I appreciate stuff sometimes gets a bit rough in here, but being asked to clarify who you mean doesn't really warrant this response. Chill out.
And I have done that.
I apologise for being over sensitive, and I may have been responding to the poster rather than the post with some of that.
I’m feeling pretty torn up about this.
It’s an interesting and enlivening political discussion on here.
I’ve got Democrat family and friends in the South who are genuinely considering their safety. Families are being torn apart by this shit.
Being told that people I know are lunatics is annoying. They are sane sound people who hold views that don’t make sense to some on here.
I’m saying that it’s foolish and dangerous to dismiss these views as lunatic. These are views that normal sane ordinary Republican voters are currently forming, holding, sharing, supporting.
Binary politics is binary shocker.
Lurch to the right leads to an increase in right wing politics shocker.
I haven’t read the stuff most others here have, and that’s a failing, I’ll admit. But I do have first hand experience over more than fifty years of listening to Republican voters who trust me and feel comfortable with me.
This is not far out stuff.
This is just the first chance they’ve had for a long long time to speak openly.