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    Lazy Llama

Urban v's the Commentariat

One for muscovyduck - A remarkable bit of applied multitudinous positionism from LP here. Just a few days after smearing the Paris massacre victims as wotten wacists (no #solidarity for the dead black policewoman either - who's the real racist eh?) she's been 'moved to tears' by a Neil Gaiman's proper makesyouthink tribute - motivated partly I suspect because Gaiman is rich and famous and she requires the approval of such people, and partly because she imagines the words apply to her.

laurie penny charlie hebdo troll.jpg

Elsewhere in the milieu, Richard Seymour has dug his heels in. Lots more words where "I can't be arsed to research the mag but I saw a couple of covers on facebook and that Olivier Cyran piece and they had it coming" would do.
Regarding internships and emplyment, does anyone remember her paying below minimum wage for said services?

Not linking to Guido Fawkes but it worked out at about £5.88 an hour (their figures) for 85 hours of work. She also wanted a female, which is of course discrimination and originally qualified it with this remark:

"I'm probably looking for a female researcher, and if you have a background in feminism or activism, all the better. However, any males who wish to persuade me that they can do the job just as well, I'm open to all suggestions."
Can't link to tweets on my phone and I've only got one hand to type with atm but anyone else see Laurie's tweet about how Americans underrate how important class is but English people overrate it?
no wonder they can't take criticism, with these sorts against them http://8ch.net/baphomet/res/42116.html

yeah sorry its full of proper gore and horrors. it's a bunch of gamergate arseholes talking about doing a number on sam ambreen. i'm not a particular fan of her opinions but it's a timely reminder of what these pricks are like. they are real real scum and if they disagree with you they will do their best to fuck up your life.
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Ugh it seems like that particular board is linked to gamergate stuff, probably better not to attract the cunts over here
no wonder they can't take criticism, with these sorts against them http://8ch.net/baphomet/res/42116.html

yeah sorry its full of proper gore and horrors. it's a bunch of gamergate arseholes talking about doing a number on sam ambreen. i'm not a particular fan of her opinions but it's a timely reminder of what these pricks are like. they are real real scum and if they disagree with you they will do their best to fuck up your life.
Holy FUCKING shit. Those men are vile and utterly terrifying.

What kind of defence is there against that stuff? Serious question.

That poor poor lass.
Also I couldn't give a toss what her opinions are. I couldn't care if she's a right wing libertarian or whatever is thought of as worst round here. No woman deserves to be threatened, hunted, scared, her family threatened by mysogynistic fucking pricks like that who hide behind 'Anon' and wish on her rape and chocking. Fuck them.

What's the defence?
Rrrrr god that's made me so fucking angry.

Fucking 'Anon'. They deserve to be named, publicly. Their mothers, sisters, Nans, friends, wives, co-workers made aware of exactly what cowardly disgusting creeps they are. Big fucking men eh, hiding quietly in the dark, ganging up together to frighten a woman who (whatever her fucking opinions) doesn't hide.

>>42532 uhuh uh yeah here's a picture of her at 16, here's her and her cousin, here's her email address, a postcode

Cowards. To feel so threatened by feminism that they hunt one woman down to silence her. Us. Cowards.
Anon are this though. An amorphous mass of faceless etc.

There are times when refusing a leadership is valid- see how some chinese have had to do the no visible leader thing to avoid the hammer of the state.

But these fucking sewer rats revel in thier own filth, because y'know, guy fawkes mask or something.

We had ambreen on here and there was vehement exchanges. Nobody would ever dream of giving her the shit she's had from the 'anon'

political exchanges, heated ones. Yes. That's the cut and thrust of it. This stuff, toxic shit...fuck no. Anon. fucking assange.
Anon are this though. An amorphous mass of faceless etc.

There are times when refusing a leadership is valid- see how some chinese have had to do the no visible leader thing to avoid the hammer of the state.

But these fucking sewer rats revel in thier own filth, because y'know, guy fawkes mask or something.

We had ambreen on here and there was vehement exchanges. Nobody would ever dream of giving her the shit she's had from the 'anon'

political exchanges, heated ones. Yes. That's the cut and thrust of it. This stuff, toxic shit...fuck no. Anon. fucking assange.

fairly graphic demo of all the reasons women have to think carefully before being a non anonymous figure with a vagina and opinions.

that shit is anonymous for the fuckers throwing it about, it isn'[t for the victim, their freinds, family, anyone who defends them paints a target on their back. and it isn't 'just the internet' when they are openly threatening people's families and publishing addresses and actively encouraging people to go visit. sure most of these fuckers are miles away, but it only takes one. the level of hate indicates a serious fucking threat to the safety of women campaigners and their families. and this shit is clearly being shared. the online shit is being encouraged through these groups, even if you couoldn't call that actively 'organised', it is being done as a group targetting individuals. and the vast majority of the worst kinds of vile anti women stuff is coming from people like this. who have fuck all else to do other than whip up a group hate against women don't know they are supposed to stay on their knees.

this is why it always ends up as the same voices speaking for feminism, cause omg, if 'using the word partiarchy in a non ironical way' is going to get you death threats, then how bad will this shit get if you actually seem to be achieving something. like that article on 'drinking the kool-aid'. i've got a level of respect for anyone dealing with that on a daily basis who is still taking about issues, not just the shit they face. and while the shit thrown by some of the commntariat is fucking irritating, i do hope there's no one who still dosen't believe that those women get daily levels of threat and abuse. but i know i couldn't face that shit. I can't put my family in a position of having to look over their shoulders when going out.
Rrrrr god that's made me so fucking angry.

Fucking 'Anon'. They deserve to be named, publicly. Their mothers, sisters, Nans, friends, wives, co-workers made aware of exactly what cowardly disgusting creeps they are. Big fucking men eh, hiding quietly in the dark, ganging up together to frighten a woman who (whatever her fucking opinions) doesn't hide.

>>42532 uhuh uh yeah here's a picture of her at 16, here's her and her cousin, here's her email address, a postcode

Cowards. To feel so threatened by feminism that they hunt one woman down to silence her. Us. Cowards.

they are actively making threats of injury and death to named individuals. fuck shaming them, I want to see people who do that jailed.
they are actively making threats of injury and death to named individuals. fuck shaming them, I want to see people who do that jailed.
Guess I don't ever put much stock in the police. And what I want to see happen is for these cunts to have a taste of their own medicine.

Their power comes from their anonymity, and their ability to expose the woman (and her family & friends) they target.

They need exposing themselves. Just my gut feeling mates. Where are our hackers going after these pieces of shit?
Guess I don't ever put much stock in the police. And what I want to see happen is for these cunts to have a taste of their own medicine.

Their power comes from their anonymity, and their ability to expose the woman (and her family & friends) they target.

They need exposing themselves. Just my gut feeling mates. Where are our hackers going after these pieces of shit?


maybee. be nice, but not as an either/or. having that level of threat coming in atatched to personal information that is more than enough to physically locate the victim and their families is a genuine life changing level of danger. and it should be taken seriously, not written off as women being oversensitive again because disagreement is a natural result of trying to comment in public, or that it's 'just the internet' and not a real threat by authorities and sideline-charlies.

or claimed as a freedom of speach issue. these fuckers don't care about free speach unless it's them talking. they want the fucking freedom to scream abuse at women, to threaten women, to graphically describe their rape fantisies to women. in order to silence women. you loose the fucking moral high ground on freedom of speech and the right to say anything you want when you're gobbing off in an attempt to silence someone else you fuckers.
A lot of 4-ch*n type shit is just kids (does anyone over the age of 15 use the word 'feminazi'?) trying to out-gross each other and get attention, that's what motivates a lot of this stuff, trying to be the best bad guy in the tribe. And like classic school bullies they'll always go for the targets that will give them the satisfaction of reacting to it, which given the hyperbole of some of the commentariat might make them obvious targets. Not a justification in anyway for all the vile sinister shit, but it's more likely to be self-aggrandisement and vile shit to upstage someone else's vile shit rather than genuine rage at the victim. That said, it only takes one dickhead to take it further than words, and words themselves will be enough to make things very fucking unpleasant for the target.

I'm hoping one day there will be enough processing power for machines to go back and fathom out from patterns in posts and language who these people actually are, maybe in a decade's time when they're out of college and doing the normal family life thing, so that they might be held to account and embarrassed by their cruelty. Actually, I kind of don't because of other things that tech would be aimed at, but still, it ought to worry them.
typical minimalising the problem though. it's harmless, don't worry your pretty little heads over them. ok goes on to admit it isn't, but still. it's not just kids. and when it is including that much personal information, it is a real threat.

and any woman with a public presence can end up a target. it's not just commentariat types. eg mary beard. being thratened shoudoln't be written off as an expected result of exagerating facts to get a story. cause it isn't about what anyone thinks of their honesty. it's about attacking women. especially those who talk about feminism
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Had a proper gamergater in my class at college last year. In his mid-late 20s. Dribbling fucking wretch.

I know a woman from my uni, has some pretty serious issues, who has actually has managed to swing herself a (I suspect paid) position writing for a right-wing libertarian website. Her schtick is basically to legitimise the misogyny of the website's disgustingly bigoted readership by saying 'hey I am willing to say sexist things too, you totally aren't sexist!' - gamergate seems to be the platform she has used to launch her 'writing' to a wider readership.

Gamergate seems like it acts like a gateway to nastier and nastier views.
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