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Workers' Girder! Getcher Workers Girder!

Plastic bottles sure. I've definitely seen glass bottles in the past few years but I cannot remember where/when.

Should have made it clear that I specifically meant glass bottles. Where in the country are you that you still see them?
Should have made it clear that I specifically meant glass bottles. Where in the country are you that you still see them?

Birmingham, but I'm really struggling to remember whose house i was at so it might not have been here. I just have this strong memory of being surprised about using a glass bottle.
I was thinking of plastic bottles when I wrote that though, take off the lid and job's a good un really, or just wave them at the procession as it goes by. I hadn't considered glass bottles tbh, which have a clear tactical advantage.
They sell milk, cow's and soy, in plastic bags here, which you're supposed to snip a corner and pour into a jug but inevitably ends up spraying all over you. I blame the post-1978 capitalist resoration :mad:
Birmingham, but I'm really struggling to remember whose house i was at so it might not have been here. I just have this strong memory of being surprised about using a glass bottle.
I was thinking of plastic bottles when I wrote that though, take off the lid and job's a good un really, or just wave them at the procession as it goes by. I hadn't considered glass bottles tbh, which have a clear tactical advantage.

I'm now wondering if the end of free school milk was the beginning of the end for the traditional (glass) milk bottle, and if it was done with the ultimate aim of removing from the proletariat both a handy weapon and the well-developed skeletal structure necessary for hurling it
Please amend sign-off to "Cmbbe 丁东 on behalf on the International Section, People’s Commission for the Bright Dawn of Proletarian Democracy (PCBDPD)."
All I see is Cmbbe two little squares :( And that makes no sense.
Should have made it clear that I specifically meant glass bottles. Where in the country are you that you still see them?

we still get milk delivered in glass bottles in my village near Huddersfield I'm amazed people think that's a novelty.
Can you even buy milk in bottles anymore? I can't remember the last time I saw one.

Maybe PD should bring out special limited edition Dead Milk Snatcher Commemorative Bottles. I can remember (just) it used to come in third of a pint bottles. If you drank two of those at morning break you'd never make it to dinner time. Happy days...

when I was just a school boy my mate Afsor used to get off the bus with me then nick a pint from the doorstep. He'd drink half of it then throw the bottle into the middle of the street to shatter. His nihilism was breathtaking.
when I was just a school boy my mate Afsor used to get off the bus with me then nick a pint from the doorstep. He'd drink half of it then throw the bottle into the middle of the street to shatter. His nihilism was breathtaking.

"You don't get what you don't Afsor." is pretty close to the original idiom.
They sell milk, cow's and soy, in plastic bags here, which you're supposed to snip a corner and pour into a jug but inevitably ends up spraying all over you. I blame the post-1978 capitalist resoration :mad:
They do that in the UK as well as bottles - pretty sure you get a jug the same size as the bags and then snip the corner off and place the whole bag in the jug.
If I still had access to photoshop I'd get image from "confessions of a milkman" or something and change the stacks of milk bottles on the back of the float to stacks of little mini workers bombs...delivered with a saucy proletarian smirk.
They do that in the UK as well as bottles - pretty sure you get a jug the same size as the bags and then snip the corner off and place the whole bag in the jug.
I've tried that but still fuck it up. Can't wait for arthritis to set in, I'll have to stick to fruit juice after :D
we still get milk delivered in glass bottles in my village near Huddersfield I'm amazed people think that's a novelty.

You still get your milk delivered! In glass bottles! Not so much a novelty as a bit of an anacronism, tbh. Not saying it's a bad thing, just that I'm amazed it still happens.
You know what? No I haven't. I'm all about the krav maga now. PD demos should eschew the decadent and alienating protest staples of street theatre, dressing up, puppetry, shouty megaphoners, music, etc in favour of mass krav maga displays.
Bending the stick around the bonce of the class enemy!
krav maga is basically jewish judo with a few choke holds thrown in isn't iit?

There should be throwing stars and kicks added in before it can be PD's official martial art/workers defense regime
You still get your milk delivered! In glass bottles! Not so much a novelty as a bit of an anacronism, tbh. Not saying it's a bad thing, just that I'm amazed it still happens.

Welcome to Yorkshire: where a dogged refusal to move with the times has preserved some elements of British society, such knowing your neighbours surnames, politely talking to strangers, getting milk delivered in glass bottles and leaving your door unlocked when you're at work, like a fly trapped in amber.
Welcome to Yorkshire: where a dogged refusal to move with the times has preserved some elements of British society, such knowing your neighbours surnames, politely talking to strangers, getting milk delivered in glass bottles and leaving your door unlocked when you're at work, like a fly trapped in amber.

I hope you appreciated my ability to resist making regionalist comments - it was tempting...
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