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    Lazy Llama

Urban v's the Commentariat

a proposition was put forward, it's been batted back and forth, assertion and counterassertion made, and the bones picked over. If you believe the entire discussion stands or falls on the 'facts' of a specific 'objective' test based on that article then go ahead and prove it to your own satisfaction. Anyone else wishing to do so can read the same article, reach their own conclusions.

That really doesn't require my input. It's not my vocabulary or my comprehension that's at issue here yet the proposed test relies on me suggesting that some particular word or phrase is problematic, so providing another opportunity for people (many for whom wordsmithery is stock in trade) to say we know what that means, it's simple, you must be stupid. Hiding to nothing sfaics.
I've been reading bits & pieces the bloke's written for decades. For the umpteenth time the observation that an American Professor only works as a 'gateway' for a tiny minority of British teenagers isn't about me.
Molly CrabappleVerified account ‏@mollycrabapple Oct 16
@brassiest @translator_eli these are drawings that I hope are iconic of the man who masterminded 9/11. pic.twitter.com/dtPcdrW1zQ

  1. '>
    Élise Hendrick ‏@translator_eli Oct 16
    @mollycrabapple @brassiest Very Der Stürmer-esque. I'm not sure that racist caricatures are going to work to distance you from a Nazi.

... the response made me chuckle a bit, have to say. Crabapple defending herself from accusations that she glorified 'Weev' by painting him sympathetically, argues that she is an equal opportunities iconographer.
Molly CrabappleVerified account ‏@mollycrabapple Oct 16
@brassiest @translator_eli these are drawings that I hope are iconic of the man who masterminded 9/11. pic.twitter.com/dtPcdrW1zQ

  1. '>
    Élise Hendrick ‏@translator_eli Oct 16
    @mollycrabapple @brassiest Very Der Stürmer-esque. I'm not sure that racist caricatures are going to work to distance you from a Nazi.
... the response made me chuckle a bit, have to say. Crabapple defending herself from accusations that she glorified 'Weev' by painting him sympathetically, argues that she is an equal opportunities iconographer.
Why is his beard pink when everyone knows he used L'Oréal no 3 brasilia
Who is behind this then? Odd (or maybe not so odd) concentration on hedley.

Safer Spaces Exposed

it's like reading an MRA website. self-entitled pricks. no solidarity with abused women. the right for men to say what they want and be protected from other people's opinions. demanding a patriarchal standard of proof of allegations. fuck em/
it's like MRA website. self-entitled pricks. no solidarity with abused women. the right for men to say what they want and be protected from other people's opinions. demanding a patriarchal standard of proof of allegations. fuck em/
It has the usual accusations of "dividing the working class" as if other classes have less racism, sexism, etc. I find that really offensive & despise the idea that the WC is so riven with bigotted beliefs that any challenge to this behaviour threatens the whole movement.
it's like reading an MRA website. self-entitled pricks. no solidarity with abused women. the right for men to say what they want and be protected from other people's opinions. demanding a patriarchal standard of proof of allegations. fuck em/

That's nothing like reading any MRA sites I've ever seen.
self-entitled pricks. no solidarity with abused women. the right for men to say what they want and be protected from other people's opinions. demanding a patriarchal standard of proof of allegations. fuck em/
Mmm. merricky.
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Molly CrabappleVerified account ‏@mollycrabapple Oct 16
@brassiest @translator_eli these are drawings that I hope are iconic of the man who masterminded 9/11. pic.twitter.com/dtPcdrW1zQ

  1. '>
    Élise Hendrick ‏@translator_eli Oct 16
    @mollycrabapple @brassiest Very Der Stürmer-esque. I'm not sure that racist caricatures are going to work to distance you from a Nazi.
... the response made me chuckle a bit, have to say. Crabapple defending herself from accusations that she glorified 'Weev' by painting him sympathetically, argues that she is an equal opportunities iconographer.

Equal opportunities for gay hating, women oppressing , anti left reactionaries
Honestly, those Kurds are so last century.

I don't know why they don't follow Justine's advice and get themselves some decent memes. That would stop ISIS for sure...

I somehow think my grandfather, when rather busily engaged with the German, Italian and Japanese Armies, would have preferred to stick with rifle and bayonet, personally,
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