Well-Known Member
Apologies if this has already been posted (it probably has), but Paul Mason captures the resigned, reluctant, fatalistic reasons I'll be wearily ticking the remain box (plenty of good facts here too.)
The leftwing case for Brexit (one day)
Short version - EU is shit, Boris run neo-liberal theme park/hell holewhich would happen if we left would be even shitter, and much so.
Not only is the Brexit left-wing flank crumbling but they're not even reaching out to the centre. Spare a thought for poor Nigel, he's waited for this gig all his life only to be swept aside and out-looned by the Tory headbangers doing an even worse job than he would.
I attended a referendum debate in which they'd toned down the immigrant rhetoric, focused on trade deals and inserted the caveat; "I love Europe but I'm anti-EU." Peter Lilley couldn't wait for the audience to hear all about his gite in France. It was like David Brent telling the black man in the office how much he liked Bob Marley.