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US election 2020 thread

Wall of text. I've hurt your feelings.

Would you understand if I don't accept lectures about manners from people who, as a matter of course, use foul language, and swear at me and insult me just for having a different view?

He's only explaining how things work around here, and it's also the rules...

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The brave American patriot. A marvellous wholesome image, I'm sure you'll all agree...

The modern day version of the rebel flag is stupid, it does my head in. Not accurate and divorced from historical context. Why don't they use the stainless banner? That was a nice flag.
Dark Knight - think of this place as like a table in a pub: people who know each other sitting around chatting about stuff. We don't just talk about politics, we chat about families, work, my exceptional talent at drawing Christmas art, danny la rouge and his superpower of hypnotising Dogs, and all the other rubbish that you see on the boards.

Now, to join in here you have you join in - imagine if you were sitting with friends in a bar, chatting shit, and some complete stranger comes over to you and throws some political leaflet in the table, yells 'see!', and then fucks off. Would you all stop chatting to read it with great reverence, or would you ignore it, say 'fucking loon...' and resume your conversation?

No, I rather doubt you would - this is the same thing.
I don’t have any problem per se with storming government buildings. If a government needs stormed, then that’s what should happen.

Leaving aside for now the political stripe of those doing the storming, there are a number of considerations to take into account:

  • what are your objectives?
  • what are your chances of success?
  • what are the balance of risks?
  • what are your justifications?
  • what support can you expect from the populace?

For example, if you’re risking lives for a publicity stunt, then it’s just terrorism.

These bozos had no real prospect of overthrowing government in the US. Their police-abetted rampage was the inchoate consequence of Trump stirring up a crowd of conspiracy fanatics. What his intentions were I have no idea. It seems to me unlikely he had an actual plan.

However, what’s interesting is what this does to public opinion. Will Trump’s support in the populace now solidify or evaporate? I think both. It’ll shrink, but in those left it’ll harden.

The US has a stormy time ahead of it if it can’t reconcile that hardened faction.
Its amazing to me that there appears to be clear political interference to allow the building to be overrun, whilst Trump and his entourage watch excitedly in a tent for the latest - but no plan at all on what to do once in there apart from take selfies and generally piss about. I can only speculate they were leaving the details to the autonomy of the mob, or at best maybe they had some of their own people, covert or overt, in there whose job might be to lead the way - but if so no sign that anything came to much.

But even in a best case scenario, what were Trumps circle hoping would happen? It doesn't match up with any real historical attempt of a coup, in that there's no serious attempt to seize power - above all its a performance, or maybe even a re-enactment. Is this just naivety?

This episode looks like a political backfiring failure to me, though sometimes what appears on the surface doesn't match longer term plans. Perhaps as an escalation in what's possible it's a success. Was that the ultimate goal?

Perhaps these people were set up to fail - perhaps go down in flames as martyrs? None of us here can know for certain the answer to this, but I'm struggling to even come up with a hypothesis of what Trump and co dreamed might happen. Maybe they didn't get further than "wouldn't it be cool if we got our supporters to storm Capitol Hill?

Its difficult to say - it could well be their usual incomptence resulting in tragedy (lets face it thats almost become a meme over there), but I think its a real possibility that they (and he) imagined and planned that they would storm the building and then possibly mete out "justice" to all the traitors, criminals, traitorous criminals, communist traitorous criminals and extremists they found. The latter would at least explain the otherwise unfathomable policing plan to protect the building, and why the NG were delayed.
However, what’s interesting is what this does to public opinion. Will Trump’s support in the populace now solidify or evaporate? I think both. It’ll shrink, but in those left it’ll harden.

I think among the hardcore the response to him climbing down like he has is probably more relevant than the actual riot. I wonder if some will feel let down by him doing that. Especially if he starts chucking them under the legal bus to save his skin.

That anger will still go somewhere of course but it might not stick with Trump.
A lot of people involved in the riot are now shitting themselves and deleting the social media accounts they shared their antics on
Bit late for that
Some U.S. Capitol rioters fired after internet detectives identify them - Reuters

They include the one who was photographed inside the Capitol wearing his work ID badge :facepalm:, an adjunct professor who posted a video of his day out on facebook and a lawyer for an insurance company who posted an account of being tear gassed.

Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol, she said in an interview. “I’m a 56-year-old woman, petite. I was not there causing trouble. I was there to support my president,” said Andrews.

Andrews said she had climbed the steps of the Capitol without encountering security, posted selfies from the scene on Instagram, sang the national anthem and then moved on. Online critics were quick to post negative reviews of her real estate work on a ratings site.
He's politely explaining how these boards work, you thundering bunglecunt.

But there's nothing wrong with just posting a video. Even if you don't approve, is it harming your health? And why do some people on here use foul language all the time and insult people? You claim to be nice, caring people, but you don't really act like it, do you.

I am being insulted because I have a different point of view. The videos I have posted highlight the double standards of a lot of people here. When it's BLM or anti-fa or some other left-wing group, or other groups you favour, rioting and causing property damage, even harming people, most of you defend it or find justifications or rationalisations for it.

I predict I'll now be insulted some more.
But there's nothing wrong with just posting a video. Even if you don't approve, is it harming your health? And why do some people on here use foul language all the time and insult people? You claim to be nice, caring people, but you don't really act like it, do you.

I am being insulted because I have a different point of view. The videos I have posted highlight the double standards of a lot of people here. When it's BLM or anti-fa or some other left-wing group, or other groups you favour, rioting and causing property damage, even harming people, most of you defend it or find justifications or rationalisations for it.

I predict I'll now be insulted some more.

No, just sticking on you ignore now.
But there's nothing wrong with just posting a video. Even if you don't approve, is it harming your health? And why do some people on here use foul language all the time and insult people? You claim to be nice, caring people, but you don't really act like it, do you.

I am being insulted because I have a different point of view. The videos I have posted highlight the double standards of a lot of people here. When it's BLM or anti-fa or some other left-wing group, or other groups you favour, rioting and causing property damage, even harming people, most of you defend it or find justifications or rationalisations for it.

I predict I'll now be insulted some more.

Is your point of view that none of these groups - the maga crowd in DC on Wednesday, BLM, antifa and so on - should be criticised for such actions, or that all of them should be?
I think among the hardcore the response to him climbing down like he has is probably more relevant than the actual riot. I wonder if some will feel let down by him doing that. Especially if he starts chucking them under the legal bus to save his skin.

That anger will still go somewhere of course but it might not stick with Trump.
I mean, the nuttier ones will think he was forced at gunpoint by the deep state. Or that it’s part of his plan to flush out paedos. If you can believe Jamiriquai is an antifa false flag, you can believe anything.
I mean, the nuttier ones will think he was forced at gunpoint by the deep state. Or that it’s part of his plan to flush out paedos. If you can believe Jamiriquai is an antifa false flag, you can believe anything.
tbf that first bit probably isn't so far from the truth. He was blatantly threatened with something to make that new video. Substitute 'his own VP' for 'the deep state' and it's nearly there.
I mean, the nuttier ones will think he was forced at gunpoint by the deep state. Or that it’s part of his plan to flush out paedos. If you can believe Jamiriquai is an antifa false flag, you can believe anything.

Yeah there isn't really a limit to how mad they can be is there.

I could easily imagine a point where the Trump loyal ones and the ones who think he's sold out and are loyal to some new leader decide their most mortal enemies are in fact each other.
Oh, yeah. It was a script someone else wrote. He was probably told his place in prosperity was on the line. Or at least something his ego would see as more important than whatever motivated him to throw the public tantrum he’s been throwing.
It's a clear sign that nobody is afraid of him anymore. I agree with what was said upthread that this climbdown is probably the most damaging part of this for him by far. He's been humbled, but he doesn't do humility, ever. That's his thing.
For trump and his mob it was all about "the people" vs the treacharous, mendacious political establishment. I guess they had a shared fantasy of it being an angry mass of righteous patriots storming the citadel of power. And then they win. Id say trump is batshit enough to buy into that. And, tbf, it has happenrd, when the masses stormed ceacescaus palace and brought down the regime, they had no real plan.
But here, the disconnect between trumpist fantasy and the reality of a bunch of overexcited sad sacks acting like its the last day of school, trashing shit and settling off the fire extinguishers is utterly farcical.
At the same time this was a would be dictator using mob violence to try and intimidate the elected politicians to over turn the election result. No matter how pathetic and tragi comic the result was, the intent was there and the fucker should be on trial.
People have died, and it could have been a lot worse.
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