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US election 2020 thread

I think this is a fair assessment of what I witnessed

But there were mixed reviews for Biden in a panel assembled by the Los Angeles Times:
Words that the undecided voters in that panel used to describe Biden’s debate performance included: “vague”, “cognitively impaired”, “I don’t want to say senile, so I’ll say old”, “uncomfortable”, “grandfatherly”, “defensive”, and “ambiguous”.
Trump was described by the same group as “controlled”, “constrained”, “petulant” “reserved”, “surprisingly presidential”, and a “con artist”.
I'm also not 100% sure his aides backstage would have been over the moon when he was lured into saying he was going to end the oil industry. Which Trump made him repeat and I'm sure lost him a couple of states. Of course he wants to end it but probably not best to let one that out 2 weeks before an election where certain states reliant on the industry are on a knife edge.
I just had a happy thought: When trump loses, Melania will divorce him and make a name for herself in her own right telling everyone what a loser he is. She'll grow into a sort of national treasure, a darling of the talk shows for years (she will have to earn a living with it), and it will sink the family.

I was going ask if there's an Urban book to be opened on whether and when Melania divorces him when (if!) he loses...

Which would be funnier: her taking him to the cleaners for bigly billions, or it becoming embarrassingly clear that he's completely broke and with vast debts to Kneecap Finance Inc?

I genuinely wonder whether either of them would turn up to Bidens inauguration - him because he's a bratty toddler, or her because she's away with the lawyers...
Sounds about right - Biden was faltering and uninspiring, Trump was sulky and told about 10 lies per minute - I didn't see much that would persuade Biden voters to switch to Trump or vice versa, or much that would persuade voters still somehow undecided at this stage to support either side.
Nothing the past four years haven't already shown them
I was going ask if there's an Urban book to be opened on whether and when Melania divorces him when (if!) he loses...

Which would be funnier: her taking him to the cleaners for bigly billions, or it becoming embarrassingly clear that he's completely broke and with vast debts to Kneecap Finance Inc?

I genuinely wonder whether either of them would turn up to Bidens inauguration - him because he's a bratty toddler, or her because she's away with the lawyers...
Djt will be arriving with marshals to try to prevent jb's inauguration
Sounds about right - Biden was faltering and uninspiring, Trump was sulky and told about 10 lies per minute - I didn't see much that would persuade Biden voters to switch to Trump or vice versa, or much that would persuade voters still somehow undecided at this stage to support either side.

The real star was the host. She was incredible.
There are Texas counties that are already past 70-80% of their 2016 vote. Not really sure how this debate's going to affect those votes tbh. My guess is not at all because they're already in the box.
I'm also not 100% sure his aides backstage would have been over the moon when he was lured into saying he was going to end the oil industry. Which Trump made him repeat and I'm sure lost him a couple of states. Of course he wants to end it but probably not best to let one that out 2 weeks before an election where certain states reliant on the industry are on a knife edge.

I'm not sure if that'll hurt him too much - none of the big oil-producing states are swing states, unless Texas now counts as one, and polls show a lot of support for green energy. And for all the Democratic voters who wanted a different nominee, Biden's defense of that part of his platform might have restored a tiny shred of enthusiasm for the candidate after he spent several minutes boasting about how he defeated all the rivals who wanted "socialised medicine."
I'm also not 100% sure his aides backstage would have been over the moon when he was lured into saying he was going to end the oil industry. Which Trump made him repeat and I'm sure lost him a couple of states. Of course he wants to end it but probably not best to let one that out 2 weeks before an election where certain states reliant on the industry are on a knife edge.
The number of people who weren't already voting for Trump, who give enough of a shit about calls to transition away from oil to change their mind and vote for Trump is so miniscule, that the net result of this will be near to zero. Certainly not enough to 'lose him a couple of states'.
The number of people who weren't already voting for Trump, who give enough of a shit about calls to transition away from oil to change their mind and vote for Trump is so miniscule, that the net result of this will be near to zero. Certainly not enough to 'lose him a couple of states'.

It almost certainly cost him Texas, at least. The fact that Texas was even in play was astonishing in the first place though really.
The number of people who weren't already voting for Trump, who give enough of a shit about calls to transition away from oil to change their mind and vote for Trump is so miniscule, that the net result of this will be near to zero. Certainly not enough to 'lose him a couple of states'.
Here's votes cast so far in famous oil city Houston:

I'm unclear as to how these votes will now change in light of these remarks.

Come on guys. Trump didn't even win the debates when he won the election. He won that election because of the Comey letter. That's it. These things are pantomime, nobody's seriously watching.
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I think a majority of voters seem to have already made up their minds that while Joe Biden is a shitty candidate who will no doubt be a shitty president, he'd be a big improvement on Trump, especially in his handling of the pandemic, not sure what could turn things around for Trump at this point but this debate definitely wasn't it.
It almost certainly cost him Texas, at least. The fact that Texas was even in play was astonishing in the first place though really.
If Biden does lose Texas, it will have nothing to do with his statement that he will 'transition from the oil industry' and stop giving federal subsidies to it, especially when that's exactly the same language that energy companies across the US are using.
If Biden does lose Texas, it will have nothing to do with his statement that he will 'transition from the oil industry' and stop giving federal subsidies to it, especially when that's exactly the same language that energy companies across the US are using.

You didn't watch the debate did you?

He backed down and changed his language to 'transition' after he realised what he'd just said.
If Biden does lose Texas, it will have nothing to do with his statement that he will 'transition from the oil industry' and stop giving federal subsidies to it, especially when that's exactly the same language that energy companies across the US are using.
If Biden loses Texas it will be because Texas isn't quite ready to switch sides and/or the Dems failed to mobilise the Latino vote in the border/western counties.

As it is, so many people have voted already that I can't see how any of this affects the remainder
You didn't watch the debate did you?

He backed down and changed his language to 'transition' after he realised what he'd just said.
Not sure if you actually watched it to be honest. This is the transcript of the exchange:

Donald Trump: (23:08)
Would he close down the oil industry?

Donald Trump: (23:10)
Would you close down the oil industry?

Joe Biden: (23:12)
By the way, I have a transition from the oil industry, yes.

Donald Trump: (23:15)
Oh, that’s a big statement.

Joe Biden: (23:15)
I will transition. It is a big statement.

Donald Trump: (23:17)
That’s a big statement.

Joe Biden: (23:18)
Because I would stop.

Kristen Welker: (23:19)
Why would you do that?

Joe Biden: (23:21)
Because the oil industry pollutes, significantly.

Donald Trump: (23:24)
Oh, I see. Okay.

Joe Biden: (23:24)
Here’s the deal-

Donald Trump: (23:25)
That’s a big statement.

Joe Biden: (23:26)
Well if you let me finish the statement, because it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time, and I’d stopped giving to the oil industry, I’d stop giving them federal subsidies.

Not that it matters, because the exchange above will have zero effect on anyone who wasn't already voting for Trump.
I was going ask if there's an Urban book to be opened on whether and when Melania divorces him when (if!) he loses...

Which would be funnier: her taking him to the cleaners for bigly billions, or it becoming embarrassingly clear that he's completely broke and with vast debts to Kneecap Finance Inc?

I genuinely wonder whether either of them would turn up to Bidens inauguration - him because he's a bratty toddler, or her because she's away with the lawyers...

She's going to have been monumentally silly if she signed a pre-nuptual agreement.
She's going to have been monumentally silly if she signed a pre-nuptual agreement.
Not being funny, but lots of people do sign pre-nups if they really feel that they're in love and/or really want to get married. Doesn't make them silly, no matter how much of a twat their husband is, or turns out to be. Unfortunately, the power dynamics of these types of relationships often favour those for whom a pre-nup is going to be beneficial. I wouldn't expect to see any divorce come through until their kid becomes an adult anyway.
I was going ask if there's an Urban book to be opened on whether and when Melania divorces him when (if!) he loses...

Which would be funnier: her taking him to the cleaners for bigly billions, or it becoming embarrassingly clear that he's completely broke and with vast debts to Kneecap Finance Inc?

I genuinely wonder whether either of them would turn up to Bidens inauguration - him because he's a bratty toddler, or her because she's away with the lawyers...
Reality has never really been Trump's thing and it looks like he is about to get a massive dose of it (hoping)
I don't hink he'll turn up to Biden's inauguration. Since all the signs are to him losing bigly, I suspect that come Nov 4th, he'll just have a massive sulk and lock himself away in the Oval Office sending out angry all caps tweets about fake news and the election being rigged.
He's only interested in the job to the extent it feeds his ego, the irony is that he will get his wish in one way, he has been such a godawful POTUS that historian will still be studying him centuries from now.
Adding Kneecap Finance Inc to the load of phrases I've stolen from Urban and now pass off as mine by the way.
Not being funny, but lots of people do sign pre-nups if they really feel that they're in love and/or really want to get married. Doesn't make them silly, no matter how much of a twat their husband is, or turns out to be.

Indeed. Normally I'd agree with you. :)
She's going to have been monumentally silly if she signed a pre-nuptual agreement.
One of those recent books published by an ex-friend of the trumps said that the reason she took 6 months to move into the White House is she was busy renegotiating the prenup. To take account of the grossness of the revelations about her husband. But she definitely hates him, even if she gets half the gold houses I think she’ll have her own talk show one day.
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