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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It's not a symptom of anything other than people seeing people getting them and because they 'like' those celebs they think they'd like to get one. Not as if this has never happened before, it's nothing new or even worth moaning about. Turning rebellion into money as The Clash once said....

Trouble is, it was never rebellion in the first place.
Just off Hulme Hall Lane. Nearly opposite the Red Rec. In fact our house virtually backed onto the evil Edwards's meat empire.

I know it, that meat factory, was that the one on the 77 route that had meat is murder in massive paint on it? My dad grew up in the tripe colony, I had my first ever flat in gunson street flats, landos court.
I know it, that meat factory, was that the one on the 77 route that had meat is murder in massive paint on it? My dad grew up in the tripe colony, I had my first ever flat in gunson street flats, landos court.

No, that was on Bradford Road. Edwards's was the big place off Oldham Road near the arches (where MP becomes Newton Heath.) The former owners of the great Manyoo.
No, that was on Bradford Road. Edwards's was the big place off Oldham Road near the arches (where MP becomes Newton Heath.) The former owners of the great Manyoo.

Edwards was the big abbotoir ,then, yeah youre right, the one am thinkin of was on bradford road.
It gave birth to the working class movement, which was eventually able to command for the wider class a life where you no longer had to die in your own piss at 37.
OTOH it also gave rise to more people becoming slaves to the hours set by their employer, instead of having a bit of freedom to set their own working hours as long as all the work got done by the required time.
it was apparently the oldest licensed premises within the city boundaries. But never any bog roll.
But if there was never any there, there was never any bog roll to steal in the first place. Unless you mean that you didn't ever know (or hear of) anyone who used the loos there before it had been nicked.
ten years on me then - can you remember m/p before it all got knocked down an rebuilt then?

I can remember all my relatives getting rehoused when 'the new estate' as everybody called it then, went up. Around 1970, I think. Before that my grandparents' house in the Butler Street area was pulled down in the slum clearances and they were rehoused in the maisonnettes just down from the tower blocks where you lived. I remember those tower blocks going up and the building of the Notts Castle pub. And the Spanking Roger. Long family connection with Corpus Christi school and church.
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