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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Isn’t it the Saudis who are lined up to buy them or something like that? Petrostates seem heavily invested in the collapse of western liberal democracy via culture war bullshit, I wonder why?
No. the UAE backed bid was killed by the last Government who introduced hastily drafted legislation to block foreign states or 'associated individuls' from owning UK newspaper assets.

The Daily Mail group pulled out after the election
They cited a change of government meant it would “face a heightened risk of a protracted regulatory process if we were to win the auction”.
They also complained
We believe the new statutory regime governing the ownership of UK newspapers is overly restrictive, and could curtail our ability to raise capital for our news publishing and other media businesses - both now and in the future.

The Press Gazette reported on the current state of the sale in a long report on Monday
Telegraph sale latest: Who are the runners and riders? - Press Gazette
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But is that all Tominey has? Harris is mixed race and so is Markle, and that’s it? I would read further, but I’m not sure I have the appetite
Why are these people given money to buy food in exchange for churning out such bad-faith drivel?
Why are these people given money to buy food in exchange for churning out such bad-faith drivel?
Because whoever is in charge of the Telegraph nowadays subscribes to the kind loony alt-right batshit extreme hard right politics that would make even the likes of Margaret Thatcher recoil in disgust.

I will always see Thatcher as an abominable human being as far her political views went, but it is extraordinary to think one of the historic main newspaper publications in this country has drifted so far into the extreme loony right of the political spectrum that undoubtedly even her would have winced at the opinion pieces that get published every single day on their website.
Yeah, Thatch was a monster, but she wasn't a frothing wingnut obsessed with culture wars. She wouldn't have given someone like David Tennant the time of day.
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