But I don't, I'm not going to, because he proactively tried to solicit sex with a child he thought was real, in the same way I had no compassion towards the blokes that were getting caught out on the pedphile hunter documentary.
They've proactively sought to have sex with a child....... Why should I changed my view just to fit in with what I've said about manga guy.
Manga guy is different, its clear that he's done what he though he could to try and avoid getting caught again, first time round he's obviously though "too realistic" and then moved on to manga. My point is how are they prosecuting him, the day after saying they won't prosecute some people who have intentionally looked for photographic images, and how can they justify prosecuting him when any of us, right now, can go to amazon and a film which depicts and implies a young boy getting raped (8 or 9), don't get me wrong here, this is a totally legit film, with BBFC clasification etc. It all seems very out of kilter, and I think manga man needs psychological help, not a prison sentence....
Whats so bad about all of that....? I got called a nonce for it so I'd like to know.