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    Lazy Llama

Urban v's the Commentariat


“They told me that the union supports the sex industry, which is weird. Surely you support the workers, not the industry. Then I was asked if I had picket lines outside gigs before. I said no. Then I was told it was due to a likelihood of a breach of Goldsmiths’ ‘safe space policy’. I’m a zero threat to anybody’s safe space policy. If someone disagrees with me, I want to be able to talk about it.”

Kate Smurthwaite's Leftie Cockwomble is described as being about "free speech".
She should be no platformed on the basis of the show's rubbish title. Nice bit of publicity anyway. Good work from her agent to get something out of this nothing story.
They support the sex industry? Are pimps and strip club owners an oppressed minority now?

That was a painful read. Dishonesty, self-righteousness, ignorance and what people might reckon trumping actually looking at things in a vaguely reasoned way. Totally unique for student politics ;)
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the no platforming over her opinions is bad enough. but to deny it is so utterly mendacious. the fact that she can prove that they're liars makes me happy. won't change anything, mind.

Kate Smurthwaite's interlocutor was not exactly being very honest with her either, I suspect.
Read that blog than I remembered why I disliked Smurthwaite:

Stand-up comedian Kate Smurthwaite gave a lively speech in support of the proposition, arguing that any form of theism was potentially incompatible with gender equality as religion requires us to unquestioningly accept the word of a deity. Smurthwaite also criticised the burqa, insisting that Saudi Arabian women did not choose to ‘cover themselves head to toe’, but were forced by social and legal pressures.

Perhaps the most entertaining point of the evening occurred when Smurthwaite asked a burqa-wearing member of the audience to remove their religious clothing and emerge from the ‘shadows’. After removing the burqa it was revealed that the audience member, who was clearly part of Smurthwaite’s act, was male.

Does it really? They'll have grown up, and won't be so stupid anymore.

If only it worked like that.

Half of what comes out of Harriet Harman's mouth sounds like warmed-up student political nonsense to me. Jacqui Smith too. Many others too. Might as well be listening J Ed half the time.

I had some really fucking daft politics when I was 19. I learned how not to be (as) daft by talking and doing stuff having my daft politics challenged. Fortunately I didn't have a national stage on which to do this - neither should these kids.

Raise the voting age to 30 to start with. Make the minimum age for an MP 40. Do like the Romans.
Damn. I really want Gloomgendered to be an actual thing. I've no idea what it would be though. But it sounds cool (to a depressive like me!)
definition: nonbinary/indifferent. mostly darkness, the new moon phase, apathy and a mix of a bit of masculinity, bit of femininity and lack of gender. can include sadness, grief and depression.


wtf does that even mean!?

Couple of other places seem to be saying that it's people with depression identifying that mental health issue as a gender which - to me - is tottaly wtf as whilst depresssion is an issue that is genderised (iirc far more likely to have clinical depression as a man than a woman), it's not a gender or a gender issue - at least as I understand either of those terms.
You might link it to sexuality, as depression (and meds) have a tendency to kill sex drive. But gender? I don't get it.
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