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US election 2020 thread

Why does trump think that holding a load of rallies will help his chances of reelection - there's not likely to be anyone at them who isn't already amongst the converted is there?
Or maybe he just loves holding rallies and its not a strategy more of an indulgence.

pretty much this. he doesn't have any sort of coherent campaign - its just him demanding attention/adoration and lashing out at his enemies.
Why does trump think that holding a load of rallies will help his chances of reelection - there's not likely to be anyone at them who isn't already amongst the converted is there?
Or maybe he just loves holding rallies and its not a strategy more of an indulgence.

He loves having adoring crowds.
I suspect there were a set of reasons they voted for Trump, not least of which was that they were habitual Republican voters anyway, along with those who believed Washington had abandoned them and that Hilary was part of that. I think for most of them there was some sort of cognitive dissonance or just not caring enough about his rapey reputation. Perhaps as you say, the worst of those people saw it, in some kind of horrendous logic, as the alpha male striking back in the culture wars or something. ONe of the worst people on the planet managing to key into one of the worst bits in human psyche and politics of the early 20th Century (or summat). But yeah, I do find it hard to see why multiple accusations of sexual assault and rape could be ignored, at the very point he owned up to it. :(

For evangelicals abortion is far more important than some title tattle about his sexual improprieties. Imagine if you genuinely believed that thousands of baby children were being brutally murdered every year, and the only way to stop it was to try and overturn Roe vs Wade by electing a conservative president who would appoint conservative supreme court justices. You wouldn't care about some supposed allegations relating to his sex life, because stopping the murder of thousands of babies is obviously far more important. That's why evangelical women vote for Trump.
For evangelicals abortion is far more important than some title tattle about his sexual improprieties. Imagine if you genuinely believed that thousands of baby children were being brutally murdered every year, and the only way to stop it was to try and overturn Roe vs Wade by electing a conservative president who would appoint conservative supreme court justices. You wouldn't care about some supposed allegations relating to his sex life, because stopping the murder of thousands of babies is obviously far more important. That's why evangelical women vote for Trump.
Hardly tittle tattle, there had been legal moves and counter moves around Trump's sexual assaults, even by 2016.
Mine was like that until I realized there's a bit of wire in the top that you pinch together to make it fit better :facepalm:
Yes, perhaps he didn't pinch it properly.

His delivery isn't very polished but his words should cause all voters below average wage to vote for him, if they don't (and perversely they might not), then they are turkeys voting for Christmas!
The one thing Trump really did well during 2016 was to present himself as the champion of the "Little Guy", one of the ordinary people who would stand up for them against the vaguely defined "Elite" who ran the USA without concern for what the public cared about whereas it was very easy to paint Hilary Clinton as part of that out of touch Elite (especially given as she was). Trump was very good at giving the impression that he cared about what was most important to many of the people that voted for him.
Evangelicals saw someone who cared about preventing the murder of babies and turning the nation back to Jesus, low skilled blue collar workers saw someone who cared about them losing their job to low wage economies, racists saw someone who reassured them it was in fact OK to hate black people because they were getting all uppity and didn't know their place anymore. Apart from the last one (Trump has never made much secret of being a massive bigot), it was all a con job and he didn't care about anything except himself but he was good at selling the lie. Some people will never see through it (not least because they can't face the realty of being so wrong) and cling desperately to the hope they were right about him after all.
The racists and mysognists will still support him because no else will validate their shit but hopefully enough of the people who fell for his snake oil last time round will either vote against him or at least stay home, and the people who didn't vote because they were disillusioned with whole shit show will realise the consequences of what they did and will turn out to do something about it.
His delivery isn't very polished but his words should cause all voters below average wage to vote for him, if they don't (and perversely they might not), then they are turkeys voting for Christmas!

Looking at this wiki list it does seem that a lot of the "red" (i.e. republican) states are poorer than the average. There are some exceptions to that of course. Not sure of the reasons for that.

The one thing Trump really did well during 2016 was to present himself as the champion of the "Little Guy", one of the ordinary people who would stand up for them against the vaguely defined "Elite" who ran the USA without concern for what the public cared about whereas it was very easy to paint Hilary Clinton as part of that out of touch Elite (especially given as she was). Trump was very good at giving the impression that he cared about what was most important to many of the people that voted for him.
Evangelicals saw someone who cared about preventing the murder of babies and turning the nation back to Jesus, low skilled blue collar workers saw someone who cared about them losing their job to low wage economies, racists saw someone who reassured them it was in fact OK to hate black people because they were getting all uppity and didn't know their place anymore. Apart from the last one (Trump has never made much secret of being a massive bigot), it was all a con job and he didn't care about anything except himself but he was good at selling the lie. Some people will never see through it (not least because they can't face the realty of being so wrong) and cling desperately to the hope they were right about him after all.
The racists and mysognists will still support him because no else will validate their shit but hopefully enough of the people who fell for his snake oil last time round will either vote against him or at least stay home, and the people who didn't vote because they were disillusioned with whole shit show will realise the consequences of what they did and will turn out to do something about it.
This misses out the fact that this time his campaign is focussed not on his own ‘strengths’ but on telling everyone day after day that the alternative to more trump is The Radical Left who will take all your money away and who are against Law and Order. That message has been heard even by people who find trump himself disgusting.
This misses out the fact that he has spent many months focussed not on his own ‘strengths’ but on telling everyone day after day that the alternative to more trump is The Radical Left who will take all your money away and who are against Law and Order. That message has been heard even by people who find trump himself disgusting.
Agree with you totally, another group who hear what they want. Utterly despicable specimen that he is in every conceivable way, he is really good at appealing to people's most irrational fears, their most desperate hopes and their darkest desires.
I used to laugh at the crazies who used to declare that Obama was the anti-christ yet Trump is a far more fitting person to bear that title. Good job, I'm an atheist.
The one thing Trump really did well during 2016 was to present himself as the champion of the "Little Guy", one of the ordinary people who would stand up for them against the vaguely defined "Elite" who ran the USA without concern for what the public cared about whereas it was very easy to paint Hilary Clinton as part of that out of touch Elite (especially given as she was). Trump was very good at giving the impression that he cared about what was most important to many of the people that voted for him.
Evangelicals saw someone who cared about preventing the murder of babies and turning the nation back to Jesus, low skilled blue collar workers saw someone who cared about them losing their job to low wage economies, racists saw someone who reassured them it was in fact OK to hate black people because they were getting all uppity and didn't know their place anymore. Apart from the last one (Trump has never made much secret of being a massive bigot), it was all a con job and he didn't care about anything except himself but he was good at selling the lie. Some people will never see through it (not least because they can't face the realty of being so wrong) and cling desperately to the hope they were right about him after all.
The racists and mysognists will still support him because no else will validate their shit but hopefully enough of the people who fell for his snake oil last time round will either vote against him or at least stay home, and the people who didn't vote because they were disillusioned with whole shit show will realise the consequences of what they did and will turn out to do something about it.
All correct, but it was also the Nativism, the MAGA, America First - he basically promised to rescue traditional manufacturing industry, and with it bluecollar working class jobs, after 4 decades of catastrophic decline. Those jobs were almost all in the rustbelt state (hence the name) and that's where he won it.
However, he hasn't delivered, and he has no choice but to campaign on that record. Scaring them with the radical left bogeyman won't work, because they'll simply answer "things can't get any worse!', or even 'hell, I could do with a loittle bit of that socialism, right now'
Looking at this wiki list it does seem that a lot of the "red" (i.e. republican) states are poorer than the average. There are some exceptions to that of course. Not sure of the reasons for that.

One important reason is that the high earners tend to be in the professions, service industries, hi-tech industries and entertainment industries. Those tend to be clustered on the west coast and New England, plus places like Colorado and Nevada (all Dem strongholds), whilst the rural farmer states (all GOp strongholds) have suffered because agriculture has had a pretty rotten time of it over the past few decades, and average wages in that sector are low anyway, and the South (solid GOP for the past few decades, with the debatable exception of florida and Virginia) is historically the most economically backward area of the country. This latter is changing - see North Carolina and Georgia - but only slowly.
Plus, lots of high-earning, high-skill college educated types are very much social and cultural liberals, so they tend to vote Dem.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla's office has received complains about what appear to be unauthorized ballot drop boxes in Los Angeles, Orange, and Fresno counties, and it appears from social media posts that California Republicans have set them up to collect ballots, The Orange County Register reported Sunday night. The metal boxes, which purport to be "official," have been reported at local political party offices, churches, and headquarters for GOP candidates.

"Operating unofficial ballot drop boxes — especially those misrepresented as official drop boxes — is not just misleading to voters, it's a violation of state law," Padilla said, and a felony conviction would land perpetrators in prison for two to four years. County elections officials and registrars are solely empowered to set up and maintain drop boxes in accordance with strict state security rules.

The California Republican Party did not respond to the Register's requests for comments, nor did individual GOP operatives who have implicated themselves on social media. But the state GOP has "been defending the practice in replies on Twitter, alleging the process was made legal under a 2016 law that allows California voters to designate a person to return their ballot for them," the Register reports. "The GOP calls the practice 'ballot harvesting' and blames it for losses to the Democrats in OC and other places in 2018." State officials say unauthorized drop boxes would violate that law since there's no designated person to sign for the ballot, as required.
They may be having technical issues there (in the richest country in the world) but voter suppression and deterrence is the best chance the republicans have now of winning and they know it very well.
Don't know if this whole story got missed here whilst we were all busy wondering if trump would croak but its just one stark example of their efforts to keep people from voting.
It is disturbing to see the voting queues - I know we obviously have them in the UK, but our constituencies are much smaller. At most I've waited about 20 minutes to vote.

If the US had the same constituency size as us it'd have around 4,779 members of Congress (based on 650 MPs representing ~68k people each vs. 325m people / 68k). Demolish the Capitol and sequester an Amazon distribution centre. :thumbs:
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