“But I don’t look at threats based on what party are the recipients,” he continued. “My question is, shouldn’t everybody just tone it down, including your father-in-law?”
“He wasn’t doing anything, I don’t think, to provoke people to threaten this woman at all. He was having fun at a Trump rally, and, quite frankly, there are bigger issues than this right now for everyday Americans,” Lara Trump responded, saying that “people want to get the country reopened” and “they want to get back to work.”
“There are issues at hand here that are bigger than just keeping everybody locked down. So, I think people are frustrated, and, look, the president was at a rally. It’s a fun, light atmosphere. Of course he wasn’t encouraging people to threaten this woman. That’s ridiculous,” she added.
“Well, I don’t think 'lock her up' is fun. But let’s move on,” Tapper said before continuing the interview.