly published pamphlet on Zero books, Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism. I’m only a third of the way through but am having trouble keeping my breakfast down with such gems like: “The ooze and tickle of real-time sex, which can neither be controlled nor mass-produced and sold back to us, threatens both capital and censorship.” And “The eroto-capitalist horror of human flesh, and of female flesh in particular, is a pathology that can and must be resisted”

I’m probably going to review it, which is unfortunate because right now I think it’s possibly the worst, most nauseating book I have ever read on this subject. The confused dilettantish use of post-modern theory to paraphrase her own twaddle mixed with a style that apes the worst excesses of continental philosopher’s prose combines to make it almost unreadable. I think her researcher’s last gig was writing for Brass Eye given some of this nonsense.
Thatcherism Goes To College: The Conservative Assault on Higher Education, by Matthew Salusbury - I found this slim volume in a second-hand bookshop in 2009, well before the current attack on the academy in Britain, and it gives vital context to the neoliberal repurposing of education. Hard to get hold of though.

This sounds pretty good, but I think it's revealing that she uses a book that is 'hard to get hold of' in her list of radical must-reads. The goal is to present oneself as an edgy, radical outsider, rather than to provide a reading list that might actually be of some use to people.
..and what the content of that book - lots of books on university, she left fucking years ago. Incidentally that list this morning was 6 books long (from the top down to the inevitable Adam Curtis)- i reckon insecurity hastily took over a few hours later.
Shame if its shit, as Zero have put out some interesting little books recently.

When I first read capitalist realism i thought it was fairly so so but it looks like a tour de force in comparison to their latest effort

all those penny reds and other clones seem to start their articles with the same thing these days:-

Since people have been asking

who the fuck are these people
does anyone else think laurie penny is a lustbather invention designed to wind butchers up? seems too good to be true and im worried he's being trolled into an early grave
does anyone else think laurie penny is a lustbather invention designed to wind butchers up? seems too good to be true and im worried he's being trolled into an early grave

Even lustie wouldn't take trolling as far as publishing a column in the New Statesman, surely?

He has some standards, after all!
Sadly missed

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