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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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But if there was never any there, there was never any bog roll to steal in the first place. Unless you mean that you didn't ever know (or hear of) anyone who used the loos there before it had been nicked.

Landlord was always moaning about people from the flats nicking it as soon as he put it in there.
I can remember all my relatives getting rehoused when 'the new estate' as everybody called it then, went up. Around 1970, I think. Before that my grandparents' house in the Butler Street area was pulled down in the slum clearances and they were rehoused in the maisonnettes just down from the tower blocks where you lived. I remember those tower blocks going up and the building of the Notts Castle pub. And the Spanking Roger. Long family connection with Corpus Christi school and church.

For some reason MP was a 'big' Irish and Italian area, never knew/worked out why?
Landlord was always moaning about people from the flats nicking it as soon as he put it in there.
While I don't think you'd bother to lie about something like that, what makes you think the landlord wasn't lying?
For some reason MP was a 'big' Irish and Italian area, never knew/worked out why?

Ancoats was the main area for Italians. Little Italy, we used to call the part of it around Every Street. I remember being taken to see the Italians marching at Whitsun, it was always regarded as a bit of a spectacle. The poorer immigrants, both Irish and otherwise, always veered towards the cheaper parts of the city, I guess.
I can remember all my relatives getting rehoused when 'the new estate' as everybody called it then, went up. Around 1970, I think. Before that my grandparents' house in the Butler Street area was pulled down in the slum clearances and they were rehoused in the maisonnettes just down from the tower blocks where you lived. I remember those tower blocks going up and the building of the Notts Castle pub. And the Spanking Roger. Long family connection with Corpus Christi school and church.

Did you know a family called the osticks then? I know they had the wankin lodger in the 80's , an I was in Bede's in the same year as Chris Ostick. Stupid thing about bede's was the teachers used to call you by your second name and they used to call Chris Ostick Chris O'StIck.
Did you know a family called the osticks then? I know they had the wankin lodger in the 80's , an I was in Bede's in the same year as Chris Ostick. Stupid thing about bede's was the teachers used to call you by your second name and they used to call Chris Ostick Chris O'StIck.

I don't recall them but I'd moved out by the early '80s and rarely drank down there.
Ancoats was the main area for Italians. Little Italy, we used to call the part of it around Every Street. I remember being taken to see the Italians marching at Whitsun, it was always regarded as a bit of a spectacle. The poorer immigrants, both Irish and otherwise, always veered towards the cheaper parts of the city, I guess.

Aye I get the last bit, but as you'll know the Irish were mainly concentrated in the South ie Rusholme, fallowfields, levenshulme etc. Struck me as strange that there was this wee area of Irish further up towards the east of the city centre.
Aye I get the last bit, but as you'll know the Irish were mainly concentrated in the South ie Rusholme, fallowfields, levenshulme etc. Struck me as strange that there was this wee area of Irish further up towards the east of the city centre.

I'm not sure of the reason.
Well, to me there's loads of irish in north manchester, ancoats, collyhurst, m/p, all those places - in fact, that's what I reckon the north manchester look comes from, that proper harsh faced, dark haired beauty.
poetry? ponce.


'I called him a ponce. And now I'm calling you one... PONCE!'
(my emphasis)

Here we have another collectable and hilarious dwyerism. This man is to philosophy what William McGonagall is to poetry.

You're an ex-public school boy aren't you?

As such you might want to ask yourself whether this is really the thread for you. On this thread we mock and deride people such as yourself, on the grounds that their education has rendered them annoying twerps, incapable even of grasping the fact of their own ignorance.

Don't you think you might be happier on a thread not devoted to your own denigration? I certainly do. It is therefore in your own interests that I must recommend you be permanently banned from this or similar threads. Goodbye.
Dwyer, Dwyer, Dwyer, do you really still believe that you have any say over who posts or doesn't in any given thread? There was I thinking, nay, hoping that you'd grow out of it. So much for wisdom being attained with age (or at least, with experience).
OTOH it also gave rise to more people becoming slaves to the hours set by their employer, instead of having a bit of freedom to set their own working hours as long as all the work got done by the required time.

Somewhat romanticised view of pre capitalist society- feudalism wasn't full of self employed mobile working
<snip>feudalism wasn't full of self employed mobile working
Where have I claimed that it was?

But at least if your were a spinner or weaver paid a piece rate and working at home, you had the choice of whether to work absolutely flat out for part of the week (and have a bit of free time), or whether to work at a slightly more leisurely pace and forgo a free half day or more.
Somewhat romanticised view of pre capitalist society- feudalism wasn't full of self employed mobile working

I'd rather be a C14th peasant than an C18th coal miner or factory hand. The universalization of wage labor was nothing more than the re-introduction of slavery.
Where have I claimed that it was?

But at least if your were a spinner or weaver paid a piece rate and working at home, you had the choice of whether to work absolutely flat out for part of the week (and have a bit of free time), or whether to work at a slightly more leisurely pace and forgo a free half day or more.

Exactly. Not to mention the most important freedom of all, which is freedom from supervision in the workplace.
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