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    Lazy Llama

Urban v's the Commentariat

It's funny that when she gets criticised by actual, nasty misogynists she dances around like it's a game and it's funny. On the other hand, if someone reasonable has an actual political point that she does not like then she tries to shut it down by claiming harassment, anxiety etc

Probably because reasoned political points are much harder to refute with some twee little tweet or similar soundbite. The more solid the criticism, the more she'll leg it in some other direction.
LMAO, the lack of self-awareness is again outstanding. I'm sure like many others, her position afforded her various opportunities to build the brand. Faux posturing.

Just amazed how someone from that privileged background can stand on her pulpit and tell us *we* overestimate class in this country. Pass me the fucking sick bucket.
Didn't she do a stint at the Morning Star too? I'm sure OJ probably greased the wheel in the same way.

Musa Okwonga made some interesting points on this matter: http://www.okwonga.com/on-james-blunt-chris-bryant-and-inequality-in-the-arts/

Whilst I do empathise that Penny no doubt suffered bullying in spite of her academic position is sad and unpleasant but it underscores a wider problem about access to the media without the financial clout to intern for free or privileged to know the right names.
C'mon, that's a little harsh, it must be pretty backbreaking to not go outside to report on Occupy protesters being assaulted in the States to protect that personal brand of ethical journalism.
If she thinks that journalism is back breaking I'd love to see how she'd react to having to do a job where she had to be on her feet for eight hours. Ugh.

I'd hardly call it back-breaking, certainly not in comparison to many occupations.
Didn't she do a stint at the Morning Star too? I'm sure OJ probably greased the wheel in the same way.

Musa Okwonga made some interesting points on this matter: http://www.okwonga.com/on-james-blunt-chris-bryant-and-inequality-in-the-arts/

who also went to private school, talking about what Blunt who went to private school said about what Bryant who went to private school said about how people who didn't go to private can't access the arts, or as it turns out, even the fucking conversation
"I got where I am, in part, due to my privilege"

"But shut up talking about it"

Not so long ago, Laurie was asserting that apart from her mates including the likes of Weev, Americans are all braindead sheeple wankers and that's why the US is fucked. Now I don't know what to think.

laurie penny americans.jpg
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