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UK man sentenced for having manga images of children

which they may or may not try to realise into reality as their behaviour escalates.
I somehow doubt that there are many people in the world who jack off to pictures of mutilated animals.

Vore and otherkin:hmm: says otherwise :(
Really dont go looking its not nice stuff:(
Here's what I don't get regarding the "normalisation" argument:

Considering the scandalous stories widely published across the world concerning child sex in the media, in organised religion, in school sports, and in other areas, that are met with such widespread disapprobation and disgust, how can anyone except those so stupid as to be considered legally incompetent to operate anything more sophisticated than a doorknob, ever think that such activities are "normal"?

I mean, someone who acts like child sexual abuse is normal is bound to come a cropper eventually (more like pretty damn soon I reckon). Yet most paedophiles, I assume, attempt to hide their activities. Which implicitly says that they don't view their activities as normal, even if they refuse to admit the same to themselves.

You're confusing "normal" (a measure of what society considers to be acceptable) and "normalisation", which is an individual phenomenon where something considered socially unacceptable becomes perceived as "normal" by that individual. Almost always, there's some form of psychological pathology or problem (as wide-ranging as unresolved post-abuse trauma to [very very rarely] a brain tumour) driving the urge to normalisation. It's not about stupidity, it's about (in the majority of cases) how someone's psyche has been shaped by what they've experienced.
Because your consistently being patronising with your posts, even though the discussion is over, your continuing to dig things to have a shot at me about.

You can detect my intent to be patronising but not BA's to be sarcastic?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
edit: No actually I've had enough of this.

Louis MacNeice can you please explain why you're choosing to continue to berate and belittle me. I've shown humility in accepting that my view was not correctly put across in the first instance and seemingly wrong, despite thinking there's still double standards being shown in other peoples opinions.

I've quite cleary said earlier on in the thread that I might be a little bit out of kilter due to things from my history that I don't want to discuss in public, yet you're choosing to carry on harassing me over small minute points. In context, respectfully I ask you to please think about what you're actually choosing to do here in context of that comment. Because I'm sure from my point of view on why you're choosing to continue the beratement is for a very different reason to your one-up-man-ship.
You told me to fuck off; I didn't respond in kind.

I have been polite; not patronising just polite.

You accused me of wanting 'applause', wanting to be the 'big man'.

I have remained polite.

You said forcefully that you couldn't guess at another poster's intentions, but then seemed to have no problem in wrongly attributing intentions to me.

I am not harassing you, berating or belittling you. I am gently - and still politely - pointing out your inconsistency...that's all.

Louis MacNeice
You've been repeatedly patronising and you're now the only one posting about this.... Thanks for point out my inconsistencies.... But if you continue to do so it is purely for one up man ship
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