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Urban v's the Commentariat

any experience which doesn't match your position must therefore be motivated by me being a secret terf and or a right-winger. despite all the evidence to the contrary.

you don't believe me, fine, whatever. you haven't and won't see this evidence that you think doesn't stand up. whatever.

you're a credit to journalism. even the article posted by frogwoman on here actually cited examples of men doing just what i said this chap was doing. but you say that doesn't happen.

fucking hell, whatever.

i don;t know what the fucking point is.
I'm not trying to have a go, you made a highly contentious claim, its hardly surprising you've been asked to back it up. The reason I'll never see your evidence is because you don't have any, except a list someone told you about and a case that it turns out doesnt support your claim. Now maybe this list doesnt exist, and its one of those rumours that emerges amongst professionals based on preconceptions, isolated subjective experiences, or bigotry. Or perhaps it does, and its actually a list of transgender or transsexual sex offenders (im sure they have lists of non-trangender sex offenders as well) - and that crucially that transgenderism is not recognised, or not accepted by some professionals because they either dont believe in it, or their offending is seen as 'male' thus invalidating their stated gender identity. Or something else. But I find the idea of some level of institutionalised transphobia within the mental health system and treatment of sex offenders more persuasive than the idea that there are 'plenty' of men living and presenting as women and claiming to be transsexual with the sole intention of gaining access to womens hostels and sexual abuse treatment services to abuse women. Perhaps you can offer some examples of prosecutions for this kind of behaviour to prove me wrong?

the article froggy posted was about something quite different btw
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apparently so.

how about i apologise for sounding like a terf propaganda machine and retract my comment until such time as i can work out how to frame it better?

So now you're expecting reflexivity from AuntiStella ? That's rather patriarchally-oppressive of you! Why not just say "practice what you preach, greenie" ? :)

"Despite years of “potty parity” laws, women are still forced to stand in lines at malls, schools, stadiums, concerts, fair grounds, theme parks, and other crowded public spaces. This is frustrating, uncomfortable, and, in some circumstances, humiliating. It’s also a form of discrimination"


Lots of that article is pretty dubious and one of the main solutions implied (the abolition of urinals) is downright stupid, but as "everyday sexism" issues go, having to queue often to take a piss because there aren't enough women's toilets isn't trivial. Or, as the author notes, men are less likely to think it's trivial when it's inflicted on us.
Lots of that article is pretty dubious and one of the main solutions implied (the abolition of urinals) is downright stupid, but as "everyday sexism" issues go, having to queue often to take a piss because there aren't enough women's toilets isn't trivial. Or, as the author notes, men are less likely to think it's trivial when it's inflicted on us.

As an aside I really hate the word queer, it was an insult to me growing up and brings back bad memories. And I don't like the politics it implies. LGBT are already perfectly good words.
Sorry just a rant. But that word was an insult to me growing up and it annoys me that it's always being used by commentariat fuckers.
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Maybe I should check my basic recording setup privilege but she needs a decent mic and pop filter. Is Harvard strapped for resources? Should I donate my Rode NT1A to them?


Some right wing headbanger had a go at her buke here. He seems to be under the impression that she's a bolshevik because Alexandra Kollontai gets the mention and so as if to labour the point, there's Trotsky quotes and pics of the lads; Stalin etc. He has put up an exceptionally cringeworthy excerpt which has at least one bit copied from a 2011 NS article.

In 2011, the summer of rage and riots, I kiss a girl and she tastes of cigarettes and gin and I like it. She says she wants to be a mistress forever. We met because we were sleeping with the same boy, and he isn’t entirely comfortable with how close we’ve become. I buy her a cupcake from a posh sex shop. The cupcake has icing on it shaped like a cunt with a little clear sugar glaze tricking obscenely off the frosting folds. She laughs and eats it right there in front of me because she is hungry. . . .
Then he’s sick of us both, and so we go out like we have before, eyeliner and cigarettes and bus passes on our way to corrupt young minds. . . . We are a tag team, an unstoppable perversion: we drag strange little hipsters into strange beds, turn them on to roll-ups and feminism. . . .
I have spent more time than I care to contemplate in my nimble years in the company of polyamorists, queer non-monogamists and the sort of people who prefer labels like “love anarchists” . . .I don’t mean to advocate casual sex, housing collectives and late nights drinking bad vodka with bisexual activists as alternatives that necessarily work for everyone, though they’ve always done so for me.
Do not be too shocked comrades. Having a laugh in your 20s is a little bit communism.
It's funny that when she gets criticised by actual, nasty misogynists she dances around like it's a game and it's funny. On the other hand, if someone reasonable has an actual political point that she does not like then she tries to shut it down by claiming harassment, anxiety etc
It's funny that when she gets criticised by actual, nasty misogynists she dances around like it's a game and it's funny. On the other hand, if someone reasonable has an actual political point that she does not like then she tries to shut it down by claiming harassment, anxiety etc
I find your in-depth, line-by line analysis of my work rather flattering, in a creepy sort of way.
What is a book review meant to be other than a 'line by line analysis'. If it was a positive review I'd wager that she wouldn't label someone who bothered to wade through her shit vacuous writing as 'creepy'.

Anyone who's been having a tough time of it for the last few years, just stfu, check your privileges, all of them, and spare a thought for the squeezed middle. :mad::(

laurie penny white privilege.jpg
spare a thought for the squeezed middle. :mad::(

She increasingly makes me think of George Ferguson, Bristol's 'radical', 'independent' (millionaire, recently ex-LibDem) mayor.



2015 is upon us and it promises to be a momentous year. The big positive is European Green Capital which will take off with the opening event on 23rd, followed by a media 'spectacle’ on 24th. There is a remarkable programme of events and projects throughout the year, leading up to our presence at the Paris UN Climate Change summit at the end of the year. The downside is that we are entering local and national elections which mean that we are faced with some negativity from those intent on taking pot shots – some of which are clearly aimed at smearing the 2015 project as a way of getting at me! This is a continuing challenge as it can be damaging and is very difficult to answer everything however outrageous it may be.

With this in mind I am determined that we step up communications via all media. I have, rather reluctantly, let Zoe take over as Director of Communications at Bristol 2015, which she has now been doing for nearly 3 months and is doing a great job, as you would expect. However it does mean that I have been without any ‘political’ assistance and I have missed her support. The good news is that I have now appointed Steve Hynd to take on her role as Head of Mayor’s Office for the next year, starting on 9th Februaryafter he returns from Uganda where he is running a pan-African charity. He previously worked for Bath MP Don Foster who recommended both of us to each other!

Suddenly May 2016 seems rather close – so we shall, with Fi’s help, start building the campaign before we are faced with real candidates when the parties get their acts together after the 2015 elections. It is going to be very different running as the incumbent rather than the challenger – with the advantage of a higher level of recognition but also a much higher level of controversy. I really don’t know how it will turn out but I do know that all of you play an essential part in the outcome.

A big thanks – George


George Ferguson CBE

Mayor of Bristol


  • ENERGY – for Bristol to become the UK’s first city for sustainable energy, leading the way towards smart energy efficiency, affordable warmth and 100% renewables, with a thriving low carbon sector delivering solutions for the city and across the world.
  • FOOD – for Bristol to be the sustainable food capital of the UK by 2020, a city renowned for the vibrancy and diversity of its food culture, where good food is visible and celebrated in every corner.
  • NATURE – to make Bristol a world leading, nature rich (biophillic) city where people are connected to a landscape rich in wildlife.
  • RESOURCE – to make Bristol a leading circular economy city, where people are focussed on reducing their residual waste (through waste prevention, reuse and recycling) and businesses are engaged in adopting circular economy business models.
  • TRANSPORT – to make Bristol a world leading city in active travel, where 4 out of 5 journeys under five miles are made by foot, bike and public transport.

  • Bristol has also pledged to cut carbon emissions by 40% by 2020.
  • The city has committed a budget of £500m for transport improvements and up to £300m for energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2020.
  • Bristol has doubled the number of cyclists in recent years and is committed to doubling the number again by 2020, despite being one of the hilliest cities in the UK.
  • European Green Capital (EGC) expected to create over £100m in economic benefits over 3 years through investments, additional business turnover, exports and tourism.
  • The low carbon economy employs 9,000 in companies like the Soil Association, Environment Agency, Triodos Bank and Sustrans. 50,000 residents involved in eco activities day-to-day.
  • Special Green Capital Bristol Pound to be produced.
  • Drinking fountains to be reinstated in Bristol (to help eliminate use of plastic bottles)

George to take part in sponsored sleep-out for Bristol charities
27 Feb. Pip ‘n’ Jay Church www.bcan.org.uk/sleepout/



"I have spent more time than I care to contemplate in my nimble years in the company of polyamorists, queer non-monogamists and the sort of people who prefer labels like “love anarchists” . . .I don’t mean to advocate casual sex, housing collectives and late nights drinking bad vodka with bisexual activists as alternatives that necessarily work for everyone, though they’ve always done so for me."

"There were revelations about feminist Laurie Penny’s singing habits. “She was a keen member of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society,” a university friend said. “At freshers fair they would sing continuously. Our stall was next to theirs and we had to operate in extremely short shifts. I have hated her with a murderous rage ever since”."

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