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That post implies you can't be a feminist and like clothes & makeup, which is plain wrong.

It also plays into feminists being 'hellwraiths' which is wrong.


I never wear makeup, don't like it, except very occasionally, I don't often shave my legs although that's more out of laziness than a feminist principle :D
'slacker'- linguistically on about the whole 'slacker culture' thing in the US indie scene that was talked about in terms of being a real 'thing', around Nirvana/Kevin Smith/Clerks/Seattle scene times.

As illustrated by Superchunk's rather wonderful tune "Slack Motherfucker"

or the not quite so wonderful, but still illustrative period piece "Slacker"
As illustrated by Superchunk's rather wonderful tune "Slack Motherfucker"

Where's Laura? :( (Our Laura not msm and twitter personality Laura)

Edit: Aww. " In 2013 she announced that she would no longer be touring with the band due to her worsening hyperacusis."
I do think they're people outside of society desperately trying to catch up with the norms via massive guilt projection.

I see loads of projection in this stuff.

There's one of those caption photos of a (non-white) Oxbridge student who has been told "you must have got here on a positive discrimination policy" which catches the projection thing perfectly I think. On one level it's just a standard bit of upper-class racism born of social isolation and awkwardness (and arrogance of course).

But whoever said that must have known on some level (maybe not even the conscious one) that - like most Oxbridge students - they had inherited their own place from their parents social rank and are correspondingly keen to find equivalent inheritance in others, and where they can't, they just project wildly in all directions.

This also feeds back into their own vanity of course since the idea that they have merely inherited their Oxbridge places undermines their own sense of how wonderful they are for having come out on top, cleverer than their siblings & non-Oxbridge peers etc

"Look! Over there! This one didn't get in on merit!" (NOT LIKE ME)
I see loads of projection in this stuff.

There's one of those caption photos of a (non-white) Oxbridge student who has been told "you must have got here on a positive discrimination policy" which catches the projection thing perfectly I think. On one level it's just a standard bit of upper-class racism born of social isolation and awkwardness (and arrogance of course).

But whoever said that must have known on some level (maybe not even the conscious one) that - like most Oxbridge students - they had inherited their own place from their parents social rank and are correspondingly keen to find equivalent inheritance in others, and where they can't, they just project wildly in all directions.

This also feeds back into their own vanity of course since the idea that they have merely inherited their Oxbridge places undermines their own sense of how wonderful they are for having come out on top, cleverer than their siblings & non-Oxbridge peers etc

"Look! Over there! This one didn't get in on merit!" (NOT LIKE ME)

One wonders where, exactly, the smartest girl in a very smart school might fit into such an imaginary scenario.
percentages. That enormous bellend Frank Turner claims up on the 'scholarship boy' one because he was in eton on reduced fees- reduced by 15% iirc. So still more than me or my parents ever earn in a year. While typing this I'm recalling that Eton of all places has charitable status and thats annoying me.

I got tried out at swanbourne by my pushy ma- bronze result on the tests. 75% fees before you've paid for uniform kit meals or a school trip. So state school anyway, and I did ok there. Glad I failed that one tbf, I'm arrogant enough as it is. Private would have sent me into the stratosphere.

But whoever said that must have known on some level (maybe not even the conscious one) that - like most Oxbridge students - they had inherited their own place from their parents social rank and are correspondingly keen to find equivalent inheritance in others, and where they can't, they just project wildly in all directions.

see thats a bit psychoanalytical and I'm not sure I agree- for instance the intersectionalist massif having online presence, being prevalent in some voluble forms of media discourse on the left. The student union/s etc. *prepare for wavey hands* couldn't it be how radicalism has been radicalised? splintered not in to groups but the lense of any struggle through me alone?
Slactivism is an offensive word all around, it's an insult. That's the point of it. It's the way it's used that might make someone ableist. For example, accusing someone with ME, epilepsy, etc of being a slactivist is a big no no.

Not that I expect any of these people to understand that.
'Slacker' bands were in some ways characterised by wearing the clothes of revolutionaries (or hippies) without any particular political substance - although some bands were born from DIY punk roots, but it never translated into lyrical activism. One phrase for the more mainstream of these bands was 'rage against nothing'. CTs at the time (possibly from something Jello Biafra said?) maintained that 'The Man' pushed grunge as a means to distract white youth from gangster rap, which was considered more dangerous and subversive (what happened there then?).

So I can kind of see how 'slacktivism' could be related. My interpretation is that it refers to ineffectual bedroom protesting - starting a Facebook group to 'overthrow Assad' and pointless shit like that, the idea that a few clicks will change the world and that in having this 'power' you are meaningfully challenging the world.
'Slacker' bands were in some ways characterised by wearing the clothes of revolutionaries (or hippies) without any particular political substance - although some bands were born from DIY punk roots, but it never translated into lyrical activism. One phrase for the more mainstream of these bands was 'rage against nothing'. CTs at the time (possibly from something Jello Biafra said?) maintained that 'The Man' pushed grunge as a means to distract white youth from gangster rap, which was considered more dangerous and subversive (what happened there then?).

So I can kind of see how 'slacktivism' could be related. My interpretation is that it refers to ineffectual bedroom protesting - starting a Facebook group to 'overthrow Assad' and pointless shit like that, the idea that a few clicks will change the world and that in having this 'power' you are meaningfully challenging the world.

That post implies you can't be a feminist and like clothes & makeup, which is plain wrong.

It also plays into feminists being 'hellwraiths' which is wrong.


It's also utterly wrong on the descriptive level. LP is neither "terrifying" or a "hellwraith". "Mildly annoying" and "boringly self-righteous" would be far more accurate descriptions.

Just in case she deletes it. "I'm aware that it's not just women who get pregnant and I respect that. But talking about women and pregnancy matters, because >>"
Just in case she deletes it. "I'm aware that it's not just women who get pregnant and I respect that. But talking about women and pregnancy matters, because >>"

She's right, of course. Female camels, mice, hedgehogs and pigs, among many other creatures, also get pregnant.
If nothing else, LP's bullshit has alerted me to this bit of holy shitness.
A team of Chinese surgeons has successfully operated on a two-year-old boy, who was 'pregnant' with his parasitic twin.

The toddler, Xiao Feng , from Huaxi, was admitted to hospital with an abnormally large stomach and severe breathing difficulties. Various medical tests including X-Rays and MRI scans showed that Feng's parasitic twin was growing inside his stomach. The boy had absorbed his twin pair in utero.
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