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US election 2020 thread

I reckon he would though
So is this Trump's October Surprise?

I can't see it having much effect to be honest. Even the sex stuff isn't likely to gain much traction, scandal-wise. Obviously, it's quite likely that Biden Jr. is dodgy, in terms of crack smoking, sex tapes and in his Ukraine business links - but when you've already lowered the bar on that front yourself, it's not something you can really weaponise.
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So is this Trump's October Surprise?

I can't see it having much effect to be honest. Even the sex stuff isn't likely to gain much traction, scandal-wise. Obviously, it's quite likely that Biden Jr. is dodgy, in terms of crack smoking, sex tapes and in his Ukraine business links - but when you've already lowered the bar on that front yourself, it's not something you can really weaponise.
Nah, I think the October Surprise is that it's not even halfway through the month and 13.5m people (at least) have already voted
No she definitely wasn't, or not in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, anyway
I had a peek (at the wiki article for state level polling for 2016 anyway) and what stood out - other than Clinton leading in almost all of them - was how few polls there were for MI & WI that year. Wasn't just HRC's campaign that took their eye off the ball in the upper midwest.
However, this year there are a lot more and Biden is ahead in all of them by slightly bigger margins than HRC was. Enough to say he's ahead even if there's some kind of systemic polling error that consistently understates DT's support.
I had a peek (at the wiki article for state level polling for 2016 anyway) and what stood out - other than Clinton leading in almost all of them - was how few polls there were for MI & WI that year. Wasn't just HRC's campaign that took their eye off the ball in the upper midwest.
However, this year there are a lot more and Biden is ahead in all of them by slightly bigger margins than HRC was. Enough to say he's ahead even if there's some kind of systemic polling error that consistently understates DT's support.
I think they were not seen as "swing states" and assummed in the bag for the dems. Hence little polling.
I had a peek (at the wiki article for state level polling for 2016 anyway) and what stood out - other than Clinton leading in almost all of them - was how few polls there were for MI & WI that year. Wasn't just HRC's campaign that took their eye off the ball in the upper midwest.
Yes, that is revealing - evveryone except Trump took those results for granted
The number of mail/in person early votes reported by states has passed 14m today - so over 10% of the way to the final turn out of 2016

40% of votes in 2016 were cast before election day so we're a quarter of the way to that total

20 days to go

that'll win the seniors back

(did he really tweet this?)

The point of this is to get it retweeted just as much by disgusted ‘liberals’ as loyal Trump supporters, by making it crass and clumsy. That way Biden’s age seeps into people’s conscience. They know what they’re doing, though I doubt it’s the most effective line of attack.
The point of this is to get it retweeted just as much by disgusted ‘liberals’ as loyal Trump supporters, by making it crass and clumsy. That way Biden’s age seeps into people’s conscience. They know what they’re doing, though I doubt it’s the most effective line of attack.

agree on the motivation, it maintains trump's posture as the rough guy who's unafraid to go there.

but it's so ineffective as to be counter-productive: my sense is that biden has quashed more or less the "addled" trope, and, more, his age and trump's are only three years apart and are known to be.
oh, ffs!!!

The unauthorized ballot boxes, which state officials have called illegal, have been found in at least four counties across the state: Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange and Fresno.

"Ballot harvesting program will continue," California Republican Party spokesman Hector Barajas said in a statement to CNN.

The fight over the unofficial drop boxes comes as the coronavirus pandemic has led to historic interest in mail-in voting, even as President Donald Trump and the GOP have spent months attacking the integrity of mail ballots and fighting in court against drop boxes.

Trump has repeatedly made unfounded claims that the election tally will be fraudulent because of the proliferation of mail-in voting and drop box usage and has warned that he may not agree to a peaceful transfer of power due to those misleading beliefs.
Doesn't surprise me, courts can make whatever judgements they like - doesn't mean the republicans will follow them before the election.
oh, ffs!!!

What's their aim here? I mean not stealing votes, that's obvious, but in CA?! It's not like they're going to make up any fine margins in a state that will vote for the Dems by margins of millions
What's their aim here? I mean not stealing votes, that's obvious, but in CA?! It's not like they're going to make up any fine margins in a state that will vote for the Dems by margins of millions

it gets the libs angry.
and now, by ignoring a court order, they get to play chest-thumping bullies.
What's their aim here? I mean not stealing votes, that's obvious, but in CA?! It's not like they're going to make up any fine margins in a state that will vote for the Dems by margins of millions

There's going to be some close House races in California - the Republicans actually managed to flip a seat in a special election earlier this year.
What's their aim here? I mean not stealing votes, that's obvious, but in CA?! It's not like they're going to make up any fine margins in a state that will vote for the Dems by margins of millions

Do the blatant stuff where it doesn't matter, just to keep the "mail-in ballots are rigged" narrative to the forefront of conversation by using the defence of "we're only trying to level the playing field". Do the sneaky stuff elsewhere where it does matter, while everyone's pointing and laughing at the slapstick California shenanigans.
What's their aim here? I mean not stealing votes, that's obvious, but in CA?! It's not like they're going to make up any fine margins in a state that will vote for the Dems by margins of millions
That's what i was thinking:confused:
All I can think of:
a) "owning the libs"
b) firing up their base by waving their collective dicks about and appearing all anti-authoritarian
c) further erode the credibility of the ballot itself.
tbh, it just looks fucking childish
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