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UK man sentenced for having manga images of children

You've completely lost me.
Are you saying this guy shouldn't have been prosecuted until every other nonce on the planet has been dealt with?
I'm saying he should have been handed a treatment sentence rather than a prison term..... This is a test case, so I imagine they will have sentence him as hard a possible.
I'm saying he should have been handed a treatment sentence rather than a prison term..... This is a test case, so I imagine they will have sentence him as hard a possible.
No, you're saying that he should not have been prosecuted at all. Make your mind up.
I'm saying he should have been handed a treatment sentence rather than a prison term..... This is a test case, so I imagine they will have sentence him as hard a possible.
He was a repeat offender. Repeat offenders tend to receive harsher sentences... Who would have thunk...
I'm saying he should have been handed a treatment sentence rather than a prison term..... This is a test case, so I imagine they will have sentence him as hard a possible.

His 'prison term' is suspended so effectively not a prison term and the judge acknowledged it was a victimless crime. These images were made illegal in 2010 and he's got previous.
I can't imagine someone with noncey intentions will actively seek out someone else with noncey intentions that often in quite the same way.....

Pedo rings.....

Stop equating "images" with photographs.


Manga images.

We're talking about two stories at the same time. the original article refers to manga images, those are the ones that im saying are an unrealistic depiction, and I'm unsure as to the further reaching consequences of something we all know very well isn't real.

Butchers ison about an aussie who solicited a cgi girl who is designed to look very real into having sex over webcam, and despite thinking the man with manga images should have the book thrown at him, doesn't think that that the australian man with the webcam should have any consequnece of trying to solicit online sex with a child on webcam as the child is not real and there was no victim.

Ah....badly made cartoon pics of an adult sexually abusing a child....that makes it ok....:confused:

Exactly mine too.

I don't think people wake up in the morning and think "oh yeah I'm going to be a nonce and hurt kids" it's a sexual compulsion and is medically recognised as such

Pedos don't think they are hurting kids. Pedos see nothing wrong with what they want ... they learn that it is unacceptable because society in it's protection of children has quite rightly has criminalised child sex abuse and tries to ensure the safety of children and ensure their right to be a child and have a childhood.

My understanding of something being pornographic is a recording of something happening

And the manga picture is not depicting anything sexual happening to a child?

It's about mindset.
A man looking at badly made fictitious images of an adult abusing a child is more than likely a pedo looking at an image that to him is sexually arousing.. He doesn't care whether the image is manga or whatever. ..it's provocative to him ... do you not accept this? It's porn to him. And because it represents a child it is child porn.
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The Gazette article I just read also said he hadn't informed police about online aliases which suggests he's already on the register after his first conviction.
If you do something frequently, and also surround yourself with people who also do that thing, it becomes normal for you. In the same way that someone who uses drugs and associates with other drug users comes to think of drug use as normal.

What's normal for an individual may not be normal for wider society. A guy might regularly masturbate to child porn, but what would lead him to think that it's normal for anyone to do that? Even if he associates with other paedos in his daily life, the fact that wider society, through the media and general social reaction, frequently spews venomous vitriol (as well as widely-publicised legal sanction) at such activities is bound to clue him in as to what is "normal".

For instance, most weed smokers I know are not in the habit of lighting up in more public places, and that is in the context of weed smoking being orders of magnitude more widely tolerated than noncing.
He hasn't been sent to prison and presumably he was caught because he was on the register due to his earlier activities. He avoided chokey because it was acknowledged it was a victimless crime but these images are illegal because of what they depict and what they could normalise or encourage. Any argument against that in order to defend artistic freedom is liberal crap.
Is that what it is? This week, it feels like a load of sexual deviant rape apologists are using the general liberal agenda on the boards as a carte blanche to justify their own shitty perspectives.

But I expect that's just me needing a good night's sleep.

Im certainly not being a rape apologist.
No, you're saying that he should not have been prosecuted at all. Make your mind up.

Here we go again.

It should be treated as a mental health problem.

Yet youre the one who did a total u-turn on aussie guy, said he should be let off, then said that you never did the u-turn despite quite clearly stating the opposite.... Are you actually going to explain that?
What's normal for an individual may not be normal for wider society. A guy might regularly masturbate to child porn, but what would lead him to think that it's normal for anyone to do that? Even if he associates with other paedos in his daily life, the fact that wider society, through the media and general social reaction, frequently spews venomous vitriol (as well as widely-publicised legal sanction) at such activities is bound to clue him in as to what is "normal".

For instance, most weed smokers I know are not in the habit of lighting up in more public places, and that is in the context of weed smoking being orders of magnitude more widely tolerated than noncing.

The internet normalises things for people I think.
Thats all the thread was ever going to be about, before I got accused of being a nonce and then being told I was going to be drowned.

No you weren't.......i think you are getting very confused and appear to not be picking up the nuances and sarcasm in the replies tbh
Here we go again.

It should be treated as a mental health problem.

Yet youre the one who did a total u-turn on aussie guy, said he should be let off, then said that you never did the u-turn despite quite clearly stating the opposite.... Are you actually going to explain that?


*Slowly walks away, shaking head.
Ah....badly made cartoon pics of an adult sexually abusing a child....that makes it ok....:confused:
But you're perfectly to accept that you can go buy a film, right now, legally on amazon that depicts child rape? You're cool with that?

Pedos don't think they are hurting kids. Pedos see nothing wrong with what they want ... they learn that it is unacceptable because society in it's protection of children has quite rightly has criminalised child sex abuse and tries to ensure the safety of children and ensure their right to be a child and have a childhood.
Ill take your word for it, ive not met any pedo's apart from my old maths teacher. Who didn't last very long.

And the manga picture is not depicting anything sexual happening to a child?
It's about mindset.
A man looking at badly made fictitious images of an adult abusing a child is more than likely a pedo looking at an image that to him is sexually arousing.. He doesn't care whether the image is manga or whatever. ..it's provocative to him ... do you not accept this? It's porn to him. And because it represents a child it is child porn.
I will always think a representation of its different to actually doing.... But i am very very literal in my approach to things, I forget others aren't
Here we go again.

It should be treated as a mental health problem.

Yet youre the one who did a total u-turn on aussie guy, said he should be let off, then said that you never did the u-turn despite quite clearly stating the opposite.... Are you actually going to explain that?
I made no u-turn. i have explained many times that this position i put forth as mine was a piss take of you and what your position logically entails.

You, however have moved from, no prosecution- nothing to see, here, but idf there were it would be THOUGHT CRIME - to well he should be prosecuted but treated as part of the deal.

You are pretty much all over the shop.
Here we go again.

It should be treated as a mental health problem.

Yet youre the one who did a total u-turn on aussie guy, said he should be let off, then said that you never did the u-turn despite quite clearly stating the opposite.... Are you actually going to explain that?

Serious question, and nobody shoot me down in flames please, are you on the spectrum?
Yet youre the one who did a total u-turn on aussie guy, said he should be let off, then said that you never did the u-turn despite quite clearly stating the opposite.... Are you actually going to explain that?

read my post 434
Im certainly not being a rape apologist.

You're saying this guy deserved leniency / treatment because the child porn was cartoon porn. You're calling pedophilia a mental health problem.
You've also mentioned the use of child porn images in the treatment of pedos.
That's controversial...tbh.
Handing a pedo pictures of child porn as a way to aleviate their sexual urges is like handing a 17 year old youth a porn mag and expecting that he will never want the real thing.


I'm going for a coffee...
Anyone else want one while I'm up?
Just to be clear as this is causing trouble - i think 'aussie guy' should be prosecuted. I think that under sim667's logic he should not be.
Would you like to have a look at the thread through the glasses I was wearing?
By definition i was being a rape apologist, the bloke would have had to have raped somone. So maybe you'd like to have a consider of how you've blurred the lines just to apply an offensive term to someone.

Looking at images is not raping someone, I'm not going to go home and rape my tv :facepalm:
By definition i was being a rape apologist, the bloke would have had to have raped somone. So maybe you'd like to have a consider of how you've blurred the lines just to apply an offensive term to someone.

Looking at images is not raping someone, I'm not going to go home and rape my tv :facepalm:
No he wouldn't - he would just have to try and justify raping someone. wtf is wrong wih you?
Just to be clear as this is causing trouble - i think 'aussie guy' should be prosecuted. I think that under sim667's logic he should not be.

Seriously you told me that it was avictimless crime and to let it go?!? its there in black and white.

And for the record I think aussie guy should be prosecuted. I didn't think manga guy should have been imprisoned.... and I've just been informed he hasn't when I thought he had.
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