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Urban v's the Commentariat

Violence is for everyone.

I feel a range of prol-dem greetings cards coming on.

Something like this?

lol, I just auto-branded it, tbf would actually be better without the logo. I was just worrying that cismales/christmas was a pun too far. Which it probably is.

Cracking work again copliker please pass on my salutations to the Bolivian child miners on their sterling efforts.
I'll leave a #solidarity note in the cervantes institute. For those not au fait with forrin, the tune is young (18 I think when it was recorded) Chilean rapper Belona MC's Hija Del Fuego (Daughter Of Fire - LP routinely bangs on about things on fire being great). Has anyone put it on the twitter machine?
That's nothing, I've shown our multitudinous positionism by nicking this stock image off the Internet:

Awesome logo to be stolen for our next united front, setup to support the sparkies in their struggle, now expanded across all construction workers. Obviously need to change the colour and apparent gender of those hands, perhaps have one with a visible disability, maybe some rings or something to display other oppressions that can't be conveyed by a hand/arm, Campaign For Intersectional Construction or something with a better acronym. Or just turned red and black and used for anything.
Mick Hume oh so predictably defending that bloke who made those comments about women in science in today's Sun. How wearisome. Funnily enough The Sun must have forgotten to dredge up Hume's "hard left" past as it would normally do. Cosy.
these'll be the same people who nodded alng to a sanction regime that murdered many thousands of Iraqi children. Its one of the things I truly fucking hate about these lot- we saw it with 'yay for nato' penny as well. They feel that they can make a sage judgement on what should or should not be done militarily. The fucking arrogance of it all, they'll never be on either end of a gun. They'll never be digging through rubble to try and find their kids bodies. Shithouse liberal wankers #summerofthuggery
these'll be the same people who nodded alng to a sanction regime that murdered many thousands of Iraqi children. Its one of the things I truly fucking hate about these lot- we saw it with 'yay for nato' penny as well. They feel that they can make a sage judgement on what should or should not be done militarily. The fucking arrogance of it all, they'll never be on either end of a gun. They'll never be digging through rubble to try and find their kids bodies. Shithouse liberal wankers #summerofthuggery

Have you noticed how few of them have ever either been in the military or embedded with it, but still think they have a far greater knowledge of what should be done and how than the military themselves? Reminds me of those idiots sat on barstools who insist on talking down to someone who's been in the job for twenty years or more.
these'll be the same people who nodded alng to a sanction regime that murdered many thousands of Iraqi children. Its one of the things I truly fucking hate about these lot- we saw it with 'yay for nato' penny as well. They feel that they can make a sage judgement on what should or should not be done militarily. The fucking arrogance of it all, they'll never be on either end of a gun. They'll never be digging through rubble to try and find their kids bodies. Shithouse liberal wankers #summerofthuggery

It's all just a game to them, look at the language - 'it could be argued'. All that basically means is that she has heard that argument from one of her multitude of hawkish Tory and Red Tory mates, and that it is a reasonable position to take in that company, the important thing is to anchor yourself as a reasonable person within the narrative which is widely accepted and pushed by the bubble. No thought for the human consequences of such a position, just interest in whether it's a reasonable one to take and whether they will keep getting invited to dinner parties and balls.
Have you noticed how few of them have ever either been in the military or embedded with it, but still think they have a far greater knowledge of what should be done and how than the military themselves? Reminds me of those idiots sat on barstools who insist on talking down to someone who's been in the job for twenty years or more.

its more than that though. I'm a semi-geek about war, I think you have that cap as well, but I've never served. But cheering on the carpet bombing of libya ffs. You don't need even a smidge of knowledge to see the human cost there. Its like watching screaming apes hoot and throw shit at things cos yay nato. Fucks sake. And I was no fan of the late gaddafi either, but how can the wise heads who went to oxford and everything just not see what they are cheering for.
its more than that though. I'm a semi-geek about war, I think you have that cap as well, but I've never served. But cheering on the carpet bombing of libya ffs. You don't need even a smidge of knowledge to see the human cost there. Its like watching screaming apes hoot and throw shit at things cos yay nato. Fucks sake. And I was no fan of the late gaddafi either, but how can the wise heads who went to oxford and everything just not see what they are cheering for.

True, you don't need to have served to see the human cost of warfare, far from it. The talking heads are paid to talk and have opinions, preferably opinions that fit well within whichever bubble they inhabit be it left, right or middle. They make a living from having the 'right' opinions for their particular audience. It's been said that people choose their media based on its ability to confirm their pre-existing worldview, not to challenge the beliefs they already hold, hence the potentially lucrative career path based on having the 'right' opinions and knowing the 'right' people to advance your career not by ability, but by spouting the appropriate claptrap at Islington dinner parties.
It's all just a game to them, look at the language - 'it could be argued'. All that basically means is that she has heard that argument from one of her multitude of hawkish Tory and Red Tory mates, and that it is a reasonable position to take in that company, the important thing is to anchor yourself as a reasonable person within the narrative which is widely accepted and pushed by the bubble. No thought for the human consequences of such a position, just interest in whether it's a reasonable one to take and whether they will keep getting invited to dinner parties and balls.
All the grand game ennit. They couldn't actually give a flying fuck either way, but have to have a motherfucking opinion for money.
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