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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I know your aerieted because you've belonged to a sub-culture where this kind of stuff is the done thing. But it isn't possible to deny that it's now all-too mainstream. It's one thing when you're a hairy-arsed skinhead with a big tattoo and another when you're a female account manager with three kids and the school run to think about. And zumba on Thursday evenings.

Those terrible women with tattoos, who let them out of the house eh?! You're becoming pathetic, I rather expected more form someone who is clearly a smart intelligent individual. Are you really that sad that you think it's somethow worse/unacceptable for a women, with kids-oh the horror-tyo get tattooed. Does it mkake her any less a responsible decent person?
So what if it is all too mainstream, what does it actually matter? Does it make anyone a worse human being?
You belong to a sub-culture too, that of football. You're just a trend follower aswell...
By the way, on here you've mocked people who stay stuck in the past, now you moan about people who keep up with 'trends', make your mind up ffs.

Siple question, why is it ok for me to be tattooed but not for a female who might work in accounts?

When did it start? Relatively recently as a widespread phenomenon. Where did it come from? I don't know. Did some airheaded celebrity kick it off?

I don't know or care, you're the one telling me it's such an overwhelming trend....
Those terrible women with tattoos, who let them out of the house eh?! You're becoming pathetic, I rather expected more form someone who is clearly a smart intelligent individual. Are you really that sad that you think it's somethow worse/unacceptable for a women, with kids-oh the horror-tyo get tattooed. Does it mkake her any less a responsible decent person?
So what if it is all too mainstream, what does it actually matter? Does it make anyone a worse human being?
You belong to a sub-culture too, that of football. You're just a trend follower aswell...
By the way, on here you've mocked people who stay stuck in the past, now you moan about people who keep up with 'trends', make your mind up ffs.

Siple question, why is it ok for me to be tattooed but not for a female who might work in accounts?

I don't know or care, you're the one telling me it's such an overwhelming trend....

That int what he's saying, though.
I know your aerieted because you've belonged to a sub-culture where this kind of stuff is the done thing. But it isn't possible to deny that it's now all-too mainstream. It's one thing when you're a hairy-arsed skinhead with a big tattoo and another when you're a female account manager with three kids and the school run to think about. And zumba on Thursday evenings.

When did it start? Relatively recently as a widespread phenomenon. Where did it come from? I don't know. Did some airheaded celebrity kick it off?

I'm a female bike mechanic with three kids and the school run to think about. Stuff zumba though. I'm tattooed from hip to elbow on one side and if it makes old farts click their tongues at me when I'm in the swimming pool aged 70 then so much the better *shrug*
Siple quest
Those terrible women with tattoos, who let them out of the house eh?! You're becoming pathetic, I rather expected more form someone who is clearly a smart intelligent individual. Are you really that sad that you think it's somethow worse/unacceptable for a women, with kids-oh the horror-tyo get tattooed. Does it mkake her any less a responsible decent person?
So what if it is all too mainstream, what does it actually matter? Does it make anyone a worse human being?
You belong to a sub-culture too, that of football. You're just a trend follower aswell...
By the way, on here you've mocked people who stay stuck in the past, now you moan about people who keep up with 'trends', make your mind up ffs.

Siple question, why is it ok for me to be tattooed but not for a female who might work in accounts?

I don't know or care, you're the one telling me it's such an overwhelming trend....

ion, why is it ok for me to be tattooed but not for a female who might work in accounts?

I don't know or care, you're the one telling me it's such an overwhelming trend....

Amazing how you keep missing the point. Just like the arseholes you'd expect it from, you are arguing against something you want me to have said rather than what I have said.
That int what he's saying, though.

It's exactly what he's saying and it's exactly what hll be saying in 40 years time when he's crying for the nurse because he can't piss because of his fucked prostate.... And then the appallingly tattooed nurse will cause him more convulsions of rage.

Some people like tattoos, some people don't. Lletsa is contemplating the end of civilization because a few trendy wankers have tattoos and it's a cause of grave concern for our seer.
I'm a female bike mechanic with three kids and the school run to think about. Stuff zumba though. I'm tattooed from hip to elbow on one side and if it makes old farts click their tongues at me when I'm in the swimming pool aged 70 then so much the better *shrug*

If you're lucky, they might even think you thought of it all yourself.
Amazing how you keep missing the point. Just like the arseholes you'd expect it from, you are arguing against something you want me to have said rather than what I have said.

Stop whining, you don't like tattoos, we get it. it's not really that important in the big scheme of things is it?
It's exactly what he's saying and it's exactly what hll be saying in 40 years time when he's crying for the nurse because he can't piss because of his fucked prostate.... And then the appallingly tattooed nurse will cause him more convulsions of rage.

Some people like tattoos, some people don't. Lletsa is contemplating the end of civilization because a few trendy wankers have tattoos and it's a cause of grave concern for our seer.
my dad thinks that football players spitting and diving is an omen of the apocalypse.
If you're lucky, they might even think you thought of it all yourself.

They might think you like man City all by yourself, that your musical taste is purely as a result of your own intelligence.... This is bizarre stuff.
It's exactly what he's saying and it's exactly what hll be saying in 40 years time when he's crying for the nurse because he can't piss because of his fucked prostate.... And then the appallingly tattooed nurse will cause him more convulsions of rage.

Some people like tattoos, some people don't. Lletsa is contemplating the end of civilization because a few trendy wankers have tattoos and it's a cause of grave concern for our seer.

Also amazing that you think I'm angry about all this.

Nor have I said a single word about the end of civilization. What does the end of civilization mean anyway?
They might think you like man City all by yourself, that your musical taste is purely as a result of your own intelligence....

Even I don't think that. I think the difference is that some people go through life believing that they're exactly what they think they are whereas others have at least an inkling that the truth is more complicated.
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