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"Victims of grooming gangs want action"...headline today on the BBC

Then convince me of why 'beyond resonable doubt' is a better criteria than 'balance of probabilities'.

I could start with inviting you to imagine a scenario where you were falsely accused of something, but tbh I don’t really care about whether you’re convinced.

You are proposing the idea of sacrificing innocent people in the aim of capturing a greater proportion of the guilty and I am basically saying there are externalities to this strategy that are very destructive.

I’m mostly just grateful that the relevant decision makers don’t share your moral outlook.
I could start with inviting you to imagine a scenario where you were falsely accused of something, but tbh I don’t really care about whether you’re convinced.

You are proposing the idea of sacrificing innocent people in the aim of capturing a greater proportion of the guilty and I am basically saying there are externalities to this strategy that are very destructive.

I’m mostly just grateful that the relevant decision makers don’t share your moral outlook.

Being accused is not the standard I am proposing. I have very clearly stated that the balance of probabilities (the standard used in civil cases) is more just.
i'm saying that if you allow a rapist to go free then you are punishing their victims by denying them justice.

I do hope you have no involvement with legal or law enforcement..

Jesus you be rounding up men based on racial description and sending them off to prison based ont the balance of probability

your position is foolish
I do hope you have no involvement with legal or law enforcement..

Jesus you be rounding up men based on racial description and sending them off to prison based ont the balance of probability

your position is foolish

You clearly don't understand what the term balance of probabilities means.
You clearly don't understand what the term balance of probabilities means.

Can you define a little more precisely what it means for you?

I have worked in the area of probability, statistics, bias, and (very broadly speaking) what kind of confidence can be garnered from numerical data for the last 30 years and it would be useful to agree on a working definition.
Can you define a little more precisely what it means for you?

I have worked in the area of probability, statistics, bias, and (very broadly speaking) what kind of confidence can be garnered from numerical data, and it would be useful to agree on a working definition.

Here is a good overview

The balance of probability standard means that a court is satisfied an event occurred if the court considers that, on the evidence, the occurrence of the event was more likely than not. When assessing the probabilities the court will have in mind as a factor, to whatever extent is appropriate in the particular case, that the more serious the allegation the less likely it is that the event occurred and, hence, the stronger should be the evidence before the court concludes that the allegation is established on the balance of probability.

So no-one gets declared guilty simply for being accused, or for being a particular race as suggested by Ax^ .
The topic at hand is very specifically gang-based sexual offensives aimed at children though, not sexual offenses in general. Of course most sex crimes are commited by white people because most of the country is white.
The best data available (which isn't great and very patchy) to the writers of a 2020 report suggests that also applies to CSE even where the data show broad ethnicities are overrepresented white people are still the majority.

2020 report
You could argue, given that false accusations are rarer than true accusations, that you're guilty straight away on the balance of probabilities once you're accused.
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The best data available (which isn't great and very patchy) to the writers of a 2020 report suggests that also applies to CSE even where the data show broad ethnicities are overrepresented white people are still the majority.

2020 report

The report says that the evidence is inconclusive

Research has found that group-based CSE offenders are most commonly White.4 Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations.5 However, it is not possible to conclude that this is representative of all group-based CSE offending. This is due to issues such as data quality problems, the way the samples wereselected in studies, and the potential for bias and inaccuracies in the way thatethnicity data is collected.

The question I'd ask is why is the data so patchy? The fact remains, these crimes were hidden to avoid community tensions. That simply isn't a good enough reason to deny people justice.
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