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The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina

You fucking twat mears. How many people here are indifferent to your govts reaction? It's because people are suffering. It wouldn't matter otherwise would it?
mears said:
Where was the anger when the mega Tsunami hit Asia. Did you all hold their leaders to account for not devising an early warning system?

Your country's a superpower though. They're not and yet they got their relief effort started quicker that your government did.
peppery said:
Yes you are, one that left its people to starve for 5 days though.

A major city is completely flooded. There are islands of people trapped. How do you get to these people? You can't drive to them. Where do you land the helicopters when the city in underwater? Is it a sinch to evacuate 500,000 people in a couple of days?
siarc said:
There are two components to this, firstly the long list of logistical fuckups, which could loosely be separated into ~

~ Impact of federal/federal mandated discretionary spending cuts for flood defences
~ No evacuation program
~ Totally incoherence/absence of relief

All of which are major disgraces, the way local/state/federal govt failed will be analysed ad infinitum, no doubt in a climate of disinformation and nonsense.

And the more nebulous thing, the one that we'll never forget, is the sense of a society which, more than simply not giving a fuck, was incapable of giving a fuck. It didn't register that the infirm and impoverished couldn't 'haul ass' in their suv's, the almost psychopathic scenes of cops/troops defending property at the expense of people (directly so in the case of starving kids in a store with guns pointed at them)......and the fog created quite deliberately by tv/govt in spreading mythologised images of feral black criminals obstructing their own rescue, the barely sublimated racism which allows people to believe any crap Fox shoves down their willing throats. In this Bush and his gang of kleptocrats and killers are the focus of rage not so much for their (in)actions as what they signify.

I think this post sums up peoples anger brilliantly.
How do you get to these people? You can't drive to them.

You can according to the news report off that gay leftie news channel Fox. So what's up? Not enough vehicles over there?
"We are a superpower"

"Ozymandias of Egypt,"

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Yes, there was this type of anger at the Asian governments at their lack of preperation for the Tsunami.

Actually there was not. The "chimp" is not the leaders of those countries :D

Once again thanks for you expressions of sympathy and sorrow.
mears said:
Yes, there was this type of anger at the Asian governments at their lack of preperation for the Tsunami.

Actually there was not. The "chimp" is not the leaders of those countries :D

Once again thanks for you expressions of sympathy and sorrow.

Isn't it the case that there was an early warning of the tsunami, caught by (memory fails) a US team, which was not adequately sent through to the affceted areas?

And in this case, is it not also true that the levees would have held if urgently-requested remedial work had been done, but that Bush gov. refused that funding?

And is it not also true that hundreds of Americans have shown up (faster than the government) with buses and boats to help? But are being turned back before they can help.

Your crocodile tears about how we don't care are no defence against the sheer anger felt across the planet at your government's cynical failure to protecvt its citizens, and its subsequent failure to rescue them.

And yes, a lot of people on these boards habve nothing but compassion for the victims here, and hope that the guilty partiers in this (hint: politicians) are taken into account.

I'd pursue the point, but you are not listening.
peppery said:
If you like an action packed war films, then yes, especially for the D-Day sequence which is spectacular.
No, I don't really. I don't go for action movies. I like character development better.
mears said:
Not only a bitter minority but one emanating from an area (Europe) which loses prestige and power by the day. We are a superpower and will be after this tragedy.

Katrina struck on a small part of huge country, one something like 40 times the size of England. That might be hard for some of you to grasp.

China and India are the next players on the world stage.

Europe's time has come and gone.

I understand this adds to the frustration and anger.

Are you not getting enough naked action,so you have to pretend that you gain some reflected glory by being a pawn in your ruling class.

Your a sad reflection that Europe dumped its mentally ill on North America in 17th to 19th centuries. I apologise to the natives , but in those days we lacked the necessary care system, it appears that the USA has not developed one in the mean time.
james_walsh said:

Are you not getting enough naked action,so you have to pretend that you gain some reflected glory by being a pawn in your ruling class.

Your a sad reflection that Europe dumped its mentally ill on North America in 17th to 19th centuries. I apologise to the natives , but in those days we lacked the necessary care system, it appears that the USA has not developed one in the mean time.

New one on me mate.
I'm with you Mears baby! The pbmen said the failure to deal with the catastrophe is all down to the fact that liberals run everything in the affected states and are too homosexual and commie to shoot the nig nog crackhead sniper squads who stayed behind to rape babies and rob whitey's hard earned abandoned consumer goods. Wotchathink!?!
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