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Urban v's the Commentariat

On a second reading, that Guardian review is full of backhanded compliments, I'm pretty sure Penny retweeted too, which once again demonstrates her delusion.
Yeah, but you know, she could organise a demo if she wanted to. She hasn't to the best of my knowledge, but she could.

Yeah, of the three things she says she could be doing (Twitter fighting, 'massive manifesto' writing, and demo organising), she seems to have got stuck on number one...
There is nothing geeky about arguing on twitter. Stupid & pointless maybe

Au contraire, Twitter spats can be a useful way to gain free publicity and tart your wares around the web if you're so inclined. If you have a thick skin and a shameless attitude to self-promotion then it's a marketing tool that you can use as a shop window if you know how.
Au contraire, Twitter spats can be a useful way to gain free publicity and tart your wares around the web if you're so inclined. If you have a thick skin and a shameless attitude to self-promotion then it's a marketing tool that you can use as a shop window if you know how.
Yep i forgot the narcissistic aspects of it & was thinking in actual practical terms! My mistake :)
Christ, the ability to write a paragraph but say nothing at all is pretty evident:

What's the 40,000 years of human history referring to? Humans have existed for about 200,000 years, we began behaving like pretentious apes about 50,000 years ago and recorded history began after 3,000 BC.

Before the agricultural revolution, there were no political or skilled classes. Men were doomed to a life of chasing around rabbits every day and women looked after the kids. Women were/are oppressed in virtually every society that later emerged, but it's a bit of a stretch to impose a gender struggle narrative on the long period of human history when there was nothing for men to hoard (including political power).

Also - 'Women will not return to sexual and political subjection without a fight to the death'. Putting aside the difference between LP's rhetoric ('throw a punch!') and the reality (avoiding protests with a police presence), groups that have chosen death over political subjugation are very few and far between, and most people don't really care about their political rights unless it brings some sort of material disadvantage. I think what LP means is that the Twittersphere would go up in flames.
That reads like a sixth form essay.

actually, i'd say it has most of the characteristics of first year uni student. it's written in a way that says the author is trying to write academic language without properly understanding the purpose of academic language isn't to make her look clever. the passive voice, the overuse of big terms, mixed in with some immature(in an academic writing sense) phrasing that only succeeds in convincing that she dosen't really understand the terms she is throwing about. I'm also going to say that it reads like someone hasn't understood that you have to learn the rules of sentence construction properly before you can properly understand where to ignore them. basically, the main failing is that she is trying to use a writing style she isn't able to do properly to try to give an impression of ability and understanding 9and authority) that she dosen't have.
Au contraire, Twitter spats can be a useful way to gain free publicity and tart your wares around the web if you're so inclined. If you have a thick skin and a shameless attitude to self-promotion then it's a marketing tool that you can use as a shop window if you know how.

Boycott Workfare have used twitter and other social media to great effect.
Her constituency, she says, is the underclass – gay and transgender people, goths, sex workers, rioters, anarchists – arguably the people with the most to lose from the neoliberalist agenda.

I had my first encounter with an intersectionalist at the bookfair here this weekend, that is almost the same list that she reeled off, before she stormed out of the room as she 'didn't feel listened to and didn't feel safe'
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