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US election 2020 thread

Mark Zuckerberg

13 m ·

The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.
His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.
Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.
Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies. We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controversial speech. But the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.
We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.
Loads of talk about it but I’m not clear on what the point would be, what could he do really in the 13 days that are left.
Woman on radio 4 early morning news saying he might start a war with Iran just to fuck things for Biden. Apart from that haven’t heard anything concrete as to what they are imagining they’d prevent by 25thing him now.
Stir up more violence, quite possibly. His supporters are nits enough to do it, if he dogwhistles often enough
Mathew Goodwin now putting Trump in the fascist rather than US populist category . The contrarians seem to be split amongst those thinking Twitter banning Trumps account as the real attack on democracy to those equating the attempts to thwart Brexit as the same as yesterday’s scenes and others blaming liberals for Trump . Bad times at El Royal .

Goodwin is floundering. His conceptualisation of populism is flawed (I’m just finishing his and Eatwell’s deeply unimpressive work. Not recommended reading). His abrupt declaration that Trump is in fact a fascist merely compounds precious errors and shows the folly of working backwards.

For Trump yesterday wasn’t an attempt to retain or seize power. It was primarily about the spectacle. It was also about Trump's priority which is to retain and reinforce political agency over the GOP going forward. A point helpfully confirmed by him and his son at the rally.
So there is some talk of the 25th. I have a couple of questions...

If trump is removed by 25 will it prevent him running again in 2024.

Is there any legal mechanism to prevent his children running in 2024? Because if one of them does run, and win, you just know it will be Trump snr actually running things.

It would be Ivanka. Watch her inherit her daddy’s crown and get groomed up for the role. First female president. Perfect.

I don’t really think this will happen. But it could,

What does it mean that this poll reckons 45% of Republican voters ‘approve of’ the storming of the capitol building yesterday? I mean how do you interpret that.
Small poll numbers caveat etc.

This was posted up by my Republican step brother. His wife was all over social media yesterday wishing she was in DC. They’re normal mid range Republican supporters.

First I am not sure who did the damage yesterday, was it Trump supporters or infiltrators, perhaps time will tell.

Let me say, I do not support violence or destruction in any fashion, unless one is defending oneself. But, in my view, why suddenly the national outrage over a group of citizens protesting some cause (the possible stealing of the Presidency) they deeply beleive in? Because it was the capital building, so what?

BLM and ANTIFA have laid waste to untold numbers of communities, businesses and homes across this nation. They have mob attacked and beaten innocent private citizens. Those citizens crime, generally for having the gall to be “white”.

Not only was there no outrage, there were damn few arrests, and when they were arrested they were often released on “no bail”. Many were proven to be repeat offenders. To throw salt in the wound, we had celebs and some elected officials providing resources to pay bail for the criminals. The BLM/ANTIFA rioters/protestors/anarchists took over sections of private property, small businesses and municipal buildings, and destroyed and looted all, in communities for months at a time. They were roundly praised and supported by the media and left wing politicians.

The police either would not, or were forbidden, to take action to clear or arrest. All the while the police were subjected to insults, spitting (COVID 19 protocol), attacks with rocks, Molotov cocktails, tear gas and in some instances BULLETS. Not to mention the utter destruction of taxpayer owned municipal property, cars, buildings, and so on owned by the taxpayers. The reaction from the press and the lefties, ho hum, “oh they are just excercising their 1st amendment rights, it is mostly peaceable, it is justified because the US is racist Country, white privilege”, what a bunch of horse shit.

Who was speaking out about this, loudly? Trump, over and over again. Demanding law and order, over and over again, remember.? And, when he did take action, due to federal courthouses and buildings being under attack and destruction, he was denigrated as a overreaching, cruel, racist, dictator.

You know what, in my view all these elected officials on both sides have completely failed in their duties’. In my mind, the destruction of someone’s home, or some small business is a far greater crime than disrupting a fraudulent vote certification.

Want to know what else, those homeowners and business owners are US citizens, that pay ungodly amounts of taxes. And in return for that they are guaranteed law and order protection of their lives and property and this country stood by and watched those citizens get FUCKED. And far too many applauded.

So, today we have the MOST consequential election of the US under great suspicion of fraud. In the view of millions, it has arguable been stolen. No one is willing to listen to 10’s of millions of US voters, who feel they are now without a voice. And in their view(which they are entitled to just like BLM/ANTIFA,right), they marched on the center of our democracy.

Yes, for some reason it got destructive, one protestor was shot (thank goodness she was white) and some windows and furniture was damaged. But in light of how this behavior has been viewed, responded to and supported during the Trump admin, whats the problem?

Are government buildings more important than my hard earned small business, are our elected officials lives more important than ordinary citizens lives? HELL NO!

When we start thinking that those in power are more important, or deserve different sorts of protection, we are no longer represented, but rather governed.

I for one appreciate the passion displayed yesterday. I am saddened at the violence and death (of course it would be called murder if she were black), but we are on the brink of losing our Republic and our God given right to self determination.....

So, once again, knock off the faux outrage!

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Trump dead by 2024.

Followed by Diana-esque outpourings of grief and a huge surge of support for the next Trump like candidate. If that we’d Ivanka, she’d be borne into the WH on a surge of mawkish sentimentality.

be interested to see how his numbers with republicans have fared in the last week or so. In the toilet I reckon.

I doubt that.

Look what good decent people they were yesterday.

More from my Republican step brother.

It’s not just the lunatic fringe.

In no way do I support the violence, but knock off the faux outrage.

We have suffered thru 4 years of democratic effort to undermine Trump’s every move. Russia collusion, campaign spying, impeachment bull shit, illegitimate POTUS,the Supreme Court nominees, and on and on.

We have watched the left ignore, coddle, support and encourage BLM and ANTIFA anarchy, violence, insurrection, destruction Of both individual and public property in dozens of locations. we have individuals attack police, spit on them, burn cars, destroy precincts, Molotov cocktails, rocks and gunfire. And Joe Biden called ANTIFA an “idea”. For Gods sake...

We have listened to the deranged left tell us they will not concede the election under any circumstances, should Biden lose. That if they get control of the POTUS and the house and senate, they will change America. Pack SCOTUS, free college, amnesty, statehood for DC and PR, tear down the border wall, re-enter the Iran deal, raise taxes, eliminate the filibuster.

We have had dem leaders call for the harassment of Conservatives at their homes, when they are eating out, and that harassment has taken place often, to the apparent GLEE of the left.

This past election has problems, there is ample evidence that it should be investigated thoroughly before its rammed down our throats. People of all political persuasions beleive the election rigged. Joe was a lame candidate, the man represents everything I loathe about career politicians, and his running mate is undoubtedly one of the most disliked politicians in DC.

So, in closing, we have watched the dems condone anarchy and violence, spend 4 years trying to destroy DJT, and then promise to win at all costs, which presumably includes cheating.

The ”right” have peaceably stood by and swallowed all this shit for the last 4 years, and now a huge number of American citizens beleive this election was deeply flawed, and recognize the left‘s thirst for power is boundless, and letting them simply steal the election is the final insult.

So, after all the lefts activities, save me the faux outrage. I am looking at the video, i dont see a single fire, i dont see anyone hurling Molotov cocktails, rocks and spitting at the police. I dont see any building on fie, i dont see any looting. We are pissed and some took it too far, but you that are outraged, get off your fucking self righteous high horses....for once.
What's most concerning, to me at least, about the events of last night is the complete absence of any serious intervention by the Left.

Defending the Capitol? Not our battle.

I think there’s been a bit of ‘give them enough rope’ going on. This event has set back Trump and the far right more than counterprotests could. Nothing has been lost here.
You know I was talking about Pence's numbers?

Oh sorry, yeah. I forgot why I’d picked up your post by the time I got to making mine.

I wanted to say that one of the people I was talking to in America last night was saying that they find it interesting that Pence seems to be repositioning himself to specifically appeal to the Patriots. His beard and haircut makes him look like a frontiersman slicked up to go to town. I hadn’t seen that til it was pointed out. Looking at Pence with this in mind, his beard etc suddenly looks like more than a simple makeover. It looks like part of a script, screenplay.

Obviously I’m not saying this is true, but it was an interesting point, and if there’s anything in it, we may see his support increase amongst Trumpists.
Fair enough. Some of the stuff on that laundry list looks a little off the wall.

This is the point.

The South is almost impossible to understand if you’ve not been there. I’ve said this many times.

This is a natural and easy progression for them. This is quite the normal for them.
He isn’t though.

Stop dismissing the shit you don’t like as mad.

It might feel mad from where you stand, but you/we look mad to them too.

I'm not going through it because he isn't worth it but it's full of stuff like the 'peaceable right' and accusing the Dems of giving in to anarchy.

Full of shit basically.
I'm not going through it because he isn't worth it but it's full of stuff like the 'peaceable right' and accusing the Dems of giving in to anarchy.

Full of shit basically.

Yes, it is full of shit.

That’s what I’m saying.

This is what they say, what they believe, how they talk with each other.
Oh sorry, yeah. I forgot why I’d picked up your post by the time I got to making mine.

I wanted to say that one of the people I was talking to in America last night was saying that they find it interesting that Pence seems to be repositioning himself to specifically appeal to the Patriots. His beard and haircut makes him look like a frontiersman slicked up to go to town. I hadn’t seen that til it was pointed out. Looking at Pence with this in mind, his beard etc suddenly looks like more than a simple makeover. It looks like part of a script, screenplay.
Pence is clean shaven, Ted Cruz is bearded, did you mean him?
Yes, it is full of shit.

That’s what I’m saying.

This is what they say, what they believe, how they talk with each other.
In his case do you know whether he seems to truly believe that the election was stolen by a vast conspiracy ? He’s carefully non commital on that.
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