Working Class First
This is what right-wing grifters like Jenrick and Farage deliberately ignore but along with misogyny it's a huge issue. Vulnerable working class girls have long been seen as "asking for it", more resilient (words like tough and rough), unclean, less deserving. Those twats don't give one shite about those girls and it's them who matter.
For those looking for the common denominator here it’s class.
Reading the testimony of some of the survivors it’s the same story over and again: foul abuse by the worst scum of the world, followed by bored indifference or dismissal by the state authorities. Then you read some of the thing said to these girls… ‘they were drunk, they were consenting, they were asking for it, they were selling sex’…
You sense that for some the aftermath - the fight for justice - almost seems as scarring and crushing as the heinous events.
In fact their real crime was to be a young girl, poor and vulnerable…. it turns my stomach and breaks my heart.
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