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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

It's a modified Iskander, as far as I have read. A high-tech weapon sure, but not a scary unprecedented one.
Not sure if this has been referred to yet?

Russia claiming it has used supersonic missile ..

Turns out the video of this attack put out by Russia was of a farmhouse in Eastern Ukraine being destroyed over a week ago, and not an ammunition bunker as claimed.

Maybe they really did blow up an ammo bunker, but that's not what the video is of.
Apologies if this has been posted already.
This was recorded in kyiv with permission of The Clash and all proceeds going to Ukrainian Resistance

Back in the day wars produced new songs eg we'll meet again, Lili Marlene, long way to Tipperary etc. The us civil war had loads of songs, both Confederate and union. We get a Ukrainian version of a 40 year auld song. They should have covered that drone song
It's a modified Iskander, as far as I have read. A high-tech weapon sure, but not a scary unprecedented one.

Turns out the video of this attack put out by Russia was of a farmhouse in Eastern Ukraine being destroyed over a week ago, and not an ammunition bunker as claimed.

Maybe they really did blow up an ammo bunker, but that's not what the video is of.
Yeh I thought the explosion small and unconvincing for an ammo dump
They’ve been putting out videos of training exercises, attacks in Syria, previous stuff from Donbas etc., loads of stuff debunked for having the wrong climate/vegetation for the time of year, or clips people have then tracked down to YouTube videos from several years ago. They’re not actually trying very hard, probably because they don’t really give a fuck what the world thinks. Tbf some of the claimed Ukrainian stuff has been dodgy too, though not necessarily coming through official channels, lots of people posting this sort of stuff in support.
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It's a modified Iskander, as far as I have read. A high-tech weapon sure, but not a scary unprecedented one.

Turns out the video of this attack put out by Russia was of a farmhouse in Eastern Ukraine being destroyed over a week ago, and not an ammunition bunker as claimed.

Maybe they really did blow up an ammo bunker, but that's not what the video is of.
BBC R4 news breathlessly reporting it but the website is more measured

Thread arguing that the Russian military campaign is in trouble.

Stalemate will likely be very violent and bloody, especially if it protracts. Stalemate is not armistice or ceasefire. It is a condition in war in which each side conducts offensive operations that do not fundamentally alter the situation. Those operations can be very damaging and cause enormous casualties. The World War I battles of the Somme, Verdun, and Passchendaele were all fought in conditions of stalemate and did not break the stalemate. If the war in Ukraine settles into a stalemate condition Russian forces will continue to bomb and bombard Ukrainian cities, devastating them and killing civilians, even as Ukrainian forces impose losses on Russian attackers and conduct counter-attacks of their own.
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Well, Boris Johnson managed to get in a final Russian fundraiser before the war started. He was trying to pry the last few quid out of the wife of the former Russian Deputy Finance Minister, who has previously given them £2m. Most impressively 'Tory sources' claimed he wasn't aware that Russia was going to invade 'at the time of the event', whereas as it says elsewhere in the piece, he himself had warned about the invasion, which happened a few hours after the event. Scumbags all over the World are getting a bit sick of johnson giving them a bad name.
The Guardian's Long Read
Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia’s war on Ukraine | Keith Gessen
Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia’s war on Ukraine – podcast

Covers a lot of the post-Soviet collapse landscape.

In retrospect, one could argue that if Nato had moved faster and accepted Ukraine and Georgia much earlier, none of what followed would have happened. This argument has the virtue of examples to bolster it: the Baltics entered Nato, and despite being former Soviet republics, have experienced relatively little Russian harassment since. But one could also argue that, in the face of mounting Russian alarm and repeated warnings about “red lines” over Nato, the US States and its allies should have been extra careful. They should have taken into account the specificity of the places they were dealing with, in particular Ukraine. Ukraine was not Russia, in Leonid Kuchma’s famous phrase, but it was also not Poland. One of the problems with Ukraine’s Nato bid in 2008, for example, pushed forth by the western-friendly Yushchenko administration, was that it was unpopular inside Ukraine – in large part because Ukrainians knew how Russia felt about it, and were rightly worried.

But as Nato and the EU both expanded further east, their representatives considered it a matter of principle not to make compromises with a regime they viewed as trying to bully them and Ukraine. Again, they may have been right in principle. In practice, Putin has been warning of this invasion, in one form or another, for 15 years. A great many voices are now saying that we should have been much tougher on Putin much earlier – that the sanctions we are now seeing should have been deployed after the war in Georgia in 2008, or after the polonium poisoning in London of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. But there is also a case to be made that we should have thought more deeply about how to create a security arrangement, and an economic one, in which Ukraine would never have been faced with such a fateful choice.
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The forcibly transported Mariupol citizens, taken to Russia they are saying but why and when will they next be heard from I can’t get my head round it, that’s not any part of normal war is it.

ETA unconfirmed reports that they’re having their passports taken & that it’s a ‘forced labour’ plan. How will news of what’s happening to them get out.

new york times interviews people who say the same archive.ph
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The forcibly transported Mariupol citizens, taken to Russia they are saying but why and when will they next be heard from I can’t get my head round it, that’s not any part of normal war is it.

ETA unconfirmed reports that they’re having their passports taken & that it’s a ‘forced labour’ plan. How will news of what’s happening to them get out.

new york times interviews people who say the same archive.ph
It's not that unexpected, it is the sort of thing I would expect to happen in a Russian occupation of Ukraine. Thinking that things like this could happen is why I have said several times that the way to prevent death and missery for the Ukrainians is absolutely not to stop the fighting.
It's not that unexpected, it is the sort of thing I would expect to happen in a Russian occupation of Ukraine. Thinking that things like this could happen is why I have said several times that the way to prevent death and missery for the Ukrainians is absolutely not to stop the fighting.
I think it is my absolute dread of things like this happens that Is making this so hard for me emotionally and why I so desperately want Ukraine to win this. And what I feel is nothing compared to what Ukrainians must feel.

As horrific as the US/UK occupation as Irag was I cannot help by feel a Russian occupation of Ukraine has the potential to be far worse.

It probably doesn't help that I have exchanged a few messages with people in Ukraine, makes it a bit more personal, feel a bit closer.
It's not that unexpected, it is the sort of thing I would expect to happen in a Russian occupation of Ukraine. Thinking that things like this could happen is why I have said several times that the way to prevent death and missery for the Ukrainians is absolutely not to stop the fighting.
Yep. From responses I’ve seen on twitter, whilst people like me are omg what is going on, those whose families have long been neighbours of Russia are not at all surprised by the forced transports.

Russian accounts claim they are just responding to requests to be transported to safety in Russia.
A Ukrainian friend of mine who is working to help arrivals at the polish border tells me hundreds of kids are going missing every day... Human trafficking gangs are operating in Poland and other border countries. It's insane

A Ukrainian friend of mine who is working to help arrivals at the polish border tells me hundreds of kids are going missing every day... Human trafficking gangs are operating in Poland and other border countries. It's insane

Again sadly very predictable.

Edit- I think this makes me sound like a bit of an ass trying to be some kind of know-it-all, and I should not have posted it. But I did so not going to delete it
The forcibly transported Mariupol citizens, taken to Russia they are saying but why and when will they next be heard from I can’t get my head round it, that’s not any part of normal war is it.

ETA unconfirmed reports that they’re having their passports taken & that it’s a ‘forced labour’ plan. How will news of what’s happening to them get out.

new york times interviews people who say the same archive.ph

It's basically Stalin all over again, isn't it?

One is very much reminded of 22,000 Polish Officers asking the NKVD to evacuate them to Katyn....
Was just going to ask, forced transports of civilian population out of their country are there more recent examples of this as part of how wars are done or is it something completely else, a different category, which is how it feels but idk.
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