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Autonomy in the UK

Obviously, trying to trace exactly who wrote what particular texts or slogans or whatever is a bit of a pointless exercise when dealing with people who were very much not into it to cultivate their personal brands, believed poetry must be made by all and all that, but as far as texts specifically by Stuart Wise go, this one has a bit which seems like a good summing up:

...this kind of art activism can spill over finally into profound revolutionary critique providing you are prepared to unswervingly walk the last – and most difficult mile - one that will really test your mettle taking out all career prospects you may have entertained. On the simplest of levels are you prepared to be a nobody: a simple Jane & Joe Bloggs in material reality - especially if there's no money in the family background - though with galvanizing ideas that literally set you apart? And that's a difficulty you'll just have to deal with as best you can. It is the process and not the product that is the essential game here.

God help any poor bastard who had the job of editing their writing, though.
I have it from the horses mouth it wasn't true, and they ended up wishing they'd never said it. Even though they did continue to do it when appropriate/funny. Which, to illustrate something quite fundamental and basic, ended up being quite often!
Great publication that. I'm now wondering if I've still got my copy or whether some crusty in a Wood Green squat nicked it.
I flipping love this piece.

'Ferry Across The Tyne'

On Bryan Ferry and the Newcastle/London Art Scene: A revolt and subsequent aestheticisation

Ferry hated us. By the mid to late 1960s we wanted to see a quick demise to the trajectory outlined above even though it was only at the time infecting the limited coterie of the dedicated followers of fashion, though you could sense the illness was beginning to really travel. We had by then had (or thought we had - how wrong we were!) quite enough of this stylistic posing, of this playing (and paying) with personae. We wanted the fire and brimstone of our freshly found selves, of our confident passions as we strove for authentic life knowing that 'authentic' had become a dirty word lanced from the vocabulary of 'cool'. We were hot, very hot, desiring the flames of revolution as we journeyed from Icteric through to the creation of King Mob.
Not sure where else to put this so in here it goes

New podcast series on the Years of Lead

Note, haven't listened to either of the two episodes up so could be shite for all I know
I want to like it, but - like a lot of this stuff - the first episode is quite ponderous and technical: “traditional economic determinism” “collective subjectivities” yadda yadda yadda.
I feel like "patreon rewards for a series about the years of lead" is a good set-up for a joke, but can't think of a decent punchline off the top of my head.
An 1977 article from Rolling Stone about the Metropolitan Indians, looks great:

The rest of the site is well worth a look too.
An 1977 article from Rolling Stone about the Metropolitan Indians, looks great:

The rest of the site is well worth a look too.

Attached is a better quality scan of that Rolling Stone article taken from the RS CD-Rom.

(Have to say I'm getting a bit sick of the term 'Years of Lead' which I see that site uses).

I noticed that some naughty scamp had put a scan of Nanni Balestrini and Primo Moroni's The Golden Horde up at libgen. Since not everyone can access that here's a temporary link to a zip file containing it.


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New issue of Notes From Below sounds like it might be interesting/maybe they're on the verge of rebranding themselves as the RCP or something:

Sure I've posted this exact observation on this thread before, but as an outsider to both, I do find it a little baffling how the "workers-inquiry-towards-building-a-collective-political-project" types of the AWW and Notes From Below seem barely able to acknowledge each other's existence.
The new NFB is fully out now, this article, along with the Corbynism one, looks like maybe one of the most interesting ones:

Also had a look and apparently the Golden Horde book that was meant to come out in 2020 was finally published in paperback last year:
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