sorry, I missed this post.
So what. Only you care. Nobody else knows or cares how you vote. Because only you care about how you vote, only you can think it through, taking into consideration whatever arguments you please. It's your decision and yours alone. So I can't characterise your personal decision.
But for myself, when I think about it, prioritising some consistent position does nothing for my self respect, millions of others are voting to keep the tories out and to me that matters much, much more. As it doesn't matter in slightest to anyone but me, I know that if I choose to care about "If you're anti-capitalist you're voting for capitalism, end of." I'm doing so for self indulgent reasons. But that matters only to me (for all the fact I'm trying to write it out), in my head I can use whatever self-righteous arguments I please, just as you can in yours.