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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Also, what is a Clemson?

Clemson University

Clemson was founded in 1889 through a bequest from Thomas Green Clemson, a Philadelphia-born, European-educated engineer, musician and artist who married John C. Calhoun’s daughter, Anna Maria, and eventually settled at her family plantation in South Carolina. A longtime advocate for an agricultural college in the Upstate, Clemson left his home and fortune to the state of South Carolina to create the institution that bears his name.

Clemson University, South Carolina
The silly bastard - He deserves whatever comes to him

Mueller: Manafort worked with alleged Russian agent even after criminal charges

Paul Manafort and an alleged Russian intelligence operative hatched a plan for the future of Ukraine during the 2016 presidential election campaign that continued even after Manafort was criminally charged, prosecutors indicated on Tuesday.

The office of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, said in a court filing that Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, communicated with Konstantin Kilimnik between August 2016 and March 2018 about a topic that was blacked out from public view.
I knew Trump smashed the constitution when he took payments from foreign powers in his hotels, but I didn't realise he'd broken the terms of the lease as well.

IG report rips gov't for punting on possible Trump emoluments violation tied to his DC hotel

The report said GSA lawyers also failed to consider whether Trump's election resulted in a breach of a term in the lease that said no elected official "shall be admitted to any share or part of these lease, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom." According to the inspector general, GSA lawyers met with Trump's sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, 11 days after the inauguration to discuss the issue.
Israel helped Trump - not new, but I bet they regret that one :D

Rick Gates Tells Mueller About Trump Team's Dealings With Israeli Intelligence Firm

Rick Gates, the former campaign aide to Donald Trump, is cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into whether individuals from the Middle East worked with the Trump campaign to influence the election, according to two individuals with first-hand knowledge of the investigation.

Gates has answered questions specifically about Psy Group, an Israeli firm that ex-employees say drew up social media manipulation plans to help the Trump campaign, according to sources familiar with the questions. Mueller’s team also asked Gates about interactions with Psy Group’s owner, Joel Zamel, and Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, who worked as an emissary for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the sources said.
I see Nancy has given Trump the finger for the SOTU address, but she made a mistake.
When asked if she thought she was equal to Trump, she said the constitution says so.
I would suggest a better answer would have been, "Hell no, I wouldn't think about going down to his level".
Ah - things are afoot

Team Trump always work the same steps:
  1. It didn't happen
  2. It probably didn't happen but it was someone else that did it, and Trump didn't know anyway
  3. It did happen but it was someone else that did it, and Trump didn't know anyway
  4. It did happen - someone else did it, but Trump didn't
We're on number two at the moment with collusion - Number two being appropriate to anything that bunch say

Giuliani claims 'I never said there was no collusion' in Trump campaign

President Trump's personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, claimed Wednesday night that he "never said there was no collusion" between members of President Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russian officials -- but he did say that Trump himself never colluded with Russian officials.
Thinking on - does that mean Trump is about to toss his family to the wolves? Every time that shit has come up before, someone has come up before a judge.

Another one bites the dust.

While it's good that senior people in Government agencies as well as members of Trump's cabinet are finally finding their spines, and morality, it also means what's left are the most ardent of yes men and women.

Things will get far, far worse before they get better. *

(* That is, IF they get better.)
Well weird - not that Trump is bent, but a boxing glove?
However, more is coming out bit by bit

Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen hired an IT firm to rig early CNBC, Drudge polls

In early 2015, a man who runs a small technology company showed up at Trump Tower to collect $50,000 for having helped Michael Cohen, then Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, try to rig online polls in his boss’s favor before the presidential campaign.

In his Trump Organization office, Mr. Cohen surprised the man, John Gauger, by giving him a blue Walmart bag containing between $12,000 and $13,000 in cash and, randomly, a boxing glove that Cohen said had been worn by a Brazilian mixed-martial arts fighter, Gauger said.
Ah - things are afoot

Team Trump always work the same steps:
  1. It didn't happen
  2. It probably didn't happen but it was someone else that did it, and Trump didn't know anyway
  3. It did happen but it was someone else that did it, and Trump didn't know anyway
  4. It did happen - someone else did it, but Trump didn't
We're on number two at the moment with collusion

Don't forget step 5. Trump did it. But he's allowed too.
So, CNN journo shares a clip of Congresswoman Omar in a tweet saying she'd made a homophobic remark in it.

But in the clip, she says no such thing. People respond saying she hasn't said that, including some who saw the whole segment. Same on the original tweet.

Original Tweeter insists when she said Senator Graham was "compromised" she meant he was homosexual, as it's a dog whistle for gay. Sheesh, that's a new one on me!

Am sure it's nothing to do with stereotypes about Black folks and Muslims being anti-gay, no siree bob! :rolleyes:

Fuck this is reaching.

Tweet here.
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Trump cancels Pelosi trip over shutdown

US President Donald Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's upcoming trip to Brussels, Afghanistan and Egypt, citing the government shutdown.

"I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate," Mr Trump said in a letter.

Mrs Pelosi urged Mr Trump on Wednesday to postpone his State of the Union address, given the political deadlock.

Mr Trump's move came on the 27th day of a partial US government shutdown.

The Republican president wants $5.7bn (£4.4bn) of congressional funding to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, but Democrats have refused.

Mr Trump's cancellation of the trip emerged less than an hour before the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives was scheduled to leave on Thursday afternoon, US media say.
This is important as it shows cracks in his ability to make people, even his own party, do his bidding

House votes 362-53 to disapprove Trump lifting of sanctions on Russian companies

In a major rebuke of President Trump, the House overwhelming passed a resolution Thursday formally disapproving of the Trump administration's rolling back of sanctions on companies owned by Oleg Deripaska, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In a 362-53 vote, the House sounded its disapproval of the lifting of sanctions, with 130 Republicans breaking with Trump and backing the Democratic measure.
Immoral, absolutely - illegal?

Michael Cohen says Trump directed him to pay for poll rigging - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's former "fixer" Michael Cohen said Thursday that he paid the head of a small technology company thousands in 2015 to rig online polls at "the direction of and for the sole benefit of" Trump.

Cohen was responding to a report in The Wall Street Journal that he paid John Gauger, the owner of RedFinch Solutions LLC, between $12,000 and $13,000 for activities related to Trump's campaign, including "trying unsuccessfully to manipulate two online polls in Mr. Trump's favor" and creating a Twitter account called "@WomenForCohen" that "praised (Cohen's) looks and character, and promoted his appearances and statements boosting" Trump's candidacy.

Have you seen the letter?

He uses a marker pen to write his signature :facepalm: It's one step up from crayons. I expect he has a solid gold fountain pen somewhere but doesn't know how to use it.

You hardly ever see his handwriting in the media - I wonder why not.

E2a - quick Google shows he always uses marker pen and usually diagonally across the page. Cunt.


Can someone just get on with it and blow his fucking head off
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Border walls don't work, Montreal expert tells Trump

In a tweet this week, U.S. President Donald Trump cited a number from a Montreal researcher to buttress his argument that the United States needs the Mexican border wall on which he wants to spend $5.7 billion U.S.

The problem: the researcher — Élisabeth Vallet of the Université du Québec à Montréal — says border walls are a waste. She says the money should instead be spent in two areas anathema to Trump: foreign aid and environmental policies.

Trump’s tweet, posted Wednesday: “There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful. Stop the crime at our Southern Border!”

Vallet tweeted a response: “#Trump may be quoting our data but the quote is INCOMPLETE. Our research (and others, such as @reecejhawaii’s) shows that #borderwalls are being built despite the fact that they don’t work: global trend needs to be linked to backlash of globalization.”

Why don’t border walls work?
We have to understand that the situation (in the countries migrants leave behind) is desperate. And any time there is a hardening of the border — a new fence or a wall or more border patrols, background checks, controls — people think maybe they should move faster because it will be harder later. So more people try to cross.

The other thing we see is that every time there is a wall, the price of smuggling goes up. When there is a wall there is more money to be made, and you will have mafias and criminal groups and professional smugglers coming in. People are so desperate they’re willing to pay large sums. To be smuggled from a Latin American country to the U.S., it may cost just as much as a business-class flight along the same route.

All the researchers who have looked at this end up with the same answer, which is that border walls destroy borderlands, destroy local economies and in the end don’t prevent people from coming.
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