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Urban v's the Commentariat

I agree with lots that McKenzie has to say and did scratch my head when she started publishing articles through RT. I guess we've all got bills to pay though.
Most people amongst the self-proclaimed Left Wing Commentariat ultimately make their decisions on the key factor of 'but I want to do it' anyway. All the justifications following on from that are just fluff. They want money, they want a platform, they want to feel relevant, so they delude themselves as to reasons why it's essential to some wider struggle that they pop up on Murdoch TV. Don't think that's overly worth getting offended about though really, most of them are neither journalists or activists, they're just people with opinions and they only stand out because so few people in the media landscape are playing that role with any kind of Left Wing credentials. Practically though they're of no more use than the likes of Dan Hodges on the Right and Tories never get as excited about his incessant stream of pish as the Left does about Jones, Sarkar or Blakely.

As far as expanding cultural power within the media goes shit posters, vaguely popular YouTubers and parody accounts have done more to irritate and subvert the mainstream narrative than the big talking heads ever have. Plus they're less likely to drift off into Paul Mason-esque insanity to keep their names on the billboard.
Can anyone explain why Josie Sparrow ain't keen on the LRB? I'm quite fond of the unread pile of copies I have in the corner of my room.
From the mention of Grenfell I assume she's referring to Andrew O'Hagan's 2018 essay 'The Tower' which took the 'interesting' viewpoint that Kensington & Chelsea Council and the hard pressed functionaries in the 'TMO' it set up to manage it's housing stock were really doing their best but had been caught between central Government policy and cuts on the one hand, and a faction of unreasonable stroppy tenants on the other. It had it's arse kicked at the time - for example here and here.

Only this week it was cited at the Inquiry, by one of the legal teams representing bereaved survivors and residents, as exemplifying the Council's viewpoint and initial justification for its actions and inactions. I don't think it's 'controversial' to suggest that the evidence heard at the Inquiry hasn't really supported the notion that the Council and the 'TMO' should be classed among the victims of the fire.

(While I thought the article, the authors response to his critics and the LRB's silence over the criticisms were disgraceful, it wouldn't lead me to boycott the LRB myself. But since I choose to spend my limited resources elsewhere it doesn't really arise).
so for those like me who dont understand what is going on i presume its this:

the thread explains/justifies why she is going on it
only thing is, wtf is Talk TV? also what is News UK? are they popular? More popular than GB News?

TalkTV thread -

They are currently testing with a looped promo, launches on Mon 27th April.
So according to Wikipedia, privately educated, PPE at Oxford, worked as a management consultant at KPMG, gig at the New Statesman at 25. :rolleyes:
On the whole she comes across as someone who knows what they are talking about, but like all economic commentators she also seems to get it just as wrong as the rest of them...ive yet to find anyone who talks about economic near future who does much better than predicting yesterday.

There are a few marx-influenced economists who have had big City jobs I'm vaguely aware of...names escape me though Michael Roberts is one - i think he was a trader. (eta Tony Norfield another IIRC)

Maybe considering Grace's childhood background this kind of TV gig is best for her - a good fit - I think she should knock herself out with it.

One of the problems of tv talking heads with any left bent is they are so few and far between that is easy to quickly feel disgusted by them popping up everywhere - if they were one of a 100 as opposed to one of 3 I think it would be easier to swallow

Lisa M is a massive hypocrite btw for the record there.
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As far as expanding cultural power within the media goes shit posters, vaguely popular YouTubers and parody accounts have done more to irritate and subvert the mainstream narrative than the big talking heads ever have.
interesting point - unprovable - but interesting. None of my close friends or family use Twitter for example (one person does) - not even to read.
tv/ corporate media in general, definitely has a different demographic audience to (corporate) social media.
From the mention of Grenfell I assume she's referring to Andrew O'Hagan's 2018 essay 'The Tower' which took the 'interesting' viewpoint that Kensington & Chelsea Council and the hard pressed functionaries in the 'TMO' it set up to manage it's housing stock were really doing their best but had been caught between central Government policy and cuts on the one hand, and a faction of unreasonable stroppy tenants on the other. It had it's arse kicked at the time - for example here and here.

Only this week it was cited at the Inquiry, by one of the legal teams representing bereaved survivors and residents, as exemplifying the Council's viewpoint and initial justification for its actions and inactions. I don't think it's 'controversial' to suggest that the evidence heard at the Inquiry hasn't really supported the notion that the Council and the 'TMO' should be classed among the victims of the fire.

(While I thought the article, the authors response to his critics and the LRB's silence over the criticisms were disgraceful, it wouldn't lead me to boycott the LRB myself. But since I choose to spend my limited resources elsewhere it doesn't really arise).
Yeah, I boycotted it from 2018-2021 for precisely that reason before giving in on the grounds that my old grudge was starting to feel a bit stale and they didn't seem to have done anything comparably bad since? Still rankles that O'Hagan's still an editor or something similar there though.
interesting point - unprovable - but interesting. None of my close friends or family use Twitter for example (one person does) - not even to read.
tv/ corporate media in general, definitely has a different demographic audience to (corporate) social media.

You don't really need to participate for it to have an effect though. Even if you just consume trad. media then, chances are, a lot of the talking heads you'll see are there because they've built (or maintained) their relevance/fame/marketability on social media. Even if most people don't use it and especially don't follow a load of political accounts those in the media do and the more they use it to build their own audiences the more they legitimise it as a platform to pay attention to. Think they only occasionally realise how self-defeating that can be when the usual 'ban internet anonymity' and 'evil internet trolls' stuff goes around.

YouTube is an even bigger thing, I'd say that with Trump and certainly the anti-vaxx stuff that was a far bigger motivator for those out actively protesting and doing stuff than even Fox News.
YouTube is an even bigger thing, I'd say that with Trump and certainly the anti-vaxx stuff that was a far bigger motivator for those out actively protesting and doing stuff than even Fox News.
Quite possibly, indie (social) media definitely strongest with those at the extremes of political opinion but corporate media still massively influential and dominant.. And hegemonic
Quite possibly, indie (social) media definitely strongest with those at the extremes of political opinion but corporate media still massively influential and dominant.. And hegemonic

Debatable, certainly with younger demographics. Not to say that social media isn't similarly open to corporate influence - it absolutely is, but the trends for news consumption especially are only going in one direction and it's not young people turning their TVs on or buying newspapers.
Debatable, certainly with younger demographics. Not to say that social media isn't similarly open to corporate influence - it absolutely is, but the trends for news consumption especially are only going in one direction and it's not young people turning their TVs on or buying newspapers.
Agree, but there's 40 years before this generation fades out so this demographic still crucial
From the mention of Grenfell I assume she's referring to Andrew O'Hagan's 2018 essay 'The Tower' which took the 'interesting' viewpoint that Kensington & Chelsea Council and the hard pressed functionaries in the 'TMO' it set up to manage it's housing stock were really doing their best but had been caught between central Government policy and cuts on the one hand, and a faction of unreasonable stroppy tenants on the other. It had it's arse kicked at the time - for example here and here.

Only this week it was cited at the Inquiry, by one of the legal teams representing bereaved survivors and residents, as exemplifying the Council's viewpoint and initial justification for its actions and inactions. I don't think it's 'controversial' to suggest that the evidence heard at the Inquiry hasn't really supported the notion that the Council and the 'TMO' should be classed among the victims of the fire.

(While I thought the article, the authors response to his critics and the LRB's silence over the criticisms were disgraceful, it wouldn't lead me to boycott the LRB myself. But since I choose to spend my limited resources elsewhere it doesn't really arise).

Thanks, I had no idea.
I think there's a general problem with successfuly left voices not being involved in or reflecting what is happening in struggles on the ground. Surely your role as a left media voice should be to channel people into these struggles? I can forgive a privileged upbringing if people allow themselves to be used as a voice for others in mainstream media, and if they are using their positions to channel energy into movements. But that's not what happens. It's not what Blakeley does. Or what most of them do. So what's the point? Proving you can argue a point against TND? That's not going to grow any movements for change.

I imagine they see themselves as somehow keeping the 'overton window' open by voicing left ideas on mainstream channels, but in reality its sheer tokenism by those channels. 95% of their content points the other way. So on their own terms I think these commentators are being outsmarted by the channels/papers they work for.
Freedom's collective principles aside, as a personal thing I think the questions when engaging with mainstream media for most groups should generally revolve around whether a) you'll get a fair hearing b) the audience might be open to listening c) is there a point to doing so?

A turn on GB News for example? Obviously not. Even if you win the debate in front of a tiny audience of batshit moustache twitchers, the next hour of programming will involve the show doing a public "what I'd have said if I'd remembered" shower moment and all you get is a Twitter dunk that will barely register outside your existing fans. Wartime considerations aside, RT was actually a considerably better prospect when it was allowed, because while your audience is a weird one it may well be interested and you get more space to say your piece. I'd still not (and I'm certainly not defending Lisa McKenzie), because I'd rather not be associated with the likes of Galloway and Max Keiser, but I can see why people might.

TalkTV will be more similar to GB with a strong dose of Fox, and I'd see Blakeley acting primarily as the bullied liberal outnumbered 3:1 in every conversation, which is absolutely standard on Fox, for example. She'll act as cover for their general programming while changing few, if any, minds. No doubt it pays well.
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to I'd see Blakeley acting primarily as the bullied liberal outnumbered 3:1 in every conversation, which is absolutely standard on Fox, for example. She'll act as cover for their general programming while changing few, if any, minds. No doubt it pays well.
Aye, this is what I meant by the house always wins
It's wrong and bad to post up embarrassing things from people's youth.

But goddamit if this is wrong, I don't want to be right.


An excellent find courtesy of Splits and Fusions archive:

It's wrong and bad to post up embarrassing things from people's youth.

But goddamit if this is wrong, I don't want to be right.

View attachment 321271

An excellent find courtesy of Splits and Fusions archive:

Would he have been aged fifteen when he wrote that ??
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Barry Mainwaring can't even get on novara, never mind murdovision.
Who needs Novara when we've got...

As for Grace Blakeley? I'm not sure what else people expected her to do? That's her social world, always has been will be. That she chucks out the form occasional half-decent Marxish take is nice, but essentially meaningless beyond any use people make of it.
Pointless question for a dull Wednesday afternoon, but don't suppose any of the seasoned commentariat-spotters on here know why Owen Hatherley seems to have just deactivated his twatter?
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