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US election 2020 thread

If Trump does lose (and I'm far from convinced he will) I reckon the Repubs will drop him fast. The problem with operating on a scorched earth policy is that you make a lot of enemies. He's been tolerated for a while now because he's perceived as a winner. If he's loses he won't have a friend left in his own party. Rats from a sinking ship.
I think there are a few signs of GOP candidates distancing themselves from Trump already.

hes right. no possible exceptions for the beeb, the Guardian and the Times

As a matter of curiosity, why are the US news outlets I cited as non-credible as (say) Fox News, OAN, the NY Post and UK tabloids? I would say there's a quantum difference instandards of journalism and reportage there.
… and a key issue in this election is whether the Dems get the Senate as well.
Yep - looking good there too for at least a 50-50 split. Collins, McSally and Tillis must be very worried people, right now!
e2a: ditto, Lindsey Graham, who is being beaten hands down at fundraising by Jaime Harrison
Yep - looking good there too for at least a 50-50 split. Collins, McSally and Tillis must be very worried people, right now!
e2a: ditto, Lindsey Graham, who is being beaten hands down at fundraising by Jaime Harrison
They need to be careful about some of those 'safe' Democrat seats. The Dems will probably lose their senator in Alabama, and while Michigan looks to be pretty clearly swaying towards Biden, the senate race is much closer and the Republicans have an opportunity to unseat a Democrat there, with only 1% between them. You'll see plenty of traditional republicans holding their nose to vote for Biden, but still voting red down the ticket to try and stop a senate majority for the Dems.

As a matter of curiosity, why are the US news outlets I cited as non-credible as (say) Fox News, OAN, the NY Post and UK tabloids? I would say there's a quantum difference instandards of journalism and reportage there.
i dont understand your question, but i think the point im making is obvious: yes there are differences, yes there are some good reporters within these mass organsations to different degrees...and yet Trump remains right: the mainstream media in totality is the opposition. Did you just see what happened to Corbyn across every platform? This isnt some new turn for the media - this is what its done for generations. If Corbyn had the guts he should have gone the same way: attacked the establishment up front like Trump does. After 2017 he had nothing to lose on that score.
Lets not carry this on further... too much of a derail
i dont understand your question, but i think the point im making is obvious: yes there are differences, yes there are some good reporters within these mass organsations to different degrees...and yet Trump remains right: the mainstream media in totality is the opposition. Did you just see what happened to Corbyn across every platform? This isnt some new turn for the media - this is what its done for generations. If Corbyn had the guts he should have gone the same way: attacked the establishment up front like Trump does. After 2017 he had nothing to lose on that score.
Lets not carry this on further... too much of a derail
Ahh right...yes, i think we were talking at cross-purposes. i was talking about journalistic standards, you were talking about nthe role the media play in the broader political context. On that latter issue, I agree with you entirely.
Yes, it would derail it too much.
They need to be careful about some of those 'safe' Democrat seats. The Dems will probably lose their senator in Alabama, and while Michigan looks to be pretty clearly swaying towards Biden, the senate race is much closer and the Republicans have an opportunity to unseat a Democrat there, with only 1% between them. You'll see plenty of traditional republicans holding their nose to vote for Biden, but still voting red down the ticket to try and stop a senate majority for the Dems.

Yes, good points.
Morning Consult polls out today for swing states, show a Biden lead of between 5-8 points in FL, MN, WI, NC, AZ, MI & PA. Only a 2-3 point lead (ie within the margin of error) in GA, OH & TX to cheer DT up. All numbers pretty static from when the same pollster did those states a month ago. Nothing's changing, the whole race has been static or a slowly growing lead for Biden for months
They need to be careful about some of those 'safe' Democrat seats. The Dems will probably lose their senator in Alabama, and while Michigan looks to be pretty clearly swaying towards Biden, the senate race is much closer and the Republicans have an opportunity to unseat a Democrat there, with only 1% between them. You'll see plenty of traditional republicans holding their nose to vote for Biden, but still voting red down the ticket to try and stop a senate majority for the Dems.

Yeah that MI poll caused a bit of a stir but more data needed I think. One or two polls aren't a trend. Besides which, there aren't enough 'traditional' GOP voters in MI to do what you say, it's just not a red state despite the tiny margin DT won it by four years ago.
Dems should pick up senators in AZ, CO & ME with NC & IA both looking pretty good for them too. They have a chance of gaining one in MT, one or even both GA seats and even KS and SC.
Balance that with the probable loss of AL and even if we throw MI into the mix as one the GOP could gain, it's still a 10-2 lead in terms of chances to gain seats in what looks like being a wave election. I'd say the Senate looks like going blue on balance, though a clean sweep of targets/defences would be a surprise

ETA: the Dems also have the advantage of defending far fewer seats than the GOP in this cycle and a high proportion of those just aren't under threat - NM, OR, IL, MN, various north eastern states etc just aren't going to be lost
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Yeah that MI poll caused a bit of a stir but more data needed I think. One or two polls aren't a trend. Besides which, there aren't enough 'traditional' GOP voters in MI to do what you say, it's just not a red state despite the tiny margin DT won it by four years ago.
Dems should pick up senators in AZ, CO & ME with NC & IA both looking pretty good for them too. They have a chance of gaining one in MT, one or even both GA seats and even KS and SC.
Balance that with the probable loss of AL and even if we throw MI into the mix as one the GOP could gain, it's still a 10-2 lead in terms of chances to gain seats in what looks like being a wave election. I'd say the Senate looks like going blue on balance, though a clean sweep of targets/defences would be a surprise

ETA: the Dems also have the advantage of defending far fewer seats than the GOP in this cycle and a high proportion of those just aren't under threat - NM, OR, IL, MN, various north eastern states etc just aren't going to be lost
It's also worth adding, that the dems only need to tie the senate. In the event of tied senate votes, Harris gets the casting vote as President pro tempore of the Senate
it is amazing isn't it, the absolute brazenness of how they know that their best chance of winning is to make it as hard as possible for people to vote. I read
today that if you're black you are many times (can't remember exactly now what it said) more likely to have to stand in line for hours to cast your vote.
it is amazing isn't it, the absolute brazenness of how they know that their best chance of winning is to make it as hard as possible for people to vote. I read
today that if you're black you are many times (can't remember exactly now what it said) more likely to have to stand in line for hours to cast your vote.
The figure you remember seeing was 7.
7 times more likely.
Have we had this yet? Absolute clown.

So sad. From a genuinely iconic, inspirational figure to a reactionary, contrarian clown.
In truth, Lydon stopped being relevant, or even interesting, by the mid 90s.
Have we had this yet? Absolute clown.

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