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US election 2020 thread

They have a point, of course. From loving them to wanting to lock them up in less than 24 hours. Not a great look.

imo this is why it was the right call for the those on the left to stay well away from it.

Well, yeah... but anyone with half a brain could see that Trump is a narcissistic arsehole who thinks only of himself. He would throw anyone under a bus to save himself.

Then there are the ones who are keeping the faith...

Think 6/1 is going to need its own thread - there will be more arrests and there will be court cases which are going to be interesting. If they hadn't got those electoral college ballots out of there US would have been on a very different path

Point on the ballots. That's not really true. It's a ceremonial occasion and they keep copies elsewhere. if the boxes had been destroyed, it might have held up finishing the ceremonial counting for a few hours, with yet more wailing about the sacred constitution, but nothing more.
BBC say Trump is back on twitter:

“President Donald Trump has been allowed to tweet again after being locked out of his account for 12 hours.

Before his account was locked, he had posted several messages on Wednesday in which he called the people who stormed Capitol Hill “patriots”. He also reiterated false claims of voter fraud.

Trump has been warned by the social media site that he will be banned “permanently” if he breaches the platform’s rules again.

So far, he's playing it safe - only tweeting a video where he takes a more conciliatory tone and pledges to facilitate a peaceful transition of power.”

Hopefully everyone is poking him with a stick until he says something stupid.
Point on the ballots. That's not really true. It's a ceremonial occasion and they keep copies elsewhere. if the boxes had been destroyed, it might have held up finishing the ceremonial counting for a few hours, with yet more wailing about the sacred constitution, but nothing more.
It is true.
You can't stop a lot of people from believing what they want to believe and a large enough chunk of the ill informed could have been spurred on into thinking redoing the vote would not be unreasonable... Same sort of people that talk of 'Fascist Antifa. Seriously, a complete bunch of oxymorons
Trump has shat the bed beautifully hasn't he? Forced into a humiliating climbdown Alienated his fan base, turned all his media and political allies against him, fucked any future political ambition and now far more vulnerable to criminal charges.

Think 6/1 is going to need its own thread - there will be more arrests and there will be court cases which are going to be interesting. If they hadn't got those electoral college ballots out of there US would have been on a very different path

I don't understand your post...what is 6/1, what do you mean about ballots out of where?
For trump and his mob it was all about "the people" vs the treacharous, mendacious political establishment. I guess they had a shared fantasy of it being an angry mass of righteous patriots storming the citadel of power. And then they win. Id say trump is batshit enough to buy into that. And, tbf, it has happenrd, when the masses stormed ceacescaus palace and brought down the regime, they had no real plan.
But here, the disconnect between trumpist fantasy and the reality of a bunch of overexcited sad sacks acting like its the last day of school, trashing shit and settling off the fire extinguishers is utterly farcical.
At the same time this was a would be dictator using mob violence to try and intimidate the elected politicians to over turn the election result. No matter how pathetic and tragi comic the result was, the intent was there and the fucker should be on trial.
People have died, and it could have been a lot worse.
The sad thing is that the political establishment is of course, dodgy and wrong in all sorts of ways, but not in the ways they imagine. There is this bizarre mental gymnastics these people do, similar to that of RW covid deniers, whereby they simultaneously claim to be for supporting authority, while at the same time claiming to be anti-authority and so on.
It is true.
You can't stop a lot of people from believing what they want to believe and a large enough chunk of the ill informed could have been spurred on into thinking redoing the vote would not be unreasonable... Same sort of people that talk of 'Fascist Antifa. Seriously, a complete bunch of oxymorons
But how many of those people are there? For all the bluster on the internet, only a few hundred people (perhaps 1,000 tops) turned out in total to protest the day after across the entire country. This isn't a mass movement. They remind me of Britain First in terms of their strength and composition.
But how many of those people are there? For all the bluster on the internet, only a few hundred people (perhaps 1,000 tops) turned out in total to protest the day after across the entire country. This isn't a mass movement. They remind me of Britain First in terms of their strength and composition.
True, but the huge issue for the party left behind in the smoking ruins of the Trump bunker is the large chunk of his (former) base that believed the hype; I know the figure will decline over time, but a gut reaction of 45% of Republican voters...just wow.

So one thing coming out of this is that, what a shock, those good ol' militia boys and those who for some reason aspire to be tham aren't the last line of defence against government tyranny. They are the line that will step up to defend government tyranny as long as it's the 'right kind'.
The infighting and general bat shit crazy going on at places like "thedonald" right now is quite beautiful to watch. My favourite is the loons complaining that "antifa are getting credit for what we did" :D

after being a bit worn out by it all / having over indulged, this litch made me lol.....that lot are special
True, but the huge issue for the party left behind in the smoking ruins of the Trump bunker is the large chunk of his (former) base that believed the hype; I know the figure will decline over time, but a gut reaction of 45% of Republican voters...just wow.

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I'm a little confused by the 1% of Democrats who support a mob storming the Capitol to prevent the certification of a Democratic president - they must be the American cousins of the 1% of UKIP voters who opposed Brexit.
Bet hardcore Trumpoids will celebrate the storming of the building as the new Battle of Capitol Hill: "I was there bro! Where were you?"

Also, someone is bound to do a vivid 'Three Wolf Moon' style t-shirt reworking of Archibald Willard's Spirit of '76.

You wonder about the mindset of a person who takes part in a riot whilst wearing a badge with his name on it. These are a strange group of would be revolutionaries, the one that did it for me was the woman complaining about being maced by the cops as if she were an innocent bystander.
Then when asked what she was doing there came out and said "We came to start a revolution".
You mean the one that appeared to have half an onion in a blue towel that she kept wiping her face with?
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