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US election 2020 thread

Rerun of 2016 but oil not coal. Biden isn't so much describing what he'd do as just what will happen whoever is in charge. Difference there is that oil isn't already on its knees with disillusioned former oil workers stuck in declining post-industrial towns.

Biden on healthcare on the other hand beyond depressing. The Guardian this morning was actually cheering that on, saying how much better it is to have Biden against Trump and not Sanders cos Sanders would have been vulnerable.

Biden will win and he'll be shit, and the Guardian will love him .
I can't wait for Biden to win the election and return the US to the stable and fair democracy it was before Trump got in.

And you're all going to be very disappointed in Melania.
In all this I really couldn't give half a shit about Melania Trump.

My guess is that all the Trumps are going to disappear from view very quickly. If nothing else, the Republican party are going to distance themselves. A new set of cunts will come to the fore.
Texas too close to call I think. Pennsylvania also. But even if both stay Republican I don't think it makes much difference, having played with some of those electoral college games
Rerun of 2016 but oil not coal. Biden isn't so much describing what he'd do as just what will happen whoever is in charge. Difference there is that oil isn't already on its knees with disillusioned former oil workers stuck in declining post-industrial towns.

Biden on healthcare on the other hand beyond depressing. The Guardian this morning was actually cheering that on, saying how much better it is to have Biden against Trump and not Sanders cos Sanders would have been vulnerable.

Biden will win and he'll be shit, and the Guardian will love him .
I just can't get the Yanks on their dislike of public healthcare, every other developed country manages to make it work, even the South Koreans have a fairly universal public healthcare system now. Yet a huge number of Americans seem to be convinced that its the work of the Devil. The US system has nothing to recommend it if you are not an insurance company shareholder.
By no means

The trials and appeals will go on for years
I don't think he'll face any charges over his activities as POTUS, it sets a precedent that I don't think any future one would want setting. The one thing that might happen of course is that his run as Pres as brought his dodgy tax dealings out into the open and he might face investigations over that, we can but hope.
I just can't get the Yanks on their dislike of public healthcare, every other developed country manages to make it work, even the South Koreans have a fairly universal public healthcare system now. Yet a huge number of Americans seem to be convinced that its the work of the Devil. The US system has nothing to recommend it if you are not an insurance company shareholder.

I think during the cold war the idea that "socialism=communism=undemocratic=evil" was spread successfully by the right wing over there. I think that attitude is changing though but it lingers for some people.
I thought Biden did alright in that debate, Trump kept going on about blue states / Democrat states etc like they were something he'd found stuck to his shoe, Biden was saying he saw it as the United States, all states face problems at one time or another, and when they do he would attend to their problems regardless of their political leanings... that seemed almost presidential compared to the other guy.
Biden on healthcare on the other hand beyond depressing. The Guardian this morning was actually cheering that on, saying how much better it is to have Biden against Trump and not Sanders cos Sanders would have been vulnerable.

Yep, he doesn't seem to have learned much from Hillary Clinton's loss - instead of trying to win over the few dozen Americans who haven't made their minds up between Democrats and Republicans yet, he should be trying to avoid alienating the millions of people who voted for Bernie Sanders and are extremely disappointed that they have to settle for Joe Biden.
Yep, he doesn't seem to have learned much from Hillary Clinton's loss - instead of trying to win over the few dozen Americans who haven't made their minds up between Democrats and Republicans yet, he should be trying to avoid alienating the millions of people who voted for Bernie Sanders and are extremely disappointed that they have to settle for Joe Biden.
as soon as he picked his VP you knew the idea was 'fuck you, where else are you going?' to sanders supporters.
I just can't get the Yanks on their dislike of public healthcare, every other developed country manages to make it work, even the South Koreans have a fairly universal public healthcare system now. Yet a huge number of Americans seem to be convinced that its the work of the Devil. The US system has nothing to recommend it if you are not an insurance company shareholder.
At state level, there does seem to be more ability to mobilise support for more equitable systems. Obamacare is not so different from the Massachusetts set-up that was introduced under Mitt Romney, of all people, so it's not even straightforwardly a Republican vs Democrat thing.

But Biden setting himself against Sanders' ideas for Vermont is, as Yossarian says, a Blairite move to colonise the opposition's policies while neglecting the masses of people who support a different version of your party. Plenty of Americans like public healthcare. They're just ignored.
If it's another loss that'll be money back he's expecting.

Unless he means the millions he's had to pay in China.
I'm also not 100% sure his aides backstage would have been over the moon when he was lured into saying he was going to end the oil industry. Which Trump made him repeat and I'm sure lost him a couple of states
I doubt it will. The only 'swing state' which has significant amount of energy resources, and where fracking isn't massively unpopular is Texas - and, really, it's quite astonishing that it's even still in play, considering how 'red' it has traditonally been.
Pennsylvania's probably gone as well due to his ambiguity over fracking
No, it hasn't. Fracking is actually seriously unpopular there, due to the health and envronmental problems it causes. As you'll see here A lot of locals are unhappt about fracking
, some recent polling suggests that a stronger stance on fracking by Biden, as adopted by his running mate, Kamala Harris, would play well with most voters in Pennsylvania, who overwhelmingly support strong climate action and clean energy.

It worked for Danielle Friel Otten of Uwchlan township, who beat a Republican incumbent to get elected to the state legislature in 2018 in a race defined by opposition to Mariner East.

“Voters have woken up. The jig is up. Americans want to see elected officials represent their voices and not be beholden to big industry interests,” said Otten, who also lives in front of a drilling site. “The pipeline project is an example of how our constitutional rights, like health and safety, have been chipped away. It’s why we have to stand up and fight for every vote.”
Rerun of 2016 but oil not coal. Biden isn't so much describing what he'd do as just what will happen whoever is in charge. Difference there is that oil isn't already on its knees with disillusioned former oil workers stuck in declining post-industrial towns.

Biden on healthcare on the other hand beyond depressing. The Guardian this morning was actually cheering that on, saying how much better it is to have Biden against Trump and not Sanders cos Sanders would have been vulnerable.

Biden will win and he'll be shit, and the Guardian will love him .
Sanders would have whupped Trump. he's a much better campaigner, and he was a street ahead of trump in all the swing states.
is there any sort of argument that the big turnout and early voting doesn't indicate a thumping for trump? The assumption is that its driven by people desperate to get rid of the foul fuck - and spooked by his blatant attempts at voter suppression. Or has everyone got it wrong and its driven by pro-trump enthusiasm and/or fear of evil commie biden?
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