For the record, I am disappointed in the election result and I won't be voting Lib Dem again. However, I think my reasons for voting for them were positive and worth defending.
However I made a mistake voting Tory this time round. I thought the doubty burghers of Dulwich would swing Tory, but it seems they swung more to Lib Dem.
Unfortunately Streatham Tories staged a full-blown Tory revival, enabling Chuka to comfortably coast home, streaking past the Lib Dems.
The best I can do now is campaign to re-zone Coldharbour into Streatham, and kiss Chuka's ring!
In my view the corruption of the Brown government is the worst since Horace Walpole in 1745.
If you were under heavy manners from JobCentre Plus like I am, I am sure you would agree.
I had a medical interview on Friday at Irene House in Balham. The place is like a fortress. There is a thick wooden door and video answerphone.
When you ring and tell them you have an appointment, the door is opened personally by an ATOL service security guard.
The receptionist was incredibly rude - obviously an understudy for Naomi Campbell. Didn't want to pay my bus fares, or those of my "supporter".
The doc himself was obviously uncomfortable with his role. I told him he was breaking his hippocratic oath even working there, and he did not challenge that.
I asked if he was a psychiatrist (as you will be aware I have mental problems). He admitted he was not a psychiatrist - just an ordinary doctor.
In fact I thought the interview with the doc went well - but I had taken the precaution of taking in my medical file - and volunteered my discharge certificate from Charter Nightingale Hospital. After that everything went well - until I came to claim my travel costs from Naomi Campbell.
On Monday I have an appointment with Ingeus at Elephant and Castle. One of Gordon's many PPP "Partners" to assess me for "Partner Led Pathways to Employment". The will get maybe £50 or £75, just for interviewing me.
They offer six week jobseeker courses which it is very difficult to turn down. They will be getting around £650-£1000 if I go on their course.
And me only out of work for less than 2 months so far - with a virtually unbroken work record of 33 YEARS up to now.
If you ring the London Bridge Job Centre Plus to quibble about being fed into the PPP Ingeus system, the staff refuse to give their full names. Only Christian names suc as "Jet", "Cheryl", or "Travis" are allowed apparently.
What are these people frightened of? They know where WE live, but we do not know where THEY live!
I am going to print out loads of stuff about Auschwitz and give them a lecture on it during the interview. The JobCentre Plus motto seems to be "Arbeit Macht Frei" so I think I have hit the nail on the head.
The doc understood that I am having a temporary nervous breakdown and will be fit again for work in a few months. Not the JobCentre. They have targets to meet. They don't care if I am a Finance Manager (my job title for the last 20 years) or a Toilet Cleaner.
I do hope that Cameron and Clegg manage to get rid of that evil toad in 10 Downing Street!
If I was a Pentecostalist I would be preaching about "the end times". Tony Blair = Anti Christ Gordon Brown = the BEAST with 9 horns etc.
Now I know why so many preachers in Brixton are unemployed people who have "Gone Off".
I may vote Tory next time to wind up the Urban wevolutionaries.
fwiw, most of my lib dem mates have been massively defensive.
we have been calling them judas cunts though, so i guess they're feeling a bit attacked.
fuck 'em, eh?
64% voted against the Tories. That's the majority.He has taken the moral high ground, he has done the right thing, are you suggesting it should ignore what the people have voted for?
I know the figures very well indeed - better than you. That's how i know that you're wrong. And that's how i know why you won't link to them but to a general page.
64% voted against the Tories. That's the majority.
It's also how PR-based parliaments throughout the world work. So, if you want PR, you'd better get used to coalitions of parties that didn't "win" under the terms you wish to cling to. You need to shed your party-based, and FPTP-based world-view.
You didn't read what I said. If an anti-Tory coalition comes about (setting aside for now its workability), then it isn't 'anti-democratic' if they can provide a majority over the Tories. That's what coalition and PR is about. Labour on their own can't do it, which is why they need to be part of a coalition. You're still thinking in FPTP terms.And 71% voted against Labour, which is a far larger majority, and therefore your agrument falls flat on it's face.
Polly Tonybee on the news this morning said that psephologists had worked out that 2/3s of LibDem votes were anti Tory votes. (She gave no reference, and I have no idea how the figure was arrived at). If that is the case, then going into coalition with the Tories would seriously damage his party. That doesn't mean, of course, that he has to go into coalition with Labour. He could sit back and allow a minority Tory govt. However, that means he misses his chance to get things his party says it stands for.Haven't read this thread but I think there's a bit of brinkmanship going on. Cameron isn't going to offer anything concrete, Clegg will then go over to Labour who are desperate and will give Clegg what he wants. Clegg did say if it was a hung parliament he go to whoever had the most seats first and talk with them. A committee on PR is a pathetic offer, plus most Lib-Dems would be happier with a coalition with labour rather than the Tories....Clegg has to keep his support base happy.
You didn't read what I said. If an anti-Tory coalition comes about (setting aside for now its workability), then it isn't 'anti-democratic' if they can provide a majority over the Tories. That's what coalition and PR is about. Labour on their own can't do it, which is why they need to be part of a coalition. You're still thinking in FPTP terms.
(Not that I see any great difference between the 3 main parties. I'm more enjoying the spectacle).
I think this notion that "we didn't vote for Brown as PM" (and its ancillary, "we didn't vote for Milliband") is specious: only people in Kirkaldy vote for Brown (and returned him with a vastly increased majority). We don't have presidential elections. It is up to the parties to select their leaders, and it is up to the Queen to give them the "legitimacy" of the Crown-in-Parliament.I think if Brown goes it will be easier for Clegg to go over to labour, but I don't think Brown will go unless he gets a shove down the stairs from his own party.
What's all this "your posters" bullshit? I don't own them, neither am I responsible for what opinions they hold.Some of your longterm (rl) posters got quite upset about that rueful/gloating aspect earlier.
It was a UK election to the UK parliament, Westminster.Actually it would be undemocratic for the English nation
Polly Tonybee on the news this morning said that psephologists had worked out that 2/3s of LibDem votes were anti Tory votes. (She gave no reference, and I have no idea how the figure was arrived at). If that is the case, then going into coalition with the Tories would seriously damage his party. That doesn't mean, of course, that he has to go into coalition with Labour. He could sit back and allow a minority Tory govt. However, that means he misses his chance to get things his party says it stands for.
You keep saying that, yes. Thing is, we know.As I said before, if the LibDems had got their predicted 80+ seats and the Tories came in with only around 280 seats, things could have been very different.
I wonder if Brown has packed his bags?
Indeed. But there is no "moral" imperative to side with the Tories. None at all. All this is about is arithmetic, and what Clegg and his party eventually decide is in their interests.This is Clegg's problem the maths has left it very difficult for him.
It was a UK election to the UK parliament, Westminster.