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Urban v's the Commentariat

Boycott Workfare have used twitter and other social media to great effect.
I tweet quite a lot, Twitter can b great for some things. What I think is silly is the arguments ppl get into on there where all anyone is interested in iz looking clever & making their opponent look a mug. U don't get the intelligent nuanced debate that I've found on urban :p

Jeez, it's Mutiny at the Bunty
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She quit because tightfist Eldritch was paying her only £75 a week or something. At that time I was getting £150 a week *plus* room and board in a pub. I could've got her a few hours no probs.
yeh but back then she didn't realise that come 2014 neo-liberals would be dogging her tracks.
Owen Jones having a pop at Ian Bone in a piece about the Eton polar bear youngster. This'll go well.

In a recent anti-austerity protest organised by the People's Assembly, Bone's Class War crew decided not to target, say, George Osborne or Iain Duncan-Smith, but mocked up an admittedly amusing banner featuring a still of me from a BBC programme clutching a bottle of champagne, adorned with the emphatic words: "Fuck off back to Oxford." Bone is a disciple of Mikhail Bakunin, a 19th-century Russian anarchist whose aristocratic family owned 500 serfs, and of the even more aristocratic Russian Peter Kropotkin.

This background-baiting unites Bone with the vitriolic right, many of whom remain silent about class privilege until it becomes a convenient means to attack a leftwinger.
I reckon that as part of a Labour/CW #payback2015 pact, OJ has agreed to give Ian "the mention" every so often.
Why isn't he arguing that all private schools should be reformed to the ground with the people defending them inside?
The supermarket shelf stacker, the nurse, the young black man
Doing the best they can, building their brands
Hard working families glued to plasma wide screens
Not long to go til payback 2015
The supermarket shelf stacker, the nurse, the young black man
Doing the best they can, building their brands
Hard working families glued to plasma wide screens
Not long to go til payback 2015

The revolution will be brought about by the autonomous construction of ethical personal brands by privately educated Oxbridge journalists or it will be more than a little bit racism/sexism/politics of envy
BTW OJ has been a bit quiet about the paedophile thing hasn't he, is it because Labour people are implicated?
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