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The Trump presidency

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Report: Trump taunts Dems for letting 'Pocahontas' Warren become 'face of your party'

Trump frequently called Warren "Pocahontas" as an insult on the campaign trail, mocking her for previously talking about having a distant Native American ancestry.

He's mocking her because she made it up . She was bullshitting . There was no red Indian ancestry whatsoever . Which didn't stop her running about college and the like, all blonde and blue eyed, passing herself off as an oppressed minority .

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

She's not an Indian . She's the prequel to Rachel Dolezal .
There is a dedicated Steve Bannon thread you know. :mad:
I'm just watching his movie, generation zero, in which the hippies are basically to blame for everything, including the crash of 2008. Maybe he didn't get laid at woodstock.

Hardly the first to take that view.

Hippies are cunts, basically . Whether its Charles Manson or Daniel Cohn Bendt .
There is a dedicated Steve Bannon thread you know. :mad:
I'm just watching his movie, generation zero, in which the hippies are basically to blame for everything, including the crash of 2008. Maybe he didn't get laid at woodstock.
I'm about an hour in on generation zero.
I'd be interested to see what anyone thinks. It's not at all as silly as I thought at first, not so easy to dismiss.
My notes. Conspicuous consumption (yet they fail to mention Thorstein Veblen).

Moral hazard. Socialism for the wealthy. The Forgotten Man. Corporatism. Civic spirit. Respect for institutions and laws. Main street versus Wall Street. Too big to fail.

How do hippies become yuppies then the new elite. Unfunded liabilities. Debt. Greenspan put. Moral hazard again. The Fourth turning. Financial responsiblity.

They really hate Saul Alinsky. Must read Rules for Radicals!

It's horrible mess. A weird mix of Austrian economics, Tea Party mentality and Socialism.

Yeah I get their criticism of Wall Street. More of them should've failed. "Unfunded liabilities" they're based on population growth.

Steve Bannon needs to expand his reading. Ha-Joon Chang, Michael Hudson & Bill Black. The dollar is the only world global currency and it gives great benefits. Small minded blinkered numpties. To be fair there was no mention of the socialism of fools Antisemitism
Quite a few pictures of Jesus though, on the cross, luridly, whilst we're listening to the stuff about Goldman Sachs.
Do you get the feeling trumps watched this film more than once? It is not about the dollar being the only global currency it's just that the fortunes of the morally upstanding (praying & paying) residents of the USA is all that matters, everyone else non American is an enemy in a zero sum game.
Quite a few pictures of Jesus though, on the cross, luridly, whilst we're listening to the stuff about Goldman Sachs.
Do you get the feeling trumps watched this film more than once? It is not about the dollar being the only global currency it's just that the fortunes of the morally upstanding (praying & paying) residents of the USA is all that matters, everyone else non American is an enemy in a zero sum game.
Think we're dangerously verging onto Kremlinology here. I'm not sure what Steve Bannon thinks. He seems to hate the status quo but the new cabinet is full of billionaires.

It's more about what he does than what he says. I need to read more.
There is a dedicated Steve Bannon thread you know. :mad:
I'm just watching his movie, generation zero, in which the hippies are basically to blame for everything, including the crash of 2008. Maybe he didn't get laid at woodstock.
The most crazily rightwing Americans I know are former early 70s Marin County hippies. You'd struggle to find much more crazily reactionary or better armed people.

And yes self obsessed boomers on both sides of the culture war have a lot to answer for. It's not inequality or even rather comfortable middle decile folks being abandoned by smug liberals in favour of minority identity politics. It's not remotely like traumatised Weimar. This is a tantrum not a bread riot.

Trumpismo is mainly a resulting tumour of baseless ingrown self regard of which the man is walking orange sprayed symbol. He is loved because he unashamedly loves himself before his neighbour. He's a license to always pass by on the other side and that is liberating.
The most crazily rightwing Americans I know are former early 70s Marin County hippies. You'd struggle to find much more crazily reactionary or better armed people.

And yes self obsessed boomers on both sides of the culture war have a lot to answer for. It's not inequality or even rather comfortable middle decile folks being abandoned by smug liberals in favour of minority identity politics. It's not remotely like traumatised Weimar. This is a tantrum not a bread riot.

Trumpismo is mainly a resulting tumour of baseless ingrown self regard of which the man is walking orange sprayed symbol. He is loved because he unashamedly loves himself before his neighbour. He's a license to always pass by on the other side and that is liberating.

Food banks, chronic unemployment and under employment and bank bailouts a figment of people's imaginations then ?
It says she was running about passing herself off as a minority while unable to produce any evidence whatsoever of Indian ancestry . None . Not a shred .

She's a massive bullshitter and fully deserves to be mocked for it .

Plenty of people have family stories like that. They may be true or false, but your granddad tells them to you when you're little and you never see any reason to question them. I have something similar in my own family, but it doesn't make me a bullshitter. Or my granddad, necessarily.
He's mocking her because she made it up . She was bullshitting . There was no red Indian ancestry whatsoever . Which didn't stop her running about college and the like, all blonde and blue eyed, passing herself off as an oppressed minority .

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

She's not an Indian . She's the prequel to Rachel Dolezal .
He's mocking her because he's an asshole, and she's one of his most effective and vociferous critics.
It says she was running about passing herself off as a minority while unable to produce any evidence whatsoever of Indian ancestry . None . Not a shred .

She's a massive bullshitter and fully deserves to be mocked for it .

She said that it is family lore about her great grandmother, that she's been taught since she was a child.

There's no documentary proof, and she and her family might be mistaken.

But making an honest mistake based on something your whole family believes, is something different from being a 'massive bullshitter'.
Why? Do you think he's been cunningly pretending all this time, putting on an act of bonkers buffoonery to distract from his strategic genius? That is a hell of a conspiracy theory.
Louise Mensch was tweeting the other day that Trump's been diagnosed with a form of dementia, according to intelligence sources. Who knows if it's true, but if it is, it's alarming.
Louise Mensch was tweeting the other day that Trump's been diagnosed with a form of dementia, according to intelligence sources. Who knows if it's true, but if it is, it's alarming.

If it is, I reckon he's been suffering quite a while.

I wonder if she's seeing the same psychiatrist as him, on account of her multiple-accent split personality disorder.
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