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The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

mears said:
On that bastion of intellectual thought, Urban 75.

I do take it with a grain of salt. The looney left as represented on this board is a bitter minority. Many don't vote which is sad but good for the rest of us. Not taking up the franchise highlights the ignorance of coming to age university types and assorted clueless lefities roaming around Great Britian these days. But as always a bitter minority.

I was interested how Katrina would play out amongst the radical left. As the tradgedy unfolded there was scant attention paid to the topic. I was surprised to come on here and note no threads when most threads do of course deal with America on the world politics forum. All America all the time.

You really are a disgraceful waste of fuckin oxygen aren't you?....do everyone a favour and do one you low life imbecile.
The boys are really outdoing themselves tonight. Penetrating analysis, facts, figures - you name it. No, the boys don't resort to one line responces or just posting pictures when those few thoughts dissipate.

They have all the answers. The boys know how to deal with a category 5 hurricane. Been there done that for them. They figured out how to deliver supplies and evacuate thousands on short notice.Experts on natural disasters.

Never underestimate the brillance of the European left.
MightyAphrodite said:
You really are a disgraceful waste of fuckin oxygen aren't you?....do everyone a favour and do one you low life imbecile.

Now Mighty Aphrodite is a good example of the intellectual superiority of the radical left.

Look how aphrodite refutes my statements point by point. Both strong yet thoughtful prose. She know facts and examples are better than insults.

And does she present them in a straightforward, orderly fashion.

This one must vote.
mears said:
Not only a bitter minority but one emanating from an area (Europe) which loses prestige and power by the day. We are a superpower and will be after this tradgedy.

They say that pride comes before a fall....

Is George trying to tell us something here?

How exactly do we think he wants to be "got"?​
Orwell said:
A nationalist is one who thinks solely, or mainly, in terms of competitive prestige. He may be a positive or a negative nationalist -- that is, he may use his mental energy either in boosting or in denigrating -- but at any rate his thoughts always turn on victories, defeats, triumphs and humiliations. He sees history, especially contemporary history, as the endless rise and decline of great power units, and every event that happens seems to him a demonstration that his own side is on the upgrade and some hated rival is on the downgrade.

But finally, it is important not to confuse nationalism with mere worship of success. The nationalist does not go on the principle of simply ganging up with the strongest side. On the contrary, having picked his side, he persuades himself that it is the strongest, and is able to stick to his belief even when the facts are overwhelmingly against him. Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception. Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also -- since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself -- unshakeably certain of being in the right.
Whatever dude. :rolleyes:
Samuel Johnson said:
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Boswell tells us that Samuel Johnson made this famous pronouncement that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel on the evening of April 7, 1775.

* Makes note to celebrate April 7 2006 *

He doesn't provide any context for how the remark arose, so we don't really know for sure what was on Johnson's mind at the time.

However, Boswell assures us that Johnson was not indicting patriotism in general, only false patriotism.

Yeah, smelly lickspittle amanuesis...
mears said:
I know, weeks of advance notice. Transporting that many people out of the city is an easy proposition, it happens all over the place. Forty eight hours, tens of thousands of people, not a problem.
Do you live in Central Africa? Forty eight hours for tens of thousands of people? One frequently gets 100,000+ going to and from a sports game or a concert in a single evening. Louis Farrakahn was able to get close to a million people in and out of Washington DC for a demonstration on a single day. The idea that the most powerful and wealthy institution in the world couldn't acheive the same if they wanted to is stupid (but probably not quite as stupid as you).
gurrier said:
Do you live in Central Africa? Forty eight hours for tens of thousands of people? One frequently gets 100,000+ going to and from a sports game or a concert in a single evening. Louis Farrakahn was able to get close to a million people in and out of Washington DC for a demonstration on a single day. The idea that the most powerful and wealthy institution in the world couldn't acheive the same if they wanted to is stupid (but probably not quite as stupid as you).

Excuse me clown, the million man march took more than 48 hours to prepare. And a gathering or a sporting event is a little different than evacuating people with a natural disaster looming.

I know, evacuating that many people is a simple procedure. All those people get to those events you mention on their own. They come up with their own transportation. Not quite the case in New Orleans.

And none of you cared until you could place blame.
it was about 100,00 people left in New Orleans.

How fucking hard is it to evacuate 100,000 people.

Instead they were treated like animals and in the media presented as animals.
Why? Cos they are poor and mostly black.

If China and Cuba can evacuate over a million and a half people then surely the US can?
revol68 said:
it was about 100,00 people left in New Orleans.

How fucking hard is it to evacuate 100,000 people.

Instead they were treated like animals and in the media presented as animals.
Why? Cos they are poor and mostly black.

If China and Cuba can evacuate over a million and a half people then surely the US can?

We can.

But try to follow along, its not that tough, the us government, can just walk in and do what they like.

The state of lousiana is in charge.

The us gov't could have stoped the looting in about an hour, but we can't use the army in a law enforcement roll, unless certain conditions are met...........

Take a look at this artical


But it doesn't say that the mayor has no right to declair martial law, that has to be done by the govenor.

And she didn't do it.

August 30, 2005
Martial Law in New Orleans
It has been widely reported that state officials have declared martial law in New Orleans, as the emergency there worsens. However, I recently confirmed with the Governor's office of the State of Louisiana that Governor Kathleen Blanco has not declared martial law.

It would appear that local officials have misused the term, though I have not been able to find the source of the statement. This quickly filtered through the media. (It is more likely that local officials declared a curfew, which gives police probable cause to stop anyone for any reason.)

Just what is martial law, and what are the implications to civil liberties?

Martial law means a military authority has taken control of the normal administration of justice. Martial law may be used in times of emergency, when the traditional infrastructure (police, fire, etc.) are incapable of meeting the demands of the crisis.

Martial law is also used by totalitarian regimes on a more permanent basis for the enforcement of their rule. It is this form of martial law, where military tribunals replace civilian courts, that the civil libertarian is most concerned with.

The extent that martial law is imposed varies from nation to nation. In the United States, the 1866 Supreme Court ruling in Ex Parte Milligan limited martial law. This ruling bars the use of military tribunals on civilians, and that habeas corpus may only be temporarily suspended if civilian courts are forced closed. And even then, citizens may only be held without charges, and not tried.

Anytime we come under martial law, it is a concern - for one thing, military personnel are trained more for battle and not for law enforcement, and as such the potential for abuse or poor judgment is very real. (Thoughts of Kent State come to mind).

In the present example of the situation in New Orleans, it appears that the emergency warrants a temporary, limited martial law. With that said, I extend best wishes to all in the region that they get through this storm alright.

mears said:
Excuse me clown, the million man march took more than 48 hours to prepare. And a gathering or a sporting event is a little different than evacuating people with a natural disaster looming.
So, you reckon that they first considered the possibility that there might be hurricanes in the gulf region 48 hours before it hit? There is a federal agency with thousands of staff whose job it is to plan for such contingencies. Do you really think that the most powerful and wealthy institution in the world really couldn't fill a sports stadium with 48 hours notice when they have decades to plan for it? In Europe public demonstrations during big strikes can manage to get several hundred thousand people into cities for demonstrations with 1 day notice, mostly on buses and always for tiny amounts of money. It is simply ludicrous to suggest the the US state couldn't manage to transport 100,000 people out of a city in 48 hours. The thing is that the fundamentalist capitalism of the US refuses to do such a thing. Those with transport and with funds to pay for private accomodation get out no problem, those without die.

mears said:
And none of you cared until you could place blame.
Yep, all them lefties never said a thing about poverty, racism or capitalism gone mad. It's all about bush isn't it.

Just keep your brain turned off and wave that flag buddy.
Gumbert said:
hello mears...:)

the pbmen are some what cowed...

how about you?

I make alowances for clueless people.

On urban and in Lousiana...........

I don't like it, but i do just the same.
pbman said:
We can.

But try to follow along, its not that tough, the us government, can just walk in and do what they like.

The state of lousiana is in charge.

The us gov't could have stoped the looting in about an hour, but we can't use the army in a law enforcement roll, unless certain conditions are met...........

Take a look at this artical


But it doesn't say that the mayor has no right to declair martial law, that has to be done by the govenor.

And she didn't do it.
Do you really believe that the federal government were sitting there dying to intervene if it weren't for constitutional niceties? This is the most pathetic, cynical, buck-passing, cowardly excuse I've heard.
fishfingerer said:
Attention starving nig nogs!


I canceled a trip to colorado this weekend.

And sent the money off, to the salvation army instead.

How much did you send?
pbmen tell me i'm clueless but bush is doing a great job, biding his time to overule(?) the federal states, telling them five days later to "sort this mess out (soon as my ratings are going down the pan nevermind the oil..)"

jeez the guy bush as been humbled aint he? Hugging them girls like that. jeez, just like hes been to bangladesh-sri lanka-the philopines...Or Iraq(?)

like pbmen says its not bush that looks after things in "our " world - its the salvation army innit? bless 'em....

how much did you send 'em?
gurrier said:
Do you really believe that the federal government were sitting there dying to intervene if it weren't for constitutional niceties? This is the most pathetic, cynical, buck-passing, cowardly excuse I've heard.

After 200 hundred years, of doing things bureaucrat can't change gears all at once.

And the rule of law, and civil rights of americans are in place, until formaly suspended by the govenor.

She hasn't done so yet.

No doubt since you don't ahve any constitional rights, you think of them as niceties.

ARe you a nazi or what?
Gumbert said:
and so...

mears goes invisible...

do not feed the trolls

No doubt he has a life, and it doesn't revolve around urban. :rolleyes:

And if you want a jerk off discution, go on over to the uk politics section, you can talk shit about us behind our backs over their. :rolleyes:
Gumbert said:
pbmen tell me i'm clueless but bush is doing a great job, biding his time to overule(?) the federal states, telling them five days later to "sort this mess out (soon as my ratings are going down the pan nevermind the oil..)"

jeez the guy bush as been humbled aint he? Hugging them girls like that. jeez, just like hes been to bangladesh-sri lanka-the philopines...Or Iraq(?)

like pbmen says its not bush that looks after things in "our " world - its the salvation army innit? bless 'em....

how much did you send 'em?

Boy i'm going to love coming back to this thread, when you guys finaly fuigure it out.

I wonder if any of you will have the decnecy to apologise?
pbman said:
After 200 hundred years, of doing things bureaucrat can't change gears all at once.

And the rule of law, and civil rights of americans are in place, until formaly suspended by the govenor.

ARe you a nazi or what?

i dont want to engage your nazi thing or derail your line of thought pbmen...but one would tend to think your on shakey ground when i comes to baghdad...
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