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Urban v's the Commentariat

politics of hope vs politics of despair

I watched this rubbish last night. They all need to fuck off. Especially Toynbee.

PD might issue a why the left lost listicle.

1: Billy Bragg wasting revolutionary energy trying to shut down the skatepark
2: SEX chair row
3: Voice of youth in exile
he is a through and through torybot. The sort who'd worsen conditions in a jail then welcome the subsequent rioting cos he gets to look tough crushing them with some bull necked tornado-trained special screw squad

We are talking about someone who as Tory Chief Whip managed in a bit more than a year to make double the number of UKIP MPs than UKIP have been able to in a decade, though. Someone who, (edit) the Guardian claims in a Times piece calling for the return of the death penalty, said that:

“Were I ever alone in the dock I would not want to be arraigned before our flawed tribunals, knowing my freedom could be forfeit as a result of political pressures. I would prefer a fair trial, under the shadow of the noose.”

Gove is unique - indeed placing him in charge of repealing the Human Rights Act is probably the best guarantee of retaining and extending it that there is.
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So? Making the radical changes he made to education was bound to do that. Their wrath has - unfortunately - done nothing to stop them. He was parked briefly for political expediency, nothing more.

He's the most capable & ruthless member of the cabinet - presumably he's been given justice because repealing the human rights act promises to be a clusterfuck, and they need their most capable & ruthless member to push it through.
He was massively successful in pushing through their agenda in education. You underestimate him.

Yup. He's a believer - an ideologue who'll do whatever is necessary to realise his vision. He's an ideological zealot in the same way that Iain Dunked-in Shit is a religious zealot. No criticism touches him because he knows he is right.
And only yesterday the Mail were reporting it as fact
She was educated at some of Britain's finest academic institutions where she was taught about the sacrifices of the wartime generation. Her grandmother was even awarded the George Cross for her services in the Second World War.

Despite this, Left-wing writer Laurie Penny defended the vandal who sprayed 'F*** Tory Scum' in red paint on a memorial honouring the women who served in the war.

Hours later Miss Penny, 28, who was privately educated at Brighton College before studying English at Oxford, wrote on Twitter: 'I don't have a problem with this. The bravery of past generations does not oblige us to be cowed today.

'What's disgusting is that some people are more worried about a war memorial than the destruction of the welfare state.'

Miss Penny, who writes for The Guardian, later admitted that she 'should have been more sensitive, especially given the day'. But she added defiantly: 'I meant what I said' and claimed: 'I honour [my grandmother] by staying angry.'

Last night Miss Penny said: 'I really didn't mean to insult anyone, much less advocate vandalising public monuments. What I'm saying is that I understand the anger behind it.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...b-plotting-summer-thuggery.html#ixzz3ZurKrRfA
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"Poster girl for the Left". PersonalBrand++. It's a nothing story about her getting mixed up. But this sort of nonsense suggests that if there are regular boisterous anti-tory protests, they'll go after people, pick them from the crowd, dig up what they can and generally make life a bit shitty.

Nothing unusual about some elements of the Press doing that, though.
On the use of intersectionality by right-wing US Democrats against leftists

Manarchist, dudebro …. These are terms that are typically employed as a cudgel against the left by centrist Democrats. They argue for dismissing a particular political argument by presuming that a certain set of people makes that political argument. Which, whatever: a majority of the socialists I’ve known in my life have not been white men, and I’ve known thousands, but who cares, right. The bigger question at this point is what any of that has to do with a guy using Emmett Till’s memory to wage political warfare over a trade agreement. What does manarchism or brocialism or whatever have to do with that ugly comment? Who knows? It doesn’t matter: Bauer knows that those are magic words. He understands how today’s progressive internet works. He understands critique drift. He knows that whatever complaints about him can simply be filtered through third-hand appropriated feminism. Because that’s how we do things, now.

What all of this descended into, as was inevitable, was a White Off. A White Off is a peculiar 21st-century phenomenon where white progressives try to prove that the other white progressives they’re arguing with are The Real Whites. It’s a contest in shamelessness: who can be more brazen in reducing race to a pure argumentative cudgel? Who feels less guilt about using the fight against racism as a way to elevate oneself in a social hierarchy? Which white person will be the first to pull out “white” as a pejorative in a way that demonstrates the toothlessness of the concept? Within progressivism today, there is an absolute lack of shame or self-criticism about reducing racial discourse to a matter of straightforward personal branding and social signaling. It turns my stomach.

Expect more and more of this
Thanks, everyone. It's been a nasty few days but I have tea and books and good friends and ultimately, no power in the 'verse can stop me.
2 booj 2 fail. Suck it up losers.

Brave Helen Lewis saying what everyone else is thinking.

"Do you miss the Lib Dems yet? Don't worry, you will"

The Lib Dems are now tending to the fallen, with defeated candidates getting calls from the top brass. They plan to rebuild, as they have before, from the local level and draw hope from the way in which 10,000 masochists have joined the party since the election. But they are doubly sad, mourning both their annihilation and what that means for Britain. As one says: “There’s no satisfaction in watching the working poor being penalised to prove us right.
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Where the fuck is this narrative coming from that somehow the Lib Dems were a moderating influence on the Tory-Lib Dem assault on the poor? They backed the welfare persecutions, persecution of the disabled, universal credit, free schools, further privatisation of the NHS and contributed to and supported the scrounger rhetoric which has led to an atmosphere in which thousands have died. Yet now they want to act as if they were against all of this and idiots like Helen Lewis fall for it, probably because they are so far removed fro any of this and so rich they are probably in the small minority that actually benefit financially from the Tories.
Where the fuck is this narrative coming from that somehow the Lib Dems were a moderating influence on the Tory-Lib Dem assault on the poor? They backed the welfare persecutions, persecution of the disabled, universal credit, free schools, further privatisation of the NHS and contributed to and supported the scrounger rhetoric which has led to an atmosphere in which thousands have died. Yet now they want to act as if they were against all of this and idiots like Helen Lewis fall for it, probably because they are so far removed fro any of this and so rich they are probably in the small minority that actually benefit financially from the Tories.
Though Lewis appears to take a more proactive role in propagating the myth than you suggest by characterising her position of one of gullibility. She presumes to know the outcome of some imagined negotiations, and what effect the LDs would have had on specific policy areas....had they been in a position to enter another coalition with their fellow vermin...

There are many other items on the agenda that the Lib Dems would have blocked: draconian anti-terror powers, hacking lumps out of the BBC, reviving the “snooper’s charter” and the £12bn of benefit cuts.
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