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Urban v's the Commentariat


the writer of this article and regular recipient of Ms Penny's public promotion is her sister. Who even uses the same adopted surname as Laurie.

The quality of work is about the same, and the depth of analysis is similarly merely ankle deep. How fortunate we are to live in a time of two great talents.

The society which we live in is a meritocracy. They are strivers, not skivers and you are jealous!
To be honest that might be more credible if any of these guys had said a single word on the grooming scandals

They, and much of the left were calling people who talked about it racist even after the scale of what was happening was apparent to all but those who were ideologically committed to not seeing what was happening for what it was. See also her denial of the existence of gender segregation at Islamic Society lectures at British universities during which she libelled many women from a Muslim background.

They don't give a shit about kids getting raped or women who are being oppressed and will happily throw both under the bus to accumulate subcultural capital.
rotheram council of the day claim they swerved their responsibilities for fear of being labeled racist. Right.*

Paps pick this up as 'PC ENABLES NONCES'

On the ground workers who made noise are largely ignored

*I wouldn't like to be labeled wrongfully as either but on balance, nonce enabler is worse personally. Its cross race.
Poor people aren't sex workers, they are all exciting dominatrices or porn stars that go to art galleries or write books, get a Telegraph column and get played by Billie Piper on telly.
Or if you are really unlucky your mum dresses you as a crap dom and sends you to school at nine years old holding some cable ties because you are him from 50 shades of grey

great stuff
Talking about the grooming scandals might undermine their nonsense about 'swerfs' and how any sort of sexual exploitation is a choice and trafficking doesnt exist.:mad:


What on earth is a 'swerf'?
Its just a nonsense word used to associate people who dont like pimps and pornographers with the likes of eg cathy brennan.
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