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US election 2020 thread

Strikes me that Trump is an accidental leader of the group that forms his base. It's not like he gives a shit about them and what they care about. They are just the means he saw to get to the White House. Once it becomes clear to him that he is never going to be president again, he'll just drop them. Purpose served, on to the next people who are useful to him. They will need a new leader.
Trump's finished politically after this.
Happened to be chatting online to a friend when this all went down, and she said similar, and I honestly don't know how much he'll care.

Certainly losing the election will sting baaaaad, and I can see him wanting to avenge that in 2024, but we all know he never cared about the politics, which basically annoyed him, and for him it was all about the adulation. Currently, my money is still on him finding some media outlet that will make him their figurehead, essentially deify him, and then he can twat on about whatever he likes from his gold pulpit and act as kingmaker for other bastard-mad demagogues, who he subsequently disowns when they inevitably crash and burn.

He'll be like a mutated Farage, but without anything even as coherent as Brexit to rally behind.
Strikes me that Trump is an accidental leader of the group that forms his base. It's not like he gives a shit about them and what they care about. They are just the means he saw to get to the White House. Once it becomes clear to him that he is never going to be president again, he'll just drop them. Purpose served, on to the next people who are useful to him. They will need a new leader.

Oh for sure .

He has no clue, no plan, and no real ideology either.

He’s an opportunist, no doubt of that.

He’s essentially a no mark who happens to be gifted with low cunning and a zombie instinct to pursue his ambition, whatever that may be in the moment.

He is the beast shuffling towards Bethlehem.

Only the culty loons will follow him once he’s off the throne.

I’d be astonished if he runs in 2024. His attention span won’t get him that far, he’ll be deep into some other game by then. He’ll endorse and support, do all the kingmaking bullshit if he gets the chance, but I doubt he’ll be given the chance.

but the McVeighs will be stirred up by this. They’ll see the chink in the armour around the machine and dig away at that, chip chip chip. They’re not even interested in overturning government, not really. They just want to stand in conflict and create their own little worlds.
Strikes me that Trump is an accidental leader of the group that forms his base. It's not like he gives a shit about them and what they care about. They are just the means he saw to get to the White House. Once it becomes clear to him that he is never going to be president again, he'll just drop them. Purpose served, on to the next people who are useful to him. They will need a new leader.
David Kilcullen in an interview said that Ryan Bundy is one to watch Bundy standoff - Wikipedia
this kind of fucks the republican party - the trumpy loons are not going to vote for anyone but a true believer and anyone who verifies biden is a "traitor" in their eyes - but todays shit show will force most leading republicans to abandon trump. mid term wipe out ahoy?
Not likely. Never underestimate how loathsome and singleminded that bunch of godawful misanthropes are.

Nice one twitter! Better late than never eh? <slow clap>

They’re reconvening later to carry on with the electoral college shizzle. Would be quite amusing to see if any of the blowhard Trumpists are still going to challenge the result, oblivious to how that would now look. One of them has already backed slowly away:

View attachment 247501
A bit late for these spineless enablers to walk back from their seditious positioning isn't it?
Lots of talk of the 25th ammendment, though, if I remember S2 of the West Wing well enough (and clearly Biden does, given his Bartletesque speech earlier), the orange shit gibbon would have to actually sign the country over to the dead-eyed VP, else only the secretary of defense (sic) can legally take over.
Lots of talk of the 25th ammendment, though, if I remember S2 of the West Wing well enough (and clearly Biden does, given his Bartletesque speech earlier), the orange shit gibbon would have to actually sign the country over to the dead-eyed VP, else only the secretary of defense (sic) can legally take over.
The president can voluntarily hand over to the VP, but alternatively, it can be done without the president's consent if a majority of the cabinet sign to it.
Lots of talk of the 25th ammendment, though, if I remember S2 of the West Wing well enough (and clearly Biden does, given his Bartletesque speech earlier), the orange shit gibbon would have to actually sign the country over to the dead-eyed VP, else only the secretary of defense (sic) can legally take over.
section four - lawyerism at its best, two sentences, two hundred words - allows for when the president refuses to sign, VP takes over - altho its unclear whether he becomes president, or merely takes over the powers
Well Trump and his supporters had to go out with a bang didn’t they? It wouldn’t be Trump any other way.

Let’s hope they quickly now fade into obscurity.
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