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US election 2020 thread

Not a facist?

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I dont disagree, but there is also the possibility that without Trump and no one to fill his boots adequately, the whole thing will fester and then shrivel. Trump has worked tirelessly to rile up this crowd - its a hard act to follow. A core group will remain of course, but its a question of will it continue to grow or not.

I agree with the second half of this. 70 million Americans voted for Trump.

The much smaller and largely inchoate core group, the ‘politically active’ mob is going nowhere as you say. It’s not going to embrace third way neo-liberalism.

The key question therefore is does a Biden presidency push the mass Trump vote closer to the activist base or worse grow that number or does it isolate the nutters.

My answer is that unless Biden is radical in terms of addressing social inequality, is seen to stand up against elite interests and most importantly begins to invest in jobs and healthcare the former is entirely likely. If Biden follows his instincts and adopts a technocratic managerial approach the anger that swelled the Trump vote will grow and the oxygen for the loon fringe will increase.

Just to add one by-the-by: the sight of various neo-cons and liberal elites lining up to give lectures on democracy and freedom and ‘the People’s House’ was vomit inducing.
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That's a cop, there were a few cops on the protestors' side of the door before the woman was shot from the other side and they tended to her immediately.

Video here:

Ta. I thought it could've been but didn't know for sure. Death by unarsed cops.
I agree with the second half of this. 70 million Americans voted for Trump. The core group is going nowhere as you say. The key question is does a Biden presidency push the mass Trump vote closer to the activist base or worse grow that number or does it isolate the nutters.

My answer is that unless Biden is radical in terms of addressing inequality, is seen to stand up against elite interests and most importantly begins to invest in jobs and healthcare the former is entirely likely.
And, just to state the bleedin' obvous, in the very very unlikely event that Biden doesn't improve conditions, that's one of the reasons why it's so vital for there to be an outspoken left opposition to him from the start - to allow this lot to become the dominant face of discontent with the status quo and establishment would be a disaster.

Other than that, I'm still just reeling from them trying to claim Matthew Heimbach as an undercover antifa operative though. Matthew fucking Heimbach!
My answer is that unless Biden is radical in terms of addressing inequality, is seen to stand up against elite interests and most importantly begins to invest in jobs and healthcare the former is entirely likely.
Well we know the answer to that. Of course he's not going to be radical.
That doesn't necessarily mean the far right will maintain momentum. Its not just a reactionary force, it needs driving IMO
That's a cop, there were a few cops on the protestors' side of the door before the woman was shot from the other side and they tended to her immediately.

Video here:

If thats true, it is an incredible position for them to be in - at one stage at least one of them had their gun pointed at the people on the other side of the door (ie: Secret Service, other cops) and were in the middle of a mob.
And, just to state the bleedin' obvous, in the very very unlikely event that Biden doesn't improve conditions, that's one of the reasons why it's so vital for there to be an outspoken left opposition to him from the start - to allow this lot to become the dominant face of discontent with the status quo and establishment would be a disaster.

Is is stating the obvious? Having pored over social media ‘analysis’ this morning I don’t think your point can be made enough to be blunt.

The lesson a lot of Americans will be drawing from the last 24 hours is that if you are sick to death of the status quo - and want to fight it - that there is only one side fighting. That has to change. If the left and Biden become perceived as synonymous or in lock step the consequences are obvious
I leave the internet to look after itself for just a few hours and now this..

So anyhow, this is why there is a vice president, if the president goes out of control the vice president is expected to take over, no?
Well we know the answer to that. Of course he's not going to be radical.
That doesn't necessarily mean the far right will maintain momentum. Its not just a reactionary force, it needs driving IMO

I don’t disagree that it needs organising. In that sense we could reflect on the fact that we’ve been lucky that the figurehead of this phase has been so incompetent and self-obsessed
Pence and the rest of the republican party don't have the balls to pull that pin still how to court trump's base
I am not convinced that the people you're talking about (hardcore red hats and fascists and Qanon believers) are going to go away if there's improvements to healthcare and reduced inequality, those things sound like socialism.
Yeah, I don't think it'll be easy to win those people over either, I'm more thinking about, to borrow a handy phrase, "draining the swamp" that these people draw potential recruits from - you don't just wake up one day and decide "today I will don a fur cloak and storm DC", that's the end result of a process, and you have to hope it's possible to interrupt that process in its earlier stages.
I said the opposite of that. They are indeed going nowhere. I’m talking about the 70 million voters who aren’t that
Fair enough. But a lot of those 70 million who voted Republican are not remotely interested in reducing inequality or in changing the status quo tho, people like my cousin who just want tax to stay low and don’t mind a bit of racism to maintain their place in the hierarchy etc.
I am not convinced that the people you're talking about (hardcore red hats and fascists and Qanon believers) are going to go away if there's improvements to healthcare and reduced inequality, those things sound like socialism.
That's not what Smokeandsteam's arguing. The extreme right are not going to be won over, where the fight will be is what happens to the populist radical right. Is the answer anti-populist technocratic liberalism or is that part of the problem?
I said the opposite of that. They are indeed going nowhere. I’m talking about the 70 million voters who aren’t that

I suppose you could start to deal with Fox, social media and the rest - but at some point we have to acknowledge that a majority of the 70 million voted knowing what this was and would still vote for it.
Is is stating the obvious? Having pored over social media ‘analysis’ this morning I don’t think your point can be made enough to be blunt.

The lesson a lot of Americans will be drawing from the last 24 hours is that if you are sick to death of the status quo - and want to fight it - that there is only one side fighting. That has to change. If the left and Biden become perceived as synonymous or in lock step the consequences are obvious
Hmmm. Thing is that Trump was a very typically Republican president in most of what he did - tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, environmental vandalism, etc. And most Republican voters are still the traditional Republican voters - in the Georgia runoff yesterday, the Republicans won big among those earning $75k and more, like they usually do. When talking about the 70 million who voted for Trump, this needs to be borne in mind. A big number of that 70 million want the status quo, and for them Trump was the status quo.
Yeah, I don't think it'll be easy to win those people over either, I'm more thinking about, to borrow a handy phrase, "draining the swamp" that these people draw potential recruits from - you don't just wake up one day and decide "today I will don a fur cloak and storm DC", that's the end result of a process, and you have to hope it's possible to interrupt that process in its earlier stages.
That guy to take one example was apparently a fundamentalist Christian before he discovered qanon and trump some 5 years ago and has been doing His Own Research on the Internet since. So yep, it takes a while to end up where he is. I have no idea what the answer is tbh because radicalisation is basically how YouTube & social media works, it’s the business model.
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