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Urban v's the Commentariat

Odd choice of attack on the SW by Jones, to argue that the SWP aren't real proper Leninists like what he is:

The SWP is expressly not Stalinist, having emerged from the notoriously fractured Trotskyist movement. But its internal authoritarianism – a parody of whatever Lenin meant by "democratic centralism" – reeks of Stalinism

Not to mention attacking Bone for having a pop at him rather than attacking bigger more deserving target, in a piece that Jones gives over almost entirely to attacking not one, but two minor targets instead of the properly deserving. Nor his (Jones) attacking these minor targets for their attacking people simply for being rich when the remainder of his own article consists in him attacking them, not for personally being rich, but for agreeing with things that rich people have said and done in the past.

Very poor this.
In the early 2000s, Ann Arbor's City Council debated an ordinance that included extensive regulation of animal cruelty, ranging from the number of pets a household could keep to the particular conditions required. Hours of debate on the ordinance spread across multiple Council meetings provided a new term for snarkily discussing the frivolity of a particular issue of public policy, when discussion was bogged down by an attempt to define what constituted a proper level of human companionship for goldfish.
Likin' that kind of thing
I am quite capable of speaking for myself Owen Jones, and while over the years I haven't exactly been a fan of Class War I think you should shove that megaphone up your arse and 'Fuck off back to Oxford.'
I see Owen narrating a Labour election video featuring actors playing proles who stop whatever ghastly activities they're engaged in to turn, tilt their heads and gawp forlornly at the camera for a couple of secs.
You will only undermine my allegiance to slavery if you can offer a coherent alternative

You will only undermine my allegiance to apartheid if you can offer a coherent alternative

You will only undermine my allegiance to The Borg if you can offer a coherent alternative
You will only undermine my allegiance to The Borg if you can offer a coherent alternative


'You will ALL be assimilated...'
Is the elitist education? Rubbing shoulders with the powerful? Owen just loves his Labour Party. A party that he pretends is not a carbon-copy of the centre-right.

Nor will he admit the People's Assembly is some bollocks campaign for get people voting Labour and a slightly less crushing austerity. Fuck that.
"POLITICS of envy" as oj calls it is just another way of silencing dissent. Why shouldn't ppl b envious & see how unfair things are? "Oh go on, u just have everything, don't mind me, I'll b over here with nothing" why does he have to demonise those with less in this way? Nasty name-calling, he can dish it out but can't take it. Also he is very defensive, much more than lp & regularly mocks (not very successfully) ppl on Twitter who disagree with him. He demands I'dthen "r u socialist or anarchist? " & Seems to think calling them anarchists is a huge insult. Usually he comes across as an arrogant prissy mug imo
I used to think that he was okay, but he seems increasingly just like a dishonest salesman with a niche shtick - just like Laurie Penny.
He has got more bitter lately, I rmbr a year or 2 ago he addressed what he calls one of the "twitter anarchists" saying how he (oj) really shared his beliefs & how hard it was for him (oj) to compromise & take a softer approach but that gradually, bit by bit, he (oj) was aiming for full communism, just like the anarchists. Except oj was achieving it thru joining the labour party. Or something
If it were up to Hague we'd be in a quagmire in Syria, nice Tory hero you have there Sunny
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