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Urban v's the Commentariat

There's probably a clause in his guardian contract making this kind of nonsense mandatory. He's only following orders.

That's not a valid defence.

The 2nd comment was a bit beneath you. I am going to get PD fan stavvers to call you out m8.

You should know by now that absolutely nothing is beneath me! :p
Also, it's not my fault the guy looks like a baby-faced teen, and would therefore be poster material for perves!

Meanwhile, Rachel Rosenfelt (lest we forget, new Ink-wirry co-founder and chum of Occupy chancer Malcolm Harris) is off to Gawker to be something called 'an Executive Producer.'

As mentioned previously, her da is John Hagel III who puts out books with go-getter titles like The Power Of Pull.

I'm guessing this waffle is essentially about getting people to work for nothing.

Would that be Malcolm Harris, the notorious promoter of unlawful sexual relations and serial monetiser of his address book?
copliker I liked the bit where the article said

“It’s not a role that exists right now,” she said. “They’re building a role around my talents. Part of it will be involving editorial, as well as recruiting. I’m helping to realize Gawker’s strategic objectives and shaping what they are.”

And she doesn't believe in diversity either:

The hiring comes not long after Gawker Media was publicly criticized for having no full-time female employees on its sports site, Deadspin. Conversely, The New Inquiry has drawn praise for publishing a wide and diverse group of voices. Rosenfelt said she was interested in helping Deadspin recruit more female staffers but her main concern is “talent.”

“I don’t recruit for diversity and never have,” she said. “I recruit for talent. At The New Inquiry we found that the best available talent is people that no one is looking at. This is because organizations overly rely on networking.”

I'm not saying anyone should be employed solely on things like gender, sexuality, race, disability but to state that you don't believe in recruiting for diversity is a pretty bold thing to say.
More faux radicalism:

was preparing myself to vote Labour with gritted teeth if there were no good Green candidates in my area but I’d feel far less dirty about the whole thing if I knew I was getting my own owl.

These next few paragraphs are just excruciating to read. Like a teenage confessional.
I do have a few questions, though. I want to know if the owls will be standardised. Who-whoo do I contact if my owl is defective? Will I have to raise my owl from a chick, feeding it tiny little gross bits of mouse and mince, or will it be presented to me personally by the council on the day Miliband swoops into power? Will the unemployed have to turn up at the Raptor Centre twice a week in order to keep their owl? How long will asylum seekers have to wait until they receive an owl of their own? What if some people, perhaps because of cultural differences, might prefer a different bird of prey, say a buzzard or a crested goshawk? Will small boys in Northern towns be allowed to keep their kestrels? If we must have an owl, can we choose what kind? The public demands answers.

Perhaps it’ll turn out that the Americans are right. Maybe Britain actually is a land of magic and make-believe, in which case it shouldn’t just be students at Hogwarts who are entitled to an owl. They’ve privatised the post office, so perhaps this is Labour’s solution: owls swooping down the chimneys of local authority-owned housing, dropping eviction notices and stern letters from the Department for Work and Pensions telling people with terminal cancer that they have to get a job or be kicked out on the street.

Or maybe it’ll be more like the film Labyrinth, but instead of a snowy owl flapping into your bedroom and turning into David Bowie in a fright wig and very tight tights, it turns into Ed Miliband. Hold that thought in your mind for a second, and imagine Owl Miliband waggling a magic crystal ball about and telling jobless, hopeless young people that their benefits have been stolen away, far far away, to the centre of a treacherous maze, lost for ever unless they can find work or training in thirteen hours.
She gets paid for this shit. A good (near) daily reminder of the perniciousness of the class system in this country.
he moves the stars for no one

People's Assembly spokesman Clare Solomon said: "It is essential for the welfare of millions of people that we stop austerity and halt this coalition government dead in its tracks before it does lasting damage to people's lives and our public services."

I see Clare's back in the news, but at least she is doing something
Would I be risking legal action by suggesting that the most credible explanation for Harris' weird views on age difference in sexual relationships is that he's probably a nonce? I think it might be, which is precisely why I'm not going to make that suggestion.

It may be, or it's possible that he's so socially and visually grotesque that only the young and foolish can be tricked into having sexual relations with him.
I see louis mensch has a page to herself in the Sun on Sunday. Dave bought it round cos he'd read it while on the bus. It's a proper comic, almost worse than the daily edition.
what did you think of the article? I can't say I disagreed with it. There certainly wasn't the 'blackout' all the hysterical ex-lib dems on my fb are screaming about.

A bit too clever, I agree the BBC are not there as a recruiting sergeant but if by any chance they had mentioned it before hand it might have gained more momentum, more numbers, more publicity on the day, then the next one would be bigger, its circular, anyway the backlash is quite significant, the Trust are going to have to respond

and of course they reported Falange and Co ad inifitum
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