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Urban v's the Commentariat

b) that they got there on merit, it was everyone else who had a silver spoon.
I once had the misfortune of studying for a Graduate Diploma in Law with a bunch of Oxbridge students. They were all convinced that (a) they had made it that far entirely on merit and (b) they would make it as a barrister entirely on merit.

It's a few years later and most of them aren't barristers (only something like one in eight trained barristers actually get tenancy). I sometimes wonder if their unshakeable belief in their own abilities has finally imploded.
I once had the misfortune of studying for a Graduate Diploma in Law with a bunch of Oxbridge students. They were all convinced that (a) they had made it that far entirely on merit and (b) they would make it as a barrister entirely on merit.

It's a few years later and most of them aren't barristers (only something like one in eight trained barristers actually get tenancy). I sometimes wonder if their unshakeable belief in their own abilities has finally imploded.
most (actually maybe all) of the richest/most privileged ppl I know r all absolutely convinced their success is entirely of their own making. They become very vocal & defensive if this is challenged. Not sure if this is related, maybe in terms of delusion, but they all routinely claim poverty & complain about struggling when they r down to their last few hundred thousand. In one case when she only had £5m. Ok everything's relative but I think I'm struggling when I literally have no food & no money for a couple of weeks & other pals regularly choose b/w feeding their children or themselves. The capacity to write ur own story is infinite
Why the fuck is everyone on this thread so obsessed with her? 286 pages about Laurie Penny! :eek: Hardly anyone outside of urban has even heard of her she's that irrelevant. She not even the enemy ffs she's just a middle class leftie like loads of other people.

If you read the thread you'll see it's not about Laurie, it's about what Laurie is the most prominent example of, hence she gets talked about more than owen jones or paul mason or others in the commentariat. Also she's not a very good journalist whereas the other two I've just mentioned are fairly decent, so her articles tend to get more of a response.

I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years she's no longer left wing, she seems to me to be an opportunist, she's adopted a left wing persona because there's a market for that in the current climate. On some issues (feminism, sexuality) I think she's pretty genuine, on others (protest, activism, anti-capitalism) I think she's not. But who cares really, this is about how private school/oxbridge feeds people into the media (and other parts of society, but this thread is about the media) and how this shapes society in return and why that matters. Also about how we are represented in the media and how we don't get to choose who we are represented by, but it's always oxbridge and usually private school, and never Butcher's mum.

If you read the thread you'll see it's not about Laurie, it's about what Laurie is the most prominent example of, hence she gets talked about more than owen jones or paul mason or others in the commentariat. Also she's not a very good journalist whereas the other two I've just mentioned are fairly decent, so her articles tend to get more of a response.

I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years she's no longer left wing, she seems to me to be an opportunist, she's adopted a left wing persona because there's a market for that in the current climate. On some issues (feminism, sexuality) I think she's pretty genuine, on others (protest, activism, anti-capitalism) I think she's not. But who cares really, this is about how private school/oxbridge feeds people into the media (and other parts of society, but this thread is about the media) and how this shapes society in return and why that matters. Also about how we are represented in the media and how we don't get to choose who we are represented by, but it's always oxbridge and usually private school, and never Butcher's mum.
Not sure you can call twitter the media and that's where most of the shit she says seems to come from on this thread. Just… fuck there are more important people out there to be attacking than her. She's essentially on your side for fucks sake :D
Not sure you can call twitter the media and that's where most of the shit she says seems to come from on this thread. Just… fuck there are more important people out there to be attacking than her. She's essentially on your side for fucks sake :D

news stateseman, new inquiry, newsnight etc
Not sure you can call twitter the media and that's where most of the shit she says seems to come from on this thread. Just… fuck there are more important people out there to be attacking than her. She's essentially on your side for fucks sake :D

Twitter is definitely part of the world of the commentariat, look at the spats that happen there between different journalists/bloggers/activists. You think that twitter isn't a space that is used to shape thought and reactions to events, in just the same way that traditional media does?
I'm not entirely convinced Laurie is essentially on our side tbh, like I said, I think she's an opportunist who will shift her political views to suit the landscape around her in terms of what she sees as being the best way to progress her journalist career.
Twitter is definitely part of the world of the commentariat, look at the spats that happen there between different journalists/bloggers/activists. You think that twitter isn't a space that is used to shape thought and reactions to events, in just the same way that traditional media does?
I'm not entirely convinced Laurie is essentially on our side tbh, like I said, I think she's an opportunist who will shift her political views to suit the landscape around her in terms of what she sees as being the best way to progress her journalist career.

on the last point the reason the likes of owen gets a lot of leeway is precisely because he does come across as genuine. A genuine left labourite, but still...
Twitter is definitely part of the world of the commentariat, look at the spats that happen there between different journalists/bloggers/activists. You think that twitter isn't a space that is used to shape thought and reactions to events, in just the same way that traditional media does?
I'm not entirely convinced Laurie is essentially on our side tbh, like I said, I think she's an opportunist who will shift her political views to suit the landscape around her in terms of what she sees as being the best way to progress her journalist career.
If I asked 10 people in the street who Laurie Penny was I'd guarantee you that not a single fucking one would have a clue. Not a bloody inkling. She's irrelevant. The left just love to hate her. Why do you think that is BigTom ? That's a more interesting question.
If I asked 10 people in the street who Laurie Penny was I'd guarantee you that not a single fucking one would have a clue. Not a bloody inkling. She's irrelevant. The left just love to hate her. Why do you think that is BigTom ? That's a more interesting question.

Of course they wouldn't, so what? This isn't about her. It's about what she represents and what she is part of, that's not irrelevant, don't miss the wood for the trees.

Who are "the left"? Why would you bunch a group of people together like this? Clearly plenty of people who would identify as left do like laurie, you can see that every time someone criticises her and she calls out for support.

I don't hate Laurie, I don't know her. I don't like her writing or the attitude she displays on twitter and through her writing. I don't like that someone who is private school/oxbridge is represented as a genuine voice of the working class, or that she plays to this though generally couching herself as the voice of a generation or as the voice of the left. I don't like the way she attacks any criticism of her work as mysogynistic or calls other racist. I don't like the privilege politics she most strongly subscribes to.
If I asked 10 people in the street who Laurie Penny was I'd guarantee you that not a single fucking one would have a clue. Not a bloody inkling. She's irrelevant. The left just love to hate her. Why do you think that is BigTom ? That's a more interesting question.

It's also a question that's been answered, in some detail, on here numerous times. I'll give you a clue - the answer isn't the one you seem to be insinuating.

That said, I'm done with talking about her. Have been for a while. There nothing new, or of value, to add to what has already been said.
It's also a question that's been answered, in some detail, on here numerous times. I'll give you a clue - the answer isn't the one you seem to be insinuating.

That said, I'm done with talking about her. Have been for a while. There nothing new, or of value, to add to what has already been said.
Tbf no way can I be arsed to read this mammoth thread and you could of just told me rather than write that waste of a post ;)
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