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Urban v's the Commentariat

" I had to crowdfund my rent this month. "? WTF? She was famous with a bestselling book out by that point (thats from 2017 btw)

she goes on to say

" The Groucho rang me last week to find out if I was OK because I hadn’t been in. I was like, ‘Are your profits suffering?’” "

had to check that was real
the piece isnt as bad as it seems as the headlines seems
Its true, SATC's politics are so shit - fuck Mr Big, he's a cunt. All the characters are deeply dislikeable
Apparently Sarkar has now become someone who watches the scenes kicking off in Bristol and thinks "what will the Tory backbenchers say?"

I think thats harsh and not what shes saying. Shes analysing things tactically from the sidelines but not in a handwringing liberal way.

Tbh I dont think of Ash Sarkar and the Novara lot as the commentariat, even though I disagree with some of their stuff etc. Not got nothing on Owen Jones and various Guardian hacks!
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