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The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

its just showing the road that yours and mears politics aspire to..."those that have shall get - those that aint shall lose..."

nina simone

100,000 and counting?
Gumbert said:
that was five no six days ago...it takes your army that length to conquer a soveriegn country...

And they can't go in, until asked.

And they can't go in, when the locals say, let them loot.

We do have laws you know.

And the law says that this women is in charge of her state.


Its a shame that aperently its to complicated for you guys to understand, the concept of local control.
Gumbert said:
its just showing the road that yours and mears politics aspire to..."those that have shall get - those that aint shall lose..."

nina simone

100,000 and counting?

I'm a poor man living in one of the poorest states in the county. :rolleyes:
pbman said:
I'm a poor man living in one of the poorest states in the county. :rolleyes:
and so i beleived them always, and when disaster struck i thought boyee i should send check off to the sally army cos they doing better than my government....

mears said:
On that bastion of intellectual thought, Urban 75.

I do take it with a grain of salt. The looney left as represented on this board is a bitter minority. Many don't vote which is sad but good for the rest of us. Not taking up the franchise highlights the ignorance of coming to age university types and assorted clueless lefities roaming around Great Britian these days. But as always a bitter minority.

I was interested how Katrina would play out amongst the radical left. As the tradgedy unfolded there was scant attention paid to the topic. I was surprised to come on here and note no threads when most threads do of course deal with America on the world politics forum. All America all the time.

The constant mantra of the euro lefties is we don't hate the American people, just their government. That is not really the case, at least around here. The Euros on Urban are indifferent to the plight of the American people and also hate the US government. You could just mention the dead once in a while. Mention them just once without all the other stuff on class, race, Bush or Iraq. But that is asking a lot, I know. You could show a little respect for them and yourselves.

No, it doesn't matter until the blame game can start. Or at least when one of the intellectual juggernauts try to work in Iraq, or impeachment. Impeachment for what? Is Bush breaking laws :p If its always all America all the time at least learn our judicial system.

I'm sure you will all apportion blame to Indian and Bangledesh leaders next time a Sunami strikes.

what a disgrace.

I think the US is a great nation, and the americans a great people. Therefore, I hope Bush's legacy is swept from office at the next elections, so that a great people can get the sort of leadership that they deserve, one that reflects on their strengths, not their fears and weaknesses.
pbman said:
And they can't go in, until asked.

And they can't go in, when the locals say, let them loot.

We do have laws you know.

And the law says that this women is in charge of her state.


Its a shame that aperently its to complicated for you guys to understand, the concept of local control.[/QUOTE]

A couple of days into the disaster, the Governor called for a day of prayer.

Before the hurricane, she implored her constituents to 'pray down' the hurricane from a cat 5 to a cat 2.

Maybe for the last week, she was praying for manna to descend from heaven, or for the feces in the superdome to be converted into loaves and fishes.
mears said:
Where was the anger when the mega Tsunami hit Asia. Did you all hold their leaders to account for not devising an early warning system?

Problem is, US aid got to the tsunami as fast as it got to Louisiana. That's why people are mad.
mears said:
The boys are really outdoing themselves tonight. Penetrating analysis, facts, figures - you name it. No, the boys don't resort to one line responces or just posting pictures when those few thoughts dissipate.

They have all the answers. The boys know how to deal with a category 5 hurricane. Been there done that for them. They figured out how to deliver supplies and evacuate thousands on short notice.Experts on natural disasters.

Never underestimate the brillance of the European left.

The US govt has devised systems whereby they can put a bomb sniffing probe up the ass of every air traveller in the continental united states, but they couldn't come up with the money to repair the levee system, in spite of repeated and loud warnings about the danger that awaited should a major storm come along.

I thought the French were fucked up when thousands of old people died during their heat wave, and I think the US govt is fucked up when tens of thousands of people die sitting around for a week in 100 degree heat, waiting for help.
the press got in even faster to NO followed by the state functionaries five days later..

bit of a discrepancy me reckons
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Problem is, US aid got to the tsunami as fast as it got to Louisiana. That's why people are mad.

It was their before the storm hit.


I do belive we will find that help was a short distance away the whole time.


WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Aug. 29, 2005) – More than 5,000 National Guard troops have been activated in four states to assist with recovery operations as 140-mph winds of Hurricane Katrina strike the Gulf Coast.

The Louisiana National Guard has been assisting state police with the evacuation of New Orleans and has helped establish 122 shelters across the state.

“We’re doing it all,” said Lt. Col. Pete Schneider, Louisiana National Guard public affairs officer. “We’ve mobilized nearly 3,600 National Guard to assist in the hurricane effort.”
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Very true. That's why it was a mistake for the Bush govt to fold FEMA into Homeland Security.

They are to close togther, if you don't combine them they would compete like the CIA and FBI.

And thats a worse mess.......

We already ahve several federal agencys that compete with each other for money first and serve the public second.
BTW, I know that many americans consider canada to be a leftist country.

Well, this leftist country has offered its total emergency stockpile to the US, consting of $300 million worth of things like 167 field hospitals and various other emergency supplies.

We'll see if your govt takes us up on our offer.
pbman said:
It was their before the storm hit.


I do belive we will find that help was a short distance away the whole time.


Also from the article:

Schneider predicted that the shelters in Louisiana will have enough water, cots and Meals Ready to Eat for those forced from their homes by the storm. Guard troops are providing security and screening for New Orleans residents seeking shelter at the Superdome, and Schneider said the Louisiana Guard was also standing by with helicopter support, if necessary.


What went wrong?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
BTW, I know that many americans consider canada to be a leftist country.

Well, this leftist country has offered its total emergency stockpile to the US, consting of $300 million worth of things like 167 field hospitals and various other emergency supplies.

We'll see if your govt takes us up on our offer.
to much expenditure going on the war though....

they might meet that if the end the occupation though..
pbman said:
They are to close togther, if you don't combine them they would compete like the CIA and FBI.

And thats a worse mess.......

We already ahve several federal agencys that compete with each other for money first and serve the public second.

Problem seems to be that HS is too big, meaning too much bureacracy.

FEMA was relatively small and well run, with smaller chains of command.

I'm surprised to find you of all people defending the growth of federal govt bureaucracy.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
BTW, I know that many americans consider canada to be a leftist country.

Well, this leftist country has offered its total emergency stockpile to the US, consting of $300 million worth of things like 167 field hospitals and various other emergency supplies.

We'll see if your govt takes us up on our offer.

Have you seen the hospital set up at the N.O. airport?

They were dropping in planes every 3 minutes or so all day long setting it up.

And we do have that hospital ship...........

If we need anything else,i'm sure we will take you up on it.

Did you see that on tv it looked like the berlin airlift or something?

Fox was the only one covering it............
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Problem seems to be that HS is too big, meaning too much bureacracy.

FEMA was relatively small and well run, with smaller chains of command.

I'm surprised to find you of all people defending the growth of federal govt bureaucracy.

I understand the need for a "chain of command" thats clear and concise, in times of emergncy,you don't want people in a "pisssing contest".

Thats one of the biggest problems here, is that everything has to go throu the states.
pbman said:
Have you seen the hospital set up at the N.O. airport?

They were dropping in planes every 3 minutes or so all day long setting it up.

And we do have that hospital ship...........

If we need anything else,i'm sure we will take you up on it.

Did you see that on tv it looked like the berlin airlift or something?

Fox was the only one covering it............

They did take us up on our offer of four warships that left halifax with supplies, 1,000 sailors and helicopters.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Also from the article:

Schneider predicted that the shelters in Louisiana will have enough water, cots and Meals Ready to Eat for those forced from their homes by the storm. Guard troops are providing security and screening for New Orleans residents seeking shelter at the Superdome, and Schneider said the Louisiana Guard was also standing by with helicopter support, if necessary.


What went wrong?

No doubt they were sitting their empty.

And all the school buses to move the people were just sitting their.

But the mayor of N.O. is in charge of his town.

What he does or doesn't do is up to him.
pbman said:
And we do have that hospital ship...........

The place has been devastated along a 150 mile stretch of the gulf coast, and inland. I suspect they'll be needing lots of medical aid as the days go by.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
BTW, I know that many americans consider canada to be a leftist country.

Well, this leftist country has offered its total emergency stockpile to the US, consting of $300 million worth of things like 167 field hospitals and various other emergency supplies.

We'll see if your govt takes us up on our offer.

doubtful - but I'm betting that they will take us up on the oil.

btw, jc2 - Gangs of New York is on CBC - seems kind of appropriate.
spring-peeper said:
doubtful - but I'm betting that they will take us up on the oil.

btw, jc2 - Gangs of New York is on CBC - seems kind of appropriate.

Oh yeah, I forgot: canada is increasing its oil production export to the US by 100,000 barrels per day during the emergency.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
The place has been devastated along a 150 mile stretch of the gulf coast, and inland. I suspect they'll be needing lots of medical aid as the days go by.

Its larger than the UK.

But can you move them in, without FEMA, diverting personel form other missions to help you with logistics...........?

That the issue, with help, its a logistical nighmare, unless you are like a us navy fleet, and are self-supporting...........

CAn your navy, support your hospitals?

Are we talking a turn key operation?
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